Does anyone else like to spend time alone?


Well-known member
I really like to be alone b/c you see the world differently when you are, at least I do. When I am with someone who say, is massively controlling, then you need to BUT ideally the people you spend time with should enhance your life not take away from it. It's hard to find, but when I do find those people I like to Not be alone because they add to my life.


I love it, In fact i'm alone right now and i'm lovin' it! when i get into large groups of people i begin to feel sleepy or drained, Common introverted trait i think.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I value my alone time very much. Possibly too much. I like the freedom that time alone gives me. I don't have to accommodate anyone else, or do anything I don't really feel like doing, although I sometimes wonder if it makes me a more selfish person in some ways.


Well-known member
Yes, needing to spend time alone is very common thing for introverts, its when we can recharge our "batteries" and junk :)

I usually spend most evenings on my own after work and I like hassle or interruption.


Well-known member
No, being a hermit is lonely; one of the worst feelings in the world. I use to love being alone. Now I hate it.
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Well-known member
Yep, you’re a certainly not alone. I am not sure if you have seen a wraith on a sci fi tv show, but that’s how I feel about humans they drain the life out of me.


Well-known member
I dont require time alone... Actually, to be honest, I have too much time alone. After hanging out or being out or something though, I value time alone. For example, I'll hang out one day, but then the next day I prefer to be alone to catch up on what I missed the other day.


Well-known member
I enjoy alone time very much. Lately, I've been trying to go on walks while my son is in school. I prefer to do this alone, as he tends to get distracted. In fact, I don't generally like being around people, except for a few close friends and my bf.


Well-known member
It's relaxing at the end of the day (or on a day when I don't really feel like doing much of anything), but lately I like to be alone minimally (even though I'm alone most of the time). I don't know if I'm slowly turning into an extrovert or what, but I just hate being alone most of the time lately.


Well-known member
It's relaxing at the end of the day (or on a day when I don't really feel like doing much of anything), but lately I like to be alone minimally (even though I'm alone most of the time). I don't know if I'm slowly turning into an extrovert or what, but I just hate being alone most of the time lately.

yes, exactly how i feel


Well-known member
No, being a hermit is lonely; one of the worst feelings in the world. I use to love being alone. Now I hate it.
I wonder if I'll get this way.

I currently still live with my parents and my goal in the future is to move out and live on my own. Financially, it's just not going to happen at the moment, but with some luck, maybe in the future. I always wonder if I would enjoy being alone all the time or if I would crave company.

See, at the moment, I really enjoy being on my own and I love having the house to myself...but is that because I truly enjoy it or because I know that someone will be back? I don't know.

I don't always like to hang out with friends because I like my "me" time. But hey, each to their own. :)
Yep, time alone is recharging time, brain defragging time

He he, very well put :D

I'm alone for most of most days (~22/7/365 on average). For "recoupperating" from social situations, it is excellent. However i tend to always be overdoing stuff while alone (& "under-doing" stuff while in company), due to my obsessive personality. Which means, although an introvert, and alone, i am often NOT relaxed/recharged/etc. So, its almost like i also need PEOPLE (to stop me thinking/accomplishing/etc) to recharge from my "recharging"! :D (lol)
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Well-known member
I am very much an introvert. I need a lot of alone time. Sometimes I just like to chill on the computer or whatever. I love just relaxing and daydreaming, thinking about whatever. I even prefer to be alone in public. I like to go alone to do errands. I like to go shopping alone. Although eating alone in public makes me uncomfortable. I hate hanging out with people in large groups. One-on-one, or a small group is much better. I look forward to someday living alone. When I move out of my parents' house, I am definitely going to need a certain amount of time to just live by myself. I couldn't even imagine having a roommate. I need my space. I just want to do my own thing and not have anyone else get in my way. Sometimes even the thought of living with a boyfriend or husband kinda scares me. I wouldn't want to move in with a guy unless I really think we'll stay together. I'd have to be very happy with someone to give up being alone. I just need to find a guy who gives me my space when I need it. My ex-boyfriend was not like that at all. He expected that we hang out any time I wasn't at school or at work. He didn't get that I need time just to be alone and get things done. I felt smothered. I could never deal with a guy like that again.


Well-known member
I am very much an introvert. I need a lot of alone time. Sometimes I just like to chill on the computer or whatever. I love just relaxing and daydreaming, thinking about whatever. I even prefer to be alone in public. I like to go alone to do errands. I like to go shopping alone. Although eating alone in public makes me uncomfortable. I hate hanging out with people in large groups. One-on-one, or a small group is much better. I look forward to someday living alone. When I move out of my parents' house, I am definitely going to need a certain amount of time to just live by myself. I couldn't even imagine having a roommate. I need my space. I just want to do my own thing and not have anyone else get in my way. Sometimes even the thought of living with a boyfriend or husband kinda scares me. I wouldn't want to move in with a guy unless I really think we'll stay together. I'd have to be very happy with someone to give up being alone. I just need to find a guy who gives me my space when I need it. My ex-boyfriend was not like that at all. He expected that we hang out any time I wasn't at school or at work. He didn't get that I need time just to be alone and get things done. I felt smothered. I could never deal with a guy like that again.
Heh, this sounds very much like me. I also prefer to do errands and shop alone, because there's no distractions and no detours. You go, do what you gotta do, and get out. I also agree that eating alone is not comfortable, especially in malls or something. I'd rather eat alone at home or in the car.

Agreed on living alone after moving out of the parents place. I live with my parents and my next move will be living alone somehow. I will make that happen! :)


Well-known member
My natural state is being alone. I am happiest when I can get away from people altogether. The thought of being with anyone for any length of time makes me feel uncomfortable. I can't imagine being in a relationship of any kind, long or short term with anyone, the concept is an alien one to me. I'd rather keep to my own company. I would never cohabit with anybody. I would like to be able to deal better with basic human interactions when I venture out into the world of people. Not being able to relate well even on simple terms causes me pain.
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Well-known member
oh yeah , in fact , i prefer to be alone all the time , having online friends would be enough for me , i unfortunately don't have any haha . I ditched all my real life friends slowly until i had none left , at first , they called me the hermit , then i completely disappeared from their life , ignoring phone calls and messages. I went from a music producer/DJ who used to want fame and success , to a total hermit and i feel much better this way. I'm always scared to bump into people i know here , i feel a bit guilty for abandoning them.
Right, is it because you couldn't be like they were? You might of tried, really tried am I right? But as the crowd does, they label ya and push you to the side. Maybe not for you, but for me I just couldn't wrap my head around these hollow caricatures and how they behave. I couldn't win with them.