Does anyone else like to spend time alone?


Well-known member
To be honest, I don't know if I like spending time on my own, or if i have just got used to doing so. I spend the day at university, and I like going home to relax on my own but I don't know if its more about relief than just enjoying my own company lol.

I think everyone likes spending time alone, SA or not.


New member
i have spent my entire 35 years feeling different. and just yesterday i realized that i have social anxiety. i knew that i was introverted. but i didnt realize i have a disorder causing this. i require what i call, "down time", probably about 3 hours a day at least. i am married with 3 kids ages 4, 1, and newborn. my husband is in the army so we are stationed in a foreign country. he is gone to the field right now (training for a month). hes been gone 10 days. so if you do the math here, you can see that i am getting NO down time. so yesterday i really started to feel like i was losing it. i was questioning my sanity. i got on the computer, typed in my symptoms and BAM, found a site that literally and creepily described my daily existence. i am relieved that i know what is wrong with me. it took me years to accept that it was ok for me to be who i am, til i was about 28 years old. even my family made me feel like i was weird. my oldest daughter has taken after me. in groups she plays alone. my husband without realizing, is making her feel uncomfortable in her own skin. i REFUSE to allow this to happen to my child. there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting to be alone, play alone, live alone!! why force your child be in groups when they are completely happy by themselves? my son didnt take after me, but my youngest we have yet to see. i will embrace all my children and let them know that it is ok to want to be alone or whatever they want in their lives!!
Yep, time alone is recharging time, brain defragging time. This is a common introvert thing (doing it now) :)

That's an interesting way of putting it. :)

I value my alone time very much. Possibly too much. I like the freedom that time alone gives me. I don't have to accommodate anyone else, or do anything I don't really feel like doing, although I sometimes wonder if it makes me a more selfish person in some ways.

That's me. Although I have noticed that I am more comfortable being around others than I ever have been and I'm starting to take advantage of that.


New member
I used to enjoy spending time alone, didn't even realised I had a problem, until I'm nearly 30 and have done nothing in my life. Really need to start doing something about it but lack motivation :(


Well-known member
I used to enjoy spending time alone, didn't even realised I had a problem, until I'm nearly 30 and have done nothing in my life. Really need to start doing something about it but lack motivation :(
I know exactly what you mean. Motivation and procrastination is my killer.


Well-known member
I'm a typical introvert, I have an actual physical and mental need for alone time. But, I also have a human need to be around other people and interact to a certain extent. That's the hard part.


Well-known member
I'm a typical introvert, I have an actual physical and mental need for alone time. But, I also have a human need to be around other people and interact to a certain extent. That's the hard part.
Yeah, I'm the same. If I hang around people for too long, I get edgy and I want to space out on my own.

Why is the human need a hard part? It's just how we're wired - we're social creatures.


Well-known member
I like spending time alone but I also like going out sometimes.

The only thing I have difficulty with is finding a good balance, usually I'm either pooped from going out too much or a bit lonely cos I stay in too much :)


Well-known member
I like being around people I get along with or to have fun but I always need some alone time to recharge. I'm the independent sort, so I don't mind doing things alone.