Do you like math?


Well-known member
Can I answer anyway? Yes, in fact I love math. I do algebra when I am stressed out cuz it relaxes me. I minored in math in college ^^ My favorite is Calc. And I am obsessed with the history of math... from the Ancient Egyptians to Pythagoras and the knights Templar and Euclid and Galileo and all the great thinkers like that. Math is fantastic.


Super Moderator
No. I always sucked at that. I'm not really fond of numbers. I get a headache after being exposed to them for too long, lol.


Well-known member
No, it’s not something I am naturally inclined to. I can do it whilst I am studying it, but if I stop using it, I lose it and have to learn it from scratch.


Well-known member
I hate it. That's only because I can't do it, though. I get so frustrated with myself because I can't understand something so...obvious. Numbers just don't work in my brain, I guess. It's really depressing. One thing I like about math, though, is that it's universal. It's the same everywhere, whereas language is clearly not. I wish so badly that I could do it. I don't know anything past division and I'm 21 years old. Lame, much?


Well-known member
I hate it. That's only because I can't do it, though. I get so frustrated with myself because I can't understand something so...obvious. Numbers just don't work in my brain, I guess. It's really depressing. One thing I like about math, though, is that it's universal. It's the same everywhere, whereas language is clearly not. I wish so badly that I could do it. I don't know anything past division and I'm 21 years old. Lame, much?

That is exactly why I love math. It is universal. And with very few exceptions, there are right and wrong answers. Math is very clear cut (in most instances). You are either right, or you are wrong. It is such a simple concept, but such a beautiful and complex art. Society's were built on math... science, music, language... I don't see how anyone could hate such a fantastically intricate and beautiful thing that has brought our species so far... Everything is math... every single thing, from the molecules and atoms that make us up to the vastness of the Universe... I'm in love *sigh*


Well-known member
That is exactly why I love math. It is universal. And with very few exceptions, there are right and wrong answers. Math is very clear cut (in most instances). You are either right, or you are wrong. It is such a simple concept, but such a beautiful and complex art. Society's were built on math... science, music, language... I don't see how anyone could hate such a fantastically intricate and beautiful thing that has brought our species so far... Everything is math... every single thing, from the molecules and atoms that make us up to the vastness of the Universe... I'm in love *sigh*

Oh, I totally agree. Don't get me wrong, I think it's an amazing concept. I'm just angry at it and myself because my brain can't comprehend it, for the most part. It's incredibly frustrating. I do agree with you, though. Math IS, indeed, everything.


Well-known member
I enjoy mathematics but I remain dubious about classes that have you do extensive proofs like those one would see in upper-division mathematics courses.


Well-known member
Oh, I totally agree. Don't get me wrong, I think it's an amazing concept. I'm just angry at it and myself because my brain can't comprehend it, for the most part. It's incredibly frustrating. I do agree with you, though. Math IS, indeed, everything.

Oh sorry xD That comment wasn't really directed at you in particular per say.. about how can anyone hate math lol I was just rambling and I happened to quote you cuz I liked what you said ^^. I myself used to hate it too. I mean it can be so frustrating sometimes when you know the right answer but even still you can't get it... no matter how hard you try... or when you just can't wrap your head around a concept that everyone else seems to get... I have thrown many a math book across the room while in college lol. But when I was in my Sophomore year I got a fantastic math teacher... who just started with teaching me the basics (I mean like from what is a whole number to adding and subtracting up to Algebra) and I just flew with it from there... something about the way she taught it just clicked with me. I mean I have always been a scientific person... but applied science math and text book math in a class room... TOTALLY different. As left brained as I am... I needed that little light to come on and I am so grateful it did. I just think now.. I am so in love with it and it comes so naturally to me, I can't understand how other people don't feel the same as me lol But I guess that's cuz I am introverted and I tend to assume everyone is like me. I guess that makes me kinda selfish :/ Anyway! I wish I could tutor you xD But at least you see the beauty in it. So many people just look at it in disgust
But without it I couldn't be a mad scientist so... I owe math a lot hehehe


Well-known member
Oh sorry xD That comment wasn't really directed at you in particular per say.. about how can anyone hate math lol I was just rambling and I happened to quote you cuz I liked what you said ^^. I myself used to hate it too. I mean it can be so frustrating sometimes when you know the right answer but even still you can't get it... no matter how hard you try... or when you just can't wrap your head around a concept that everyone else seems to get... I have thrown many a math book across the room while in college lol. But when I was in my Sophomore year I got a fantastic math teacher... who just started with teaching me the basics (I mean like from what is a whole number to adding and subtracting up to Algebra) and I just flew with it from there... something about the way she taught it just clicked with me. I mean I have always been a scientific person... but applied science math and text book math in a class room... TOTALLY different. As left brained as I am... I needed that little light to come on and I am so grateful it did. I just think now.. I am so in love with it and it comes so naturally to me, I can't understand how other people don't feel the same as me lol But I guess that's cuz I am introverted and I tend to assume everyone is like me. I guess that makes me kinda selfish :/ Anyway! I wish I could tutor you xD But at least you see the beauty in it. So many people just look at it in disgust
But without it I couldn't be a mad scientist so... I owe math a lot hehehe

Yeah, I definitely understand what you mean! I would love to say that I'm a scientific person, but alas, I'm not really. I love science, everything about it. It fascinates the hell out of me. I just...suck. At everything. I wish you could tutor me, too! Lol. I think it'd be great. You seem to know a lot about it - I'm jealous. I'm glad it just comes naturally to you, though. I can imagine how grateful you must have been to have such a great teacher. I often wonder if it would click better with me if I had a great teacher, too. Guess I'll never know! Haha.


Well-known member
I mean it can be so frustrating sometimes when you know the right answer but even still you can't get it... no matter how hard you try... or when you just can't wrap your head around a concept that everyone else seems to get

Like the first day of epsilon-delta proofs? ::p:


Well-known member
Yeah, I definitely understand what you mean! I would love to say that I'm a scientific person, but alas, I'm not really. I love science, everything about it. It fascinates the hell out of me. I just...suck. At everything. I wish you could tutor me, too! Lol. I think it'd be great. You seem to know a lot about it - I'm jealous. I'm glad it just comes naturally to you, though. I can imagine how grateful you must have been to have such a great teacher. I often wonder if it would click better with me if I had a great teacher, too. Guess I'll never know! Haha.

WEEEE SCIENCE!!!! It's what I live for! Any and all science.. well, except physics. Physics is the bane of my existence. For some reason that one just doesn't click so well lmao. Chemistry tho.. I can do it with my eyes closed. And everything else. I think that's why I haven't gone to grad school yet. I have no idea what I actually want to major in. Probably will just be Organic Chem tho. It's my old fail safe. But Oceanography and Meteorology and Astronomy and Genetics and Virology and Biology...the list goes on forever... I want to do all those too =/ That's why I went into pharmacy. I used to mix chemotherapy for a living. I was a compound tech at a hospital. Best job of my life. Especially when you get to break out the cherry syrup for the pediatric wards!!!! xD Tho.. I wouldn't want to ever drink the stuff that I made for them *shudders*


Well-known member
WEEEE SCIENCE!!!! It's what I live for! Any and all science.. well, except physics. Physics is the bane of my existence. For some reason that one just doesn't click so well lmao. Chemistry tho.. I can do it with my eyes closed. And everything else. I think that's why I haven't gone to grad school yet. I have no idea what I actually want to major in. Probably will just be Organic Chem tho. It's my old fail safe. But Oceanography and Meteorology and Astronomy and Genetics and Virology and Biology...the list goes on forever... I want to do all those too =/ That's why I went into pharmacy. I used to mix chemotherapy for a living. I was a compound tech at a hospital. Best job of my life. Especially when you get to break out the cherry syrup for the pediatric wards!!!! xD Tho.. I wouldn't want to ever drink the stuff that I made for them *shudders*

God. That's highly impressive. I'm so jealous, lol. Even if physics doesn't click well with you, you're obviously pretty much perfect in everything else! I think I'm just going to rob you of your brain when you're sleeping. :p


Well-known member
God. That's highly impressive. I'm so jealous, lol. Even if physics doesn't click well with you, you're obviously pretty much perfect in everything else! I think I'm just going to rob you of your brain when you're sleeping. :p

LMAO well far from perfect... but I have been doing Chemistry since I was in kindergarten... like well not at a college level, but in a college setting. My mom used to take me to the lab while she was in school and the Dean took a real liking to me, so I would spend like 90% of my time in the lab and they would give me projects to do and problems to solve. It was my life for so long... Like I said in that other post... I was making sodium acetate at age 5.. so that I was just sort of lucky to be born in to in a way. Which is why I can do it so well now.

The other stuff.. I just sort of taught myself. I had a really shakey school life. I was pretty much normal grades k-3 but after 3rd my mom got sick and life went to hell and I just stopped going to school pretty much altogether because she completely disappeared from my life and I was raising myself from that point on. Well I went to school like.. 2 days a week lol if that. But the kids were terrible.. and the teachers. Otherwise I would just hide in my room or climb a tree and read my mom's old college text books. 3rd grade is when the SA really started to kick in. Then in 6th grade they transferred me to a private boarding school cuz mom couldn't take care of me, but a year later she got evicted from her apartment and I got kicked out of school... we lived on the streets til I was 15.. (well not totally accurate, we lived with a doctor and his family for a while and that's where I picked up my knowledge of organic chem) so I had no school 7th and 8th grade... and then in 9th I started a home school program (through the public school. I had a teacher I met with one hour a week) but I got cancer shortly after so I didn't really do anything til 10th grade (still home school) and that's when I said fck the normal stuff and started really really concentrating on science. The program I was in let me choose all my classes so I took advanced Chem, genetics, virology, geology you name it... barely graduated high school cuz I was lacking so many credits in required subjects. I can't do English or Geography or History to save my life... that's why in college I had to start from scratch with math... because I never really learned it in grade school. Whew long post xD Anyway yea... didn't mean to tell you the story of my life there... but experiences aside, I think I was just born a left brained person. I pick up foreign language too... like in an instant. I taught myself to speak Swedish almost fluently in like 4 months... er but again.. I am kind of a freak in that way. And well, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. I am sure you have plenty of things you are good at that would make me uber jealous ^^


Well-known member
At least choosing the epsilon is easy -- epsilon/slope. Can't really do that for something like x^2 - 6, lol.

and f(x) is like a no brainer. Well also cuz I write code... SQL and PHP and html etc so... functions are like second nature to me... well the easy ones lmao