Do you like math?


Well-known member
my worst subject at school 3 plus 6 is errr ummm oh come on gaz its um 14 ::eek:: see what i mean :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I LOVE maths! I love how perfect it is, how everything just fits into place just right. and I love that feeling when you solve a problem. I really miss it actually. I did further maths at A-level but that was as far as I took it. I think I love maths so much cause I've got a very black and white brain and you don't get any grey's in maths. It's either right or wrong!


Well-known member
I LOVE maths! I love how perfect it is, how everything just fits into place just right. and I love that feeling when you solve a problem. I really miss it actually. I did further maths at A-level but that was as far as I took it. I think I love maths so much cause I've got a very black and white brain and you don't get any grey's in maths. It's either right or wrong!

YAY a kindred spirit! That's just basically what I said in my post =D Fellow math lovers unite!!! It is so beautiful isn't it? I have a really black and white brain too.. partly because of my borderline personality disorder... so I love the right or wrong answers. I like things to be clear cut. Math rarely fails me in that, and it's about the only thing too. It is truly my 2nd love. First being Chemistry ofc ^^


Well-known member
I hate Math it ruined my life! I think how you do math is totally related to how you begin to understand it as a kid! Everyone's ability to do Math is more or less the same because the ability to judge and cross a road or over take another car is all calculated by the same part of our brain that does math!! So how you do math is not to be blamed on the brain but how you had been taught as a child!

My mom used to beat the crap out of us if we did not memorize those tables! So naturaly i hated to learn further.
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Well-known member
I'm not the best at it but i loove doing math



Math was one of my most hated subjects :eek:. Now all I know is the basic counting - just for life - I can add very quickly columns of numbers, or multiply, substract, divide.. sometimes I do it more quickly in hand than with a calculator. Past that, I am totally stupid for mathematic.


Well-known member
I used to be so good at math when I was in middle school, I remember in 6th grade we had tests every week, and I made 100's on all but one of them so they let me skip 7th grade math and go straight to 8th grade math.

Once I got to high school math I started having a little trouble though, but thankfully that's all over, until I start college next semester.


Well-known member
im no good at maths i really wish i was good at it though. mathematicians see things in maths that most people will never understand


Well-known member
im no good at maths i really wish i was good at it though. mathematicians see things in maths that most people will never understand

That is a cool and very true statement that you made. Aside from finding possibilities in equations, I think they also have a rather unique way of looking at the world around us. Like I see patterns and equations and intricacy's in things that most people wouldn't give a second glance to. I can pick up on codes and ciphers/cryptograms like no other. It's kinda strange. One of my favorite math teachers was the same way. He taught me the history of math and used to bring projects to school like.. solving equations using hieroglyphs and little cipher puzzles he would let me do for extra credit. I wish I worked for the CIA xD I could sit around and break codes all day long and be happy lol

Tho sometimes I think it's just my insanity and the only reason I see patterns where other people don't is because I am making it all up in my head and there isn't actually anything there xD Oh well who knows lol Either way it makes the world less dull.


haha I hated math so much.....I liked aspects of it in various other courses (like Statistical Geography)....but as a discipline in its own? I just dislike it! Was the only subject in school I didnt get 90%+ fact I think I was in th 50's or 60's most of my highschool career :p


Well-known member
I used to hate maths at school, but now having to use it in real life I can appreciate why we were taught it. Some things we were taught I used to think I'd never use, but it comes in useful in many situations.


Well-known member
I didnt get math until i was in college
I can definetly apreciate math now
I also got really good at giving exact change from when I use to be a cashier.
math changes lives ;)
I love math, and it always came pretty easy for me in school, until I hit calculus. At that point, my brain said "Enough!" For some reason, everything up until calculus just seemed like second nature to me- algebra, geometry, trigonometry... I loved them- still do.

Calculus just seemed like too much of a leap... I passed it with a B in college though- oddly enough, the part that my professor said was usually the hardest for students- sequences and series- was the easiest part for me. So I majored in accounting instead... with a concentration in finance, just so I could have some more hands on things with numbers. Time value of money, pricing bonds, duration, etc... for which the calculus I had came in handy- at least for grasping the theories. I would never dream of actually being a financier though- working as a broker or something along those lines... that would be way too high pressure of a work environment for me.


Well-known member
I love math. I could always understand mathematical concepts very easily and used to berate myself for not figuring it out on my own, without the teacher and text book. I figured if Einstein figured it out and I did not, then that meant I was stupid. Yet I always found solace in numbers, because it fitted well with my black and white thinking. Numbers and patterns made sense. I used to have a strong desire to explain everything around me using math and felt quite lost when I could not. I really should have been a mathematician, but I didn't have the compulsion to really go anywhere worthwhile with it.

However, these days I have been trashing my black and white thinking, because it has held me back in so many aspects in my life. Relationships with the opposite sex being one. You need to be able to relate to people using feelings and hormones, not numbers and patterns. I have been doing much better judging the grey areas lately, and since then I no longer have a desire to explain everything with math. And I do not feel as lost anymore. I am able to appreciate things around me just for the pure joy of experiencing them, rather than trying to fit them into some kind of puzzle. The more I am able to do this, the more secure and comfortable I become with myself and the people around me. And I find I am getting closer to being able to allow myself to experience the intimacy of a relationship. Something I have been sorely missing in my life, though I have never admitted it.
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i did enjoy maths at school, i was quite a swat as a kid

these days i prefer calculators, it makes life easier trying to figure oot the odds on a bookies line :)