Do you feel like girls aren't attracted to you because of your size?

haha I knew as soooooon as I posted that, there would promptly be a rebuttal :D I understand. However I saw how it could be misinterpreted to mean 'if you think you're short,look at this guy! this guy's even shorter'. And (I know you didn't mean it that way :) If we did choose to feel better about ourselves because somebody else is worse off then we feed the insecurity.

A friend

Well-known member
Not all women look for guys based on their appearance. I look fine and people tell me I have a good personality, and girls avoid me like the plague or try to make me feel like crap.

Don't feel like you're going to be single forever based on your appearance, because that isn't the largest factor in getting a girlfriend.


Well-known member
I'm 5'9.

OP, you don't have to be some ginormous ape to do well with women. All this alpha dawg stuff is silly. You wanna kick butt? Do martial arts or boxing. You wanna getz da ladies? For a start stop putting yourself down. Being tall wouldn't help you.

5'6 is a fine height :) It's honestly the very least of your problems.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I'm a big guy, very broad and muscular, and I've found that women generally like guys with a slighter build. I think guys make more out of being big and tough-looking than girls do.


Well-known member
O.K. I have never had a problem with girls. You can all hate me if you want, but I am going to say something, and I AM RIGHT. So you should listen. There is NO type that girls go for. Period. Girls are just as varied as guys. Some girls like big macho guys, some girls like little androdgyness guys. Whatever body type you have, their are girls out there who like it. There are a million different ways to get girls. I have been promiscuous in my life, and I have been in two serious relationships. So I have done the getting laid thing, and the romantic dating thing. The most important thing to have when trying to pick up or date girls, is a sense of HUMOR. Good looks, muscles, money, nice clothes, a cool car, and all that other stuff people are insecure about, are just tools. I am not going to lie, they help, and with some girls are necessary, but for the most part, charm, good listening, and YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR are your biggest tools. :cool::cool:
O.K. I have never had a problem with girls. You can all hate me if you want, but I am going to say something, and I AM RIGHT. So you should listen. There is NO type that girls go for. Period. Girls are just as varied as guys. Some girls like big macho guys, some girls like little androdgyness guys. Whatever body type you have, their are girls out there who like it. There are a million different ways to get girls. I have been promiscuous in my life, and I have been in two serious relationships. So I have done the getting laid thing, and the romantic dating thing. The most important thing to have when trying to pick up or date girls, is a sense of HUMOR. Good looks, muscles, money, nice clothes, a cool car, and all that other stuff people are insecure about, are just tools. I am not going to lie, they help, and with some girls are necessary, but for the most part, charm, good listening, and YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR are your biggest tools. :cool::cool:

Would a sense of humour be all right as well? For us Canadians, of course. A subtle difference I understand but enough to enrage a red wavy line under it.


Well-known member
Would a sense of humour be all right as well? For us Canadians, of course. A subtle difference I understand but enough to enrage a red wavy line under it.


...silly American auto spell check with your silly lines, always correcting me in the ways of spelling colour and honour.
Curse you, spell check!! There is nothing wrong with my humour!!


Well-known member
Work on what you can change if you're dissatisfied. I was fat in my teens and while there were other fatsos who were dating hot chicks, they were from the cool crowd. Today I'm in excellent physical shape and in a relationship with a very hot chick. :)


Well-known member
No, I've always had women attracted to me (I don't have a ton of confidence in myself so I really don't even know why...).

The problem lies within approaching/initiating. I'm just too passive due to anxiety. Most of the women I'm really attracted require me to do the approaching/initiating because that's what they're used to.

Even with the rare aggressive woman I've been really attracted to I still blow it by being too passive. They only take it to a certain point, then I'm the one that has to make the move towards a kiss/sex, and I seem to have some sort of wall of nerves that prevents me from doing that.

So despite having a lot of opportunities with women I still almost always come away with nothing. Which is even more frustrating. :mad:

I am working on it though by continuing to go out with women!

EDIT: Oops I didn't notice the "because of your size in the topic".
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I'm 5'10 and it sucks because all the pretty girls want guys that are at least 6 foot tall and the pretty girls at skool are always with guys that are taller than me.

Oh come ON. I'm sorry but that is simply not true. I've seen how it isn't true. And there are plenty of beautiful petite women that want a shorter guy so they don't feel like they're holding their daddy's hand.

I prefer guys about 5'8. Just saying.


Well-known member
So, 'ugly' girls don't deserve a chance either, eh?

Plenty of people feel unattractive for whatever reasons- because they have no self-esteem, because they are covered in scars, because they are 'too fat', 'too thin', too whatever--
Most people feel unattractive at some point in their lives.
Rejection hurts, yeah- but you're not going to run out of XP and fall over dead from taking rejection, even a million times.
What will rejection do to you?
It is all in our heads.

Everyone is attracted to a person for different reasons- it's not all black and white.
The concept of beauty in art has changed significantly from what it used to be a couple hundred years ago and it will continue to change.

Do yourself a favor and love yourself because you are who you are.
**** everyone else!
Love yourself, be positive- and someone else will see that positivity and gravitate to you.

Don't fall into the trap of chasing after all the 'commercial friendly hotties' just because they would look good on your arm.
Chase after people who genuinely interest you- who you feel drawn to for your own unique individual taste.


Well-known member
Rejection hurts, yeah- but you're not going to run out of XP and fall over dead from taking rejection, even a million times.

So I can stop carrying all these around? :)