Do you feel like girls aren't attracted to you because of your size?

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I think it goes back to the alpha male vs. beta male argument, which so many people want to ignore because it makes women seem shallow. Women are biologically attracted to social confidence, as you said. It's because a man that is socially confident is likely to succeed in life and produce children that will be socially confident.

Or maybe people are just attracted to confident people in general. Confidence tends to be seen as a positive trait, and is therefore attractive. If someone has confidence in themselves, then I think it inspires others to have confidence in them. I believe this is true whether the person in question is male or female.


Well-known member
Yeah,I feel like girls aren't attracted to me cause I'm skinny,they prolly see me weak. I'm 16 year old and I weight 54 kilos. And to get to 54 I worked out and ate 5 times a day for like 4 months. And lol man,you're not really skinny.. if you work out and eat 5 times a day you'll get big.


Well-known member
To be perfectly honest I don't think it matters about how tall, short, fat or thin you are it's about who you are. I hate the way I look. I'm 6'1", 13.4 stone/182lb. I think I'm ugly and fat, but my wife says she can't understand why I am with her because I'm a hunk. I don't think most people are happy with themselves but this proves that no matter how we view ourselves there will be somebody else that thinks we are attractive.


Well-known member
I dropped about 50 lbs. a couple years ago and worked out everyday, vigorously, for a while, totally changing my physique. The way women talk to me, it's a complete 180 from before. Somewhat unfortunate but that's just how it is. It applies to both sexes.


Active member
in high school when i was able to talk to girls. i found that way more were attracted to me, now that i have a harder time talking to people. confidence definitely makes the difference


Well-known member
mmm i love tall skinny guys. you know what they say about the tall skinny ones...

if they pass out you can drag them into the house easier...and they can reach stuff on the top shelf for you

my husband is actually short and muscular. but my fantasy crush from trueblood is tall and lanky :cool: