Do you feel like girls aren't attracted to you because of your size?


I dont think so. I know Im good looking and I have bad luck with women to . women like guys with good verbal skills more than looks. Thats the problam with having S.A. Being a man its expected that we make first contact so know matter what you look like. When you try to start talking to a woman we tend not to be able to say what we want to say we just end up studering and pulling a stupid face. I suspect women with S.A. or other self confdence problems get stuck with overbering guys who view them as just women and not as an indaviduale humanbeing. This is why I think people with S.A. would be better paird up together.:cool:


Well-known member
Girls are definately not attracted to belly button lint.

But belly buttons are. We just need to worry about finding the best match for what we have to offer. And has anyone else noticed that dark shirts seem to be more prone to causing the aforementioned belly button lint? Or is it just that my darker shirts shed more than my lighter ones?

Rejection hurts, yeah- but you're not going to run out of XP and fall over dead from taking rejection, even a million times.

Funny. I tend to run out of HP.

Either way, if one can't complete a quest it's often beneficial to gain a few levels, then try again. Eventually one could be one-hitting hot chicks all day. Though in my experience, it's the ugly ones that drop the better loot. ;)

A friend

Well-known member
can i you spare one of those? my xp is extremely low from rejection lately lol.

There is more to life than love, and I think single people will have much greater lives than those who are not.

Don't feel bad because you got rejected, you were saved from a lifetime of unhappiness.
I'm uglier than most guys, and there are girls who like me. I've had some really good looking girlfriends. I know the fact that I'm 31 and single has to do with my lack of confidence and SA that keeps me from being more outgoing towards others. Grrr


Well-known member

...silly American auto spell check with your silly lines, always correcting me in the ways of spelling colour and honour.
Curse you, spell check!! There is nothing wrong with my humour!!

Be nice to WeirdyMcGee! She is lovely, as are Canadian people.


Well-known member
So I can stop carrying all these around? :)

I don't know what these to enlighten me? I'm a gamer, so I should know :'(


Well-known member
I don't know what these to enlighten me? I'm a gamer, so I should know :'(

They're healing potions! But WeirdyMcGee already informed us that rejection doesn't drain your HP so no need for them. XD

I'm waiting till I have more Charisma points before I start asking girls out again.


Well-known member
They're healing potions! But WeirdyMcGee already informed us that rejection doesn't drain your HP so no need for them. XD

I'm waiting till I have more Charisma points before I start asking girls out again.

Healing potions? now things are starting to make sense ^_^


Active member
I'm just over 5'10", which makes me roughly average. I probably shouldn't have a height complex, but I do. I don't know if my height genuinely impacts my date-ability, but I don't feel I could ever really compete with a man over 6ft.

It also doesn't help that I'm overweight... the proportions are just all wrong! ::p:


Well-known member
I think girls aren't attracted to me because of the way I carry myself. I'm 6'1" (or slightly taller) and get a lot of comments about my height, but I certainly don't feel tall. It also doesn't help that I'm terribly skinny (don't even wanna say my weight) and my arms are twigs. It's very embarassing and I end up choosing to wear loose clothing and not expose my arms so much. I scratch my head when guys who are a few inches shorter than me make such a big deal about it, like "If I was only a few inches taller" :confused: I'm not sure how important people's preferences about appearance really are anyway, because if you're not a positive/confident/likeable person or you're miserable to be around then none of your physical advantages really mean anything.


Well-known member
There's nothing wrong in the way you look.I actually like you hehe...;) I don't know about others but I definitely don't find ppl with too much height & weight that attractive.I'd rather fall for an average looking guy with a big heart!:cool:


Well-known member
That's a thousand times more frustrating, because it feels like I have no way to gain weight

Its in my experience, if you were around 250 or higher youd see a massive difference in the way people treat thin people versus heavy people, its way easier to gain weight than to lose it.


Active member
It also doesn't help that I'm terribly skinny (don't even wanna say my weight) and my arms are twigs. It's very embarassing and I end up choosing to wear loose clothing and not expose my arms so much.

Where I live, it's quite fashionable for men to be skinny. You shouldn't be trying to hide it. If anything, you may want to try out some snug-fitting clothes that show off your lithe physique. It's a very elegant look.
I'm 6' that's above average where I live. And about 140 pounds. Girls aren't attracted to me because I never talk to them, so they don't know that I exist.


Well-known member
That doesn't mean nobody is attracted to you. It means there is no outlet by which attraction can progress.


Well-known member
as funny as it is ,women dont really like skinny and short guys,add to this anxiety and u got a perfect combination why u are alone :)Al tough many couples exist with huge differences in height or body types,most woman look for someone who they could feel safe with,so someone might be short and fat,but their confidence or attitude might provide enough comfort for them to feel safe :] hope this makes any sence,and those who say they eat plenty and still stay skinny,it because your eating junk food and most of it is just waist energy,and because your system processes fat you wont grow any bigger no matter what stuff you put into you,so the least you cant do is try to exercise first and then try and gain weight,as body reacts to grow weight when its being stressed to do so.


Well-known member
those who say they eat plenty and still stay skinny,it because your eating junk food and most of it is just waist energy,and because your system processes fat you wont grow any bigger no matter what stuff you put into you,so the least you cant do is try to exercise first and then try and gain weight,as body reacts to grow weight when its being stressed to do so.

^I agree with this


Well-known member
Yes, I do. It's uncanny how they seem to know that a certain part of me is miniscule.

My self-esteem, that is. ;)