Do you feel depressed after reading facebook?


Active member
I deleted my facebook.

Yeah, I did exactly the same thing.

I would often get completely down when reading people's facebook profiles, even reading some of my best friend's profiles.

It was just like a sharp blow to the heart, everytime I logged on to facebook. I honestly felt at times, that people were deliberately going on and on about how they were married, had kids, a fantastic job, etc etc, in a deliberate attempt to cause me heartache.

I'd often delete my profile, but then I'd return days later and log back in, and the cycle would once again start. At times I even felt like I deserved to feel this way, that it was karma or punishment for something that I've done, or somebody I've wronged.

So probably a month or two ago, I found out how to permanently remove a facebook profile, so that's what I did. I did find it a struggle to stop myself from logging back into my account, as FB gives you a 2 week chance to reinstate your account.

Oh and I had a 10 year school reunion on a couple of weeks ago. I went, but only because some friends of mine, who attended the same school, were going. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, I did see some people that I'd not seen in quite a while, but it was still difficult at times, especially when people keep asking stupid questions like "are you married yet," "do you have any kids," etc etc. Seriously, if they'd taken a look at me, they could have probably reached the obvious answer by themselves, without making me feel like an idiot. I know they were probably just being polite. So instead I just drank as much as I could, and I don't remember much else. I've also been laying low for a while, as if I've ever had too much too drink, and can't remember what I'd gotten up to, I just assume a worst case scenario.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I do, I stay away from it at all costs. I might add someone when I get an alert, but I just log-in and hit “accept” and then log back out. I’ll probably end up deleting it again. Between people just wanting to get the scoop on what I’m up to and being reminded of all the things I don’t have, it really isn’t worth having.


Active member
I do which is why i dont use it as often anymore. its just depressing to read everyones profiles.. there always up to something new fun and interesting and whenever they post they got a ton of likes and comments then when i post a status theres very few -_- its stupid and i shudnt let it bother me. Does anyone think its worth deleting? cuz i have alot of people on there id lose contact with if i did =\ however ive been strongly contemplating it.


Active member
I've managed to restrain myself from going onto facebook because I know it will just depress me. I went on myspace years ago and that was horrible. I tried explaining to someone a couple years ago why I didn't like myspace. I told them it made me feel bad seeing pictures of them so happy and with lots of friends and actually having a life. They couldn't understand what I was talking about though because they were one of those people with a bunch of friends.

About two months ago my sister was telling me how she had found one of my old friends on facebook and she started telling me how awesome this friends life was because she was in a sorority and had a lot of friends. I really didn't want to hear about any of that.


i know exactly what you mean. i used to feel so sad sometimes looking at everyone's facebook profiles because they seemed to be having so much fun. always posting pics of the cool things they are doing in their lives (parties, traveling, weddings, babies). but i know that in time God will have the same thing for me. i just wish it were right now. things are getting better. i have to force myself to be social (anxiety is a b*tch). but if i get out there and meet people, i too will have fun


Well-known member
Yep I know what you all mean. It will make you feel like you're part of something if you're posting for a brief while. But when you haven't? it makes you feel even more isolated. And then there's comparing with other people...I hate newsfeeds coz everyone is off partying, at uni, looking like they're having the times of their life, socializing like it's so easy and it just reminds me of where I am.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Face book makes me depressed whenever I'm on there. I go on to look at friends I used to be able to talk to. Everyone has like 300+ friends, but I only have about 70. I like seeing their pictures, but then right after I feel like,"how come I'm not doin that?" Their getting girl friends, boyfriends, going to school dances, going to concerts...Makes me want to back to 8th grade which really gets depressing and I get in a bad mood. So, yes I get depressed after face book.


Active member
yes, i always feel depressed when i go on facebook.. just seeing everyones photos of themselves out having fun and reading about how great their weekends were, etc. thats why i recently "deactivated" my facebook account and i feel alot better, i dont miss it at all, i used to spend quite a bit of time each day reading everyones status updates. most of my "friends" were just people i went to high school with anyway, not real friends. i'm glad to be rid of it.
Maybe we should make a SPW party and make a picture out of it, haha ::p:
But yeah, Facebook shows lots of fun, and sometimes its kind of sad to read it when you feel differently, but I know it's possible to be like that too :)
Right? ;) But its just hard for us..

man on the hill

Well-known member
I made a facebook account for the first time a couple weeks ago, but the only reason was to get on there to look up an old friend, cause you have to have an account just to even look something up on there. but once I was on there I went on to look up other people that I knew and went to school with that I hadnt seen in 5 made me feel so depressed with myself that I regret it getting on there. they are all doing great with there lives where as ive basicly been the same for the past several years, hardly anything has changed with myself. I dont think I could ever have a facebook page, cause for the main part, I hate takeing and looking at pics of myself, and thats 90% of the whole facebook deal. and theres really not anything worth while that I could put on there about myself.


Well-known member
I rarely log onto Facebook. Everyone seems to be living the high life and I don't even have 100 friends on the list. I turn down most request nowadays, though...
I don't really let it depress me. I just think it's convenient because it lets me keep up with some family members without having to actually "talk" to them. ::p:

Plus, it seems like a lot of people are just on there playing games... how exciting :rolleyes:

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
Sort of. Kinda.
It's just weird having some friends (long moved away) on there who know how I am, and seeing them with WAYYY more 'friends' then me, while when we were hanging out it seemed like it was just the two of us. If that makes sense.
I get to see facets of them I never knew, which is kind of odd-feeling.

On the other hand, as was said, most people spend a hell of a lot of their life playing those time-killer games, and the messages? I don't get it. It seems like small-talk over the internet. Someone posts, "I LOVE THE WEATHER!!!", and 52 people hit "like" on it.
Maybe it's me....


New member
yes, as a matter of fact i do.
they all usually post beautiful pictures of themselves.
they all write on each others walls and stuff like that.
i sometimes feel so leftout because of facebook.
gotta say, im thankful for facebook cause it gives me all the news and updates on people quickly and efficiently.


Well-known member
I just looked at facebook recently. I see some of my friends having a blast and wonder what it'd be like if i was there. The worst was when I saw a guy that kind of looks the same as me. I know him, he's a nice guy like me, but the difference between us is one thing: he loves to talk and I don't. He has all these great pictures and has 600 friends on there. Lots of girls talking to him too. After seeing the life I could have had if i wasn't born with this SAD, i realize that I have no social life now. I got so depressed i just turned it off and found something else to do.


Yeah, which is exactly why I deactivated mine. I want to get my depression in check before I go back to using it. Plus I have a bad habit of ranting on there too much and now I'm afraid a lot of my non SA contacts may be aware I have issues.


Well-known member
it makes me feel like I have no life. Everyone else is doing things, working a lot, going around the country, and I'm just sitting at home playing videogames living vicariously through everyone else.


Well-known member
Facebook is where people go to post the glossy,pretty parts of their lives. The more glossed over happy faces and self made profile pictures you see on someone's profile, the more unhappy they probably are in their life and are simply overcompensating.

just my .02


Well-known member
actually, it lifts my spirits to see that all the pretty people i went to high school with now look like my grandparents, while i just get better looking :]