Do some people here even have social anxiety?


Well-known member
Some people on here don't have social anxiety or social phobia. I wonder, if this forum caters to such a wide range of problems, why not call it I wish there is a forum just for social phobics where I can relate more to what people are saying. :(

Equally there must be people who are having it worse than me who don't like to be reminded of what they could have all the time and have a forum exclusively catered to them.


Well-known member
Some people on here don't have social anxiety or social phobia. I wonder, if this forum caters to such a wide range of problems, why not call it I wish there is a forum just for social phobics where I can relate more to what people are saying. :(

Equally there must be people who are having it worse than me who don't like to be reminded of what they could have all the time and have a forum exclusively catered to them.

True, the name of the forum misleeds people. I thought too that this was Social Phobia's only, but with reading posts, I could understand why this forum has so much members. I would feel better too when all of these people were isolated, I would be best friends with all of you ! Now I'm always reminded that even people who have it bad, have it better then me. I'm one the worst cases in here I think.::(:(From what I read from posts)


Well-known member
And although their posts may seem social, remember you don't know them in real life! Typing and talking is a whole different biz.

This. Like the person who puts on a smile outside and comes home to slit their wrists. Same thing. I sometimes act happy and social on here, but I'm anything but. Just look at my gigantic post count in just one month.


Well-known member
This. Like the person who puts on a smile outside and comes home to slit their wrists. Same thing. I sometimes act happy and social on here, but I'm anything but. Just look at my gigantic post count in just one month.

I respect you for having so much posts in just one month.:) xD Post count doesn't matter, as long those are good posts.:D And they are, don't worry. Well, I'm online all day every day, so what do u think I do all day ? ::p:


Well-known member
I'm more shy then anything but it still screws me over in certain situations. After being here awhile I feel better about myself though.


Well-known member
Heh, I tend to be a lot more anxious here than when I go outside (well just when posting, not on the messenger thingy).

Far too much time to produce a reply, I've always relied on impulsiveness.

Wether I have SA or not, now I mostly only have problems talking to people that could become a part of my life, aka making friends etc.. don't really care about those small
social contacts, hell I sometimes even try to force a smile and say hi.

In terms of isolation, you can still be alone in crowd. I haven't had actual friends for the longest time now and except for my mother I've never had anybody I've trusted enough to be myself with.

Meh, I try to keep a positive attitude and open up a bit more to people. So every post is a bit of progress :)


Well-known member
I am probably more shy than socially anxious, although I often get uncomfortable in certain situations, especially when others controlling the conversation and I can't get a word in, or even worse, I am left on my own and have to try and force myself to make conversation when I have NFI what to talk about.

A l a n

Active member

Thanks for the chart. I've always wondered if I have anxiety or if it was just shyness. For me, most of my anxiety occurs before going into a situation. I'll think of numerous ways to avoid or get out of the situation, but once I force myself into it, my anxiety will start to calm down and I won't have much of a problem being social after a while. So I guess do have some form of anxiety, although mild.


Active member
I think pretty much everyone feels shy at some point, so it's natural that fairly social people will come in here and post about their relatively minor problems with shyness. I'll be the first to admit I often come here to feel better about myself hearing people in similar situations, and when I end up reading posts about people who have it much better than me makes me feel jealous and worse. I think a big part of overcoming SA though is learning to not let that bother you so much.


Well-known member
^This. :) Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you need to hate life or be on meds to have legitimate or even debilitating self-esteem/anxiety issues.

Also, I don't mean to offend anyone and I'm sorry if I do, but on the other end of the spectrum, a few of the stuff people post on here makes me very depressed. Like the ones where people sound like they've completely given up on life; they make me wonder about things, too (I'm intentionally being vague so I don't offend anyone).

this is true but i would say that certain people simply have alot more confidence inbuilt into them in terms of passion and talent and drive while there are those who have very intense and constant low self confidence its obvious there are those who for whatever reason whether it be self confidence from a combination of a healthy amount of looks/talent/positivity/friends still live a fairly normal life while there are people in a state of more leaning towards feeling very ordinary and struggling in life because of self esteem issues and are very reclusive and or avoidant. everyone has different family situtions and are at different stages in life and have different personalities and beliefs.

i also think the key word here is "conditioning" helps to have been brought up in a positive/healthy family environment. can you imagine the difference between someone who has grown up with negative/cynical mentors compared to someone who has lived in a loving/friendly/fun family. which one do you think is healthier? the positive one of course. so certain aspects are out of peoples control and that means they may need alot of attention to unwind all of that not so useful conditioning and or social eduction.

some people need to take more risks and take action but it can be a difficult step to make if people wake up every morning believing they are no good or that they arn't useful for much ...

then there are those who have alot of belief in themselves and arn't as self consciouss and can really do well but that is because something has been triggered and they have more of an awareness of belief. its a very hard nut to crack. psychology i mean.
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Well-known member
No I don't have social anxeity. I have the other half of agoraphobia, wide open spaces.:eek::eek::eek::eek: I also have a panic disorder that pretty much makes life suck beyond belief at times. I can't drive more than 15 to 20 minutes away from home, without having a panic attack. I cannot look at the sky without having a panic attack. I don't Walk ANYWHERE.
I do lead a very social life....... but people on this forum know things about me that very few of my friends do. Because of this, most of the time when I am in a crowd of people, I feel pretty alone.


Well-known member
Some people on here don't have social anxiety or social phobia. I wonder, if this forum caters to such a wide range of problems, why not call it I wish there is a forum just for social phobics where I can relate more to what people are saying. :(

Equally there must be people who are having it worse than me who don't like to be reminded of what they could have all the time and have a forum exclusively catered to them.

The thing is, mental health problems often show up in more than one form at a time. It's common to have depression or OCD, say, along with social anxiety. These conditions are related, and not just a whole bunch of disorders that have nothing to do with each other.
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Well-known member
Thanks for the chart. I've always wondered if I have anxiety or if it was just shyness. For me, most of my anxiety occurs before going into a situation. I'll think of numerous ways to avoid or get out of the situation, but once I force myself into it, my anxiety will start to calm down and I won't have much of a problem being social after a while. So I guess do have some form of anxiety, although mild.

Yeah i was just thinking the same.
When it comes to shyness vs social anxiety it must not be a black or white thing, it's probably possible to be somewhere inbetween the two.