Do some people here even have social anxiety?


Some people don't and have admitted that they don't. There's a number of young females who I think are just here wondering when their social lives are going to take off.

But yeah other than that I think most do probably have Social Anxiety.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Lets say 50% of the people here doesn't have SA. Does it matter?

what's the difference between the person who can't talk to anyone besides their imediate familly and the person who can't talk to that girl/boy at work, here in the forums i would say none, because both are here looking for help and both deserve the credit for being strong enought to comfront their problem.

not to sound harsh, but i hope you realize you are seeing things from an very limited point of view, just like the people who say to a person who has SA that they just have to "shake it off" , they are being childish, or they are overdoing things, they don't understand and yet they judge.

every person is unique, thus are their problems, lets see, i can manage to work in a daily basis - and since i'm a programmer i can't say its hard because i deal with computers all the day - still i realise many people can't do this, on the other hand i know there are people who can manage to eat dinner out, buy groceries, talk to their relatives, drive, go to the movies, have friends, walk around idlely, make phone calls in public, talk in public shop for clothes ,call the pizzeria,and thousands of other things , still i coulnd do before i started my treatment and some of that i still can't do.

every person is unique, thus every social phobia is unique, maybe somebody have a less limiting SA others have severe SA and maybe two persons can have sever SA in two completelly different ways, I just bet there's somebody out there that can't post in this very forums because they're afraid of the results. and maybe they are married, still i can post here and i can't have a relationship with another sentient being in this galaxy...

for me SA is a limited definition for a broad range of problems of the human mind, it's just a name the specialist gave to a group of problems whitch are similar in some way and have similar treatments

That was very well said, and I agree completely.


Well-known member
Some people don't and have admitted that they don't. There's a number of young females who I think are just here wondering when their social lives are going to take off.

But yeah other than that I think most do probably have Social Anxiety.


Yeah, I'm just waiting, distraught, and wondering why I'm not a sociallite. Let the heavens open and grant me with a non-stop social life!

Sorry to be condescending.


Well-known member
I’d say mine is pretty severe but like most have said it’s variant for everyone. It depends how you look at it as well in some respects it’s good to hear that people with sp are doing what they can to battle this, it can get depressing focusing on the downside all the time, but it’s understandable that people need a place to vent.

I, think I may seem confident online and I wonder sometimes if what I say is harsh, I’m also not a person that tends to vent about things so it may seem like I have no problems. It’s best to focus on doing what we can to get by as oppose to what others do.
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Oh, another thing that could explain... well there's a lot of things that could explain and that has been brought up already... But I've not seen anyone say this.

I'm almost certain that I'm bipolar. I never could afford psychiatrists or whatever you call them. I'm often very depressed. And sometimes I've episodes where I could work almost- non-stop for days or weeks. I've solved equations and problems that should have taken hours or at least minutes in a matter of seconds. The mind is really blazing and sleep is even more difficult than usual. I sometimes become hypersocial in such a state. I'd chat up just about anyone.

Then when depression comes as it usually does (sometimes for no good reason)... I get really down and have a lot of anxiety at the same time. I often forced myself to tough it out. But sometimes, even with my progress so far, it's not enough.

So yeah... basically agree with what JonnyD says. People have a lot of facets/aspects to them. I've learned to function reasonably ok in social situations, but work still makes me very anxious due to my other problems like insomnia, problem skin... etc... Different people, different challenges, different resources.


Well-known member
Oh, another thing that could explain... well there's a lot of things that could explain and that has been brought up already... But I've not seen anyone say this.

I'm almost certain that I'm bipolar. I never could afford psychiatrists or whatever you call them. I'm often very depressed. And sometimes I've episodes where I could work almost- non-stop for days or weeks. I've solved equations and problems that should have taken hours or at least minutes in a matter of seconds. The mind is really blazing and sleep is even more difficult than usual. I sometimes become hypersocial in such a state. I'd chat up just about anyone.

Then when depression comes as it usually does (sometimes for no good reason)... I get really down and have a lot of anxiety at the same time. I often forced myself to tough it out. But sometimes, even with my progress so far, it's not enough.

So yeah... basically agree with what JonnyD says. People have a lot of facets/aspects to them. I've learned to function reasonably ok in social situations, but work still makes me very anxious due to my other problems like insomnia, problem skin... etc... Different people, different challenges, different resources.

I think it's likely that I'm bipolar too. I actually didn't even think of it until someone that I talk to on a daily basis pointed out my weird extreme moods/that my racing thoughts could be linked to it. When I get really uppity I usually craft, ha. Like, just make things - glue scissors type of deal. And then the racing thoughts come with my "high" I guess. Lately my highs and lows have been more spaced out though so maybe that's a good thing? Anyway, I have an appointment with a psychiatrist at the end of next month to see if it's all normal or what. And I don't have to pay! Yay Canada.


Well-known member
I live a very outgoing life and know heaps of people,:cool: but i awkwardly struggle through it all and never really feel comfortable.
but its way better then the times i stay home alone, bored and depressed
I may sound as a social person, But I have extremely SA. I might post singing videos, but i've grown up with music so i'm used to it. But when it comes to social situations, I'm soo anxious. So I actually have SA.
I've been isolated for 2,5 years now. But it becomes better though.
I feel more positive the last month.


Well-known member
so i read peoples posts and they seem to describe pretty soical lives... something i cant even comprehend in my life with my SA, so do some people here just come here to post or do they actually have sa or make it out worse than it is?

I guess for different people, SA manifests itself in different ways. Its like how some people here have friends, yet they can't hold down a job/school, and at the same time, there are people who have a job or go to school, but don't have any friends even though being in a job/school means you meet people everyday. I can identify with some people on here, yet at the same time, I'm pretty amazed some people go clubbing/drinking. I don't know how they do it, I don't even know how to order at a club, or get a seat, or wait, are there even seats in some of them?? ::eek:: So I guess everyone's different in how SA manifests itself...


I have a lot of anixety in my life but I'm not really down much or have depression so it doesnt always come across online.


Well-known member
Some people "only" suffer from fear of blushing (which by the way has a name of it's own) and so it is a phobia in itself. It doesnt mean that you have to be suffering from social phobia.

Personally people don't scare me. I am very social and outgoing, almost extrovert. People say I am too cocky and that I should be more humble. It's totally weird. Still I am so afraid of blushing and that is my only fear. Sometimes on medicine, I almost cannot blush and I am the king of the world. No one can get to me. I would ****ing dance in the cafeteria.

So I know I dont suffer from social phobia, but I suffer from fear of blushing which to me isnt the same thing.
I go to work, I have a fiance', I have 2 friends.
Where my S.A. comes up is going to stores by myself, making small talk, making new friends, especially females, just stuff that other people do everyday can be hard for me to muster courage or energy. Is it as bad as it was? No, but that's because I'm on medication, it makes things more bearable. I really don't think anyone would waste their time coming on here, if they didn't have problems that they need help dealing with.


Well-known member
Everyone deals with their problems in certain ways. I think this site has various different people on it. Some have agoraphobia, some have depression, some have a panic disorder, some have OCD and some have a bunch of different things combined!

Just because one is out in the spotlight, it doesn't mean they're okay! I have friends. I enjoy going out. I'm terrified of some social situations, and I completely love others! I personally don't think I have what would be diagnosed as social phobia. I display some aspects of it...But I definitely don't have it. That doesn't mean I don't have a right to be here! Of course, I don't think you were implying it...But, just for the record! :p


Well-known member
Yes. Most people here have s.a. and some may have another anxiety disorder. We are all on different levels (S.A'ers). I have came up from rock bottom a bit after seeking treatment and meds. I have progressed a lot. That may be why you question yourself. Your comparing yourself with other people who may be on a different (S.A.) level or maybe another disorder. Don't torture youself. S.A is reallllllllllllllllllly tough to deal with everyday as u know.

I've been through hell and back. I will be 30 years old on my next b'day. It has been a long 17 years. whew!!! Don't give up...hold on! :) You belong here too!!
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Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
I don't have it anymore. I certainly used to though. I guess you could say I'm "cured" - not something I say lightly. I have palmer/planter hyperhidrosis and I think everything that goes with that is what messed me up from a young age. When I was younger I had a lot of the things that I read about here - not being able to talk to anyone, avoidant personality and panic attacks. Now I'm 25 and for the last three years the SA was really starting to lose it's grip over me, in the last year it's been virtually non-existant. Getting hold of avert to control the hh in the last couple of months has sort have been the final nail in the coffin for it. So I mainly come here for the hyperhidrosis forum but I can relate to a lot of what is said here, plus there are some pretty awesome people here. ;)


Well-known member
I've been told by a couple of people here that I don't come off as having SA. This gives me a good chuckle. ::p:

yea same here all i do on this site is asse around most of the time anyways :) people probably wonder why the hell im here , but i live here this is my home :)


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
lol I just tried out for a job on Friday, and the guy who asked me to come in and take the test/survey (I've hung out with this guy once) told me that I have good people skills. LOL If these people only knew.
Hah, yeah. That's happened in real life too with me. I've been wrestling and fighting with this for years, and sometimes I can convincingly fake it in real life.

@Gary yeah: Yeah, and I find joking around a whole lot easier than talking about my problems, even on here.


Well-known member
Hah, yeah. That's happened in real life too with me. I've been wrestling and fighting with this for years, and sometimes I can convincingly fake it in real life.

@Gary yeah: Yeah, and I find joking around a whole lot easier than talking about my problems, even on here.

yep ;) what ever works for you eh mate :)