Do some people here even have social anxiety?


Well-known member
I'd say the majority of the people here have SA yes.

And although their posts may seem social, remember you don't know them in real life! Typing and talking is a whole different biz.

Yup exactly. Talking and typing is totally different.
I get frozen when I talk to someone face to face.
Almost always nervous when I'm at outside, but typing is different story.


Well-known member
I'd say there are a many here who do not have SA but rather chronic ow self-esteem. but the majority do have SA. And some with SA are more on the avoidant personality disorder end of the curve and while others have a higher threshold for pain and simply make themselves be with other people.


Well-known member
so i read peoples posts and they seem to describe pretty soical lives... something i cant even comprehend in my life with my SA, so do some people here just come here to post or do they actually have sa or make it out worse than it is?

Social anxiety is a whole array of impairments, not just something that causes you to isolate yourself. Some people with SA still have close friends they can trust.
Social anxiety is a whole array of impairments, not just something that causes you to isolate yourself. Some people with SA still have close friends they can trust.

True. I feel like I'm oddly at the other end- I don't get too anxious in most "social" situations, I work and am around people all the time... I just seemingly have an inability to have close friends.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
yeh same here i forced myself to go out today just to walk down the road and there were 3 people stood there and its like as soon as i showed up they all moved away i was feeling real nervous god why do i have to be like this! nerves = stress = unhappiness

I absolutely have days like this. I have days where I am absolutely terrified of leaving the house, and completely freak out at the thought of facing the person at the checkout when I buy my groceries - let alone the people and cars I will have to walk past to even get to the shops. When I am alone and out and about, I get completely nervous whenever people pass me in the street or are within close range. Going shopping is a nightmare for me. So is the walk to my daughter's school every afternoon. ::(:

As a Mum and a Wifey however, I still have to get on with life and get out there and be social with extended family members/friends, as well as go out to places like the bowling alley or the beach for the sake of them! If it wasn't for them I think my SA would be much much worse, as I don't think I would even try to fight through this battle at all. I would probably just stay inside all day everyday and gradually get worse and worse.


I absolutely have days like this. I have days where I am absolutely terrified of leaving the house, and completely freak out at the thought of facing the person at the checkout when I buy my groceries - let alone the people and cars I will have to walk past to even get to the shops. When I am alone and out and about, I get completely nervous whenever people pass me in the street or are within close range. Going shopping is a nightmare for me. So is the walk to my daughter's school every afternoon. ::(:

As a Mum and a Wifey however, I still have to get on with life and get out there and be social with extended family members/friends, as well as go out to places like the bowling alley or the beach for the sake of them! If it wasn't for them I think my SA would be much much worse, as I don't think I would even try to fight through this battle at all. I would probably just stay inside all day everyday and gradually get worse and worse.

thanks for the response, my mum basically kicks me up the butt to get something done otherwise id probably do nothing, im just hoping the doc can presrcibe me something thats gets me so doped up i dont care what anyone thinks :-D


Well-known member
so i read peoples posts and they seem to describe pretty soical lives... something i cant even comprehend in my life with my SA, so do some people here just come here to post or do they actually have sa or make it out worse than it is?

I try to be social, I go to church, went to a friend's baby shower today....I've never had a problem going to places like the grocery store. But when I'm somewhere where I know people, I'm usually pretty nervous. Not sure if that's SA or not....but the mods haven't banned me, so I guess I'm okay :D
I try to be social, I go to church, went to a friend's baby shower today....I've never had a problem going to places like the grocery store. But when I'm somewhere where I know people, I'm usually pretty nervous. Not sure if that's SA or not....but the mods haven't banned me, so I guess I'm okay :D

Maybe it's 'mild SA'? 0_o


Well-known member
Maybe it's 'mild SA'? 0_o

Yeah, IDK. Any situation where I'm expected to talk I guess makes me really nervous, as I stutter. Not with everyone, there are some people I can stutter in front of and it doesn't bother me...but mostly I try to say as little as possible.


Well-known member
Mine is definitely mild and I think I've said that here before somewhere. When I actually get out and am around people I know and feel relatively comfortable with, I can actually be pretty social. My social anxiety only is prevalent when I'm around groups of teenagers around my age who I don't know very well. Anyone else, like adults and I'm fine for the most part. I think mine is also mild possibly because my desire to be social is veryyyy low, so my isolation from people doesn't bother me very much. Maybe I'm in denial though!
there used to be a time when i was really afraid of going to school and walk to class, take the bus to go home, to go to the church etc, but its not like that anymore, I can go outside in public even though I blush and sweat sometimes but I dont really care that much anymore about it because the more I get outside, it gets better every time.
I also still feel anxious around people of my age I dont know very well or gorgeous girls.
Another problem is that im really quiet but i try to be more social as i can now and its helping. I'm 18 and I've seen people much older than me here who are in a worse condition that I used to be, hmm I dont know whats helping me, i hope to get better every year :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have three friends. That's it. So when I do hang out with them, I get excited and like to talk about it. So maybe other people are like that too. They just want to share a successful social outing.


Well-known member
I USED to have a social life. But not anymore though. I agree there seems to be some really confident people here with lots of friends and i feel quite sad that i dont have that.


Super Moderator
Some cases are more severe than others. Also, some people might feel more comfortable talking online than face to face.


I've made a lot of progress in this compared to where I was when I was a teenager and in my early 20s. I'm at the point where I'm just uncomfortable in social situations but I'll tough it out if it's important to me. So long as a lot of attention isnt drawn to me I can survive in secret until it's over and most people are none the wiser.


Well-known member
Everyone has different level, some are worse the others. I thought i had it bad but for some ppl it's horrible and I do hope they'll get better. I don't think you have to be isolated, people avoider ( like me ) to be consider someone with SA.


Well-known member
Typing on the computer and talking in real life are 2 totally different things. I am 100% sure if all the people on here were all sitting in a room they'd all freeze up like a ghost.

I'm 50/50 but it's still bad.
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Well-known member
I have really bad SA and its made me hate people when I'm with them but a lot of the time when I'm alone I get lonely and just wished I was normal like other people.

If I'm with just one person and there aren't other people nearby I can often get along with that person OK. If there are multiple people nearby I get really anxious :(


Well-known member
Lets say 50% of the people here doesn't have SA. Does it matter?

what's the difference between the person who can't talk to anyone besides their imediate familly and the person who can't talk to that girl/boy at work, here in the forums i would say none, because both are here looking for help and both deserve the credit for being strong enought to comfront their problem.

not to sound harsh, but i hope you realize you are seeing things from an very limited point of view, just like the people who say to a person who has SA that they just have to "shake it off" , they are being childish, or they are overdoing things, they don't understand and yet they judge.

every person is unique, thus are their problems, lets see, i can manage to work in a daily basis - and since i'm a programmer i can't say its hard because i deal with computers all the day - still i realise many people can't do this, on the other hand i know there are people who can manage to eat dinner out, buy groceries, talk to their relatives, drive, go to the movies, have friends, walk around idlely, make phone calls in public, talk in public shop for clothes ,call the pizzeria,and thousands of other things , still i coulnd do before i started my treatment and some of that i still can't do.

every person is unique, thus every social phobia is unique, maybe somebody have a less limiting SA others have severe SA and maybe two persons can have sever SA in two completelly different ways, I just bet there's somebody out there that can't post in this very forums because they're afraid of the results. and maybe they are married, still i can post here and i can't have a relationship with another sentient being in this galaxy...

for me SA is a limited definition for a broad range of problems of the human mind, it's just a name the specialist gave to a group of problems whitch are similar in some way and have similar treatments