Do some people here even have social anxiety?


Well-known member
I don't know for sure. At the least, I'm very shy and socially awkward. But it's bad enough that it's making my life miserable. Maybe it's a mild case of social anxiety. A lot of the typical triggers cause me problems. I don't get so many of the intense physical symptoms. Many social situations just make me very nervous and uncomfortable. I'll hang around just feeling awkward in front of people. Sometimes I get sweaty, my stomach turns, and my heart races over things that maybe shouldn't warrant feeling that way. But it's not to a point where I'm getting panic attacks or anything like that. For me it's a lot of worrying and avoidance.
I haven't got sa , infact I fecking well love myself , I work in a bookies which means I have to have a certain amount of confidence and self assurance to do my job , be loud and heard and to look after myself.

I have , though, travelled a road some of you are on now , so have come out the other side , I do have many many hang ups covering various topics, which is why I am here ...hope thats ok !! :D
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Well-known member
Nope i don't have it, im very sociable infact. I have agoraphobia, which is a pain but im learning to deal with it =)


Active member
I can do a pretty good job of faking it most of the time now. sometimes though its just utterly terrible, theres no getting around faking it -.- especially because I work part-time at Macy's, where you have to be pretty darn social. sometimes I end up coming from work really shaken from trying to get through the day with SA, and cant get the events of the day out of my head. that's what it was like in high school, because it was such a close-knit school. college is much better though because its so huge that you don't really end up meeting too many people closely that they expect you to talk to them too much. for others though, a huge college might incite fear even if they don't have to talk to others.

But I think for the most part people do have SA here, it just depends on what levels of anxiety, and in what situations.


Active member
You can have fears of just a few specific social situations and still have social anxiety.

This forum also has separate sections for anxiety, depression, hyperhidrosis, etc., and people who have those don't necessarily have to have social anxiety. I for one mainly joined for the hyperhidrosis board (but I do have some social anxiety as well).


Well-known member
I will admit that the thought of that has crossed my mind. I've read many posts here of people who talk about there promiscuous sex life, or their gf/bf problems, or troubles with their many friends all of which is completely foreign to me. I can barely leave my home due to my fears and the idea of talking to some cute girl can put me through a panic attack but I've begun to understand like people have already said here their are degrees at which most of us suffer but don't think that these people won't be able to help you with any question you have I'm sure they for the most part have gone through some very hard times aswell and are doing good now through help.


Well-known member
Well I would also say that this site is not JUST for people with anxiety.. It's for social phobia's in general. While my anxiety is not severe, I also have fights with agoraphobia also. Don't be so quick to judge ;)


Well-known member
I have wondered about a few people too,doesnt look like it,I dont see any signs,I also wondered if doctors these days are giving out to many diagnosis,classifying to many things as problems or if you could fool a doctor for benefits,but well who am I to judge?
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I have Social Phobia for 17 years its genetic thats the **** if you have it from bullying it will be much easyer to fight against it...


Well-known member
mine is genetic too and I guess Im gonna live with it for the rest of my life if I dont get treatment


Well-known member
I think most of the people here do have SA, but some mistake shyness for social anxiety. Not too long ago, someone wrote a topic saying that shyness & social anxiety were the same thing & me & someone else tried to explain to them that there's a big difference, but I don't think they believed it or even understood what was being said. I think there are definitely people on this forum who don't realize that shyness is not social anxiety.


Well-known member
I have Social Phobia for 17 years its genetic thats the **** if you have it from bullying it will be much easyer to fight against it...

I don't agree with that. My SA/AvPD comes from constant rejection from both parents and people and from what I've read here I'm one of the severe cases I can't leave my house without going through a panic attack I only have one friend who I only see maybe once every couple of months and the only contact I have with her is over the phone. I don't think I'll ever get over it easy if at all even with help I get, so don't you dare say that because my SA isn't genetic my problems isn't as serious as yours.