"For my part I distrust all generalizations about women, favourable and unfavourable, masculine and feminine, ancient and modern; all alike, I should say, result from paucity of experience"
Betrand Russell
Betrand Russell
Yeah, I admit(ted just above) that my view of it all is warped too. Many of us have a problem with that, especially people with sa/depression and such.. Then again maybe that's why we have sa & depression.. warped thinking an'all..No offense, but have you ever thought that maybe you are the one with a warped view of relationships and women?
No, I'm the first to admit some women are shallow, and some more than others. Some men are shallow too. If someone wants another just for their looks, what kind of quality relationship can it be? (Many such couples can get into trouble at least when they hit middle age and looks start to chagnge, people can have serious crises..)Something I've noticed is that most people don't want to think that women are shallow because it sounds unfair.
Again, I agree here.I think it's natural for people to want things to be fair, and then assume things are fair because it "sounds" right and suits their desire for equality. Unfortunately, things are unfair. Look around at the world and watch the news. People get raped, murdered and insulted all the time. Life is unfair, and the gender roles are unfair as well.
Well, good for ya. And her.I've had a g/f before, and when I was with her, I was never bitter towards women.
We're not mind-readers here, you know?That's what women don't understand on here. I'm not bitter to women in real life, and I would never be bitter towards a woman if I was going out with her. I'm just mad right now, but I'm never bitter that way IRL or on online dating sites.
Well, do tell us how it goes!This is a good idea, and I may try this. I am a social phob, which has disabled my ability to get out enough. This is good advice though, and I appreciate that.
Well, it's good that you aren't. It kinda seemed that way on quick reading..I'm not lumping all women into one group. I specifically said most women in my argument.
Perhaps you assume that I feel hate (or bitterness?) because you do. I shall clarify.^^Haha, talk about hate-filled and bitter. Hypocrite much? ^^
"For my part I distrust all generalizations about women, favourable and unfavourable, masculine and feminine, ancient and modern; all alike, I should say, result from paucity of experience"
Betrand Russell
Perhaps you assume that I feel hate (or bitterness?) because you do. I shall clarify.
When bad things happen to nice people, I feel bad. If I don't know the person, I won't feel miserable, but a bit little bad. Often though, especially on the internet, I see bitter and hateful people who are clearly digging their own holes. If I feel anything toward them it's a twinge of pity. It's nothing close to hate though, and the feeling is forgotten soon after I close the window on my computer. Possibly before.
(Please don't get angry at me for posting this, but I feel the need to anyways)
Is humanity ever going to be rescued from...all this negativity caused by "romantic love"?
hehe James, can you guys just kiss n make up?You can try to dance around it all you want, but you were clearly angry with what I was saying and then chose to bitterly express your hatred towards me in your previous post.
I didn't assume you felt hatred and bitterness towards me. I knew you felt hatred and bitterness towards me.
you guys are really social lol. Everything is tl;dr for me :/
Ha ha - no, I guess... It's an illusion that needs to be perpetuated apparently... why else would people marry and have kids?Do you think giving birth is that much FUN?
Okay, just kiddin'! I do have faith in new generations to work things out maybe.. Who knows?
There are some people looking at it more real too, even among the older generations...
It's not all negativity either, some people are perfectly happy SINGLE *or* non-single!!
I don't know...I haven't seen any happy couple in the past.
It comes back to the Golden Rule, really
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
Some people seem to think it means "Treat people the way other people treat you."
It doesn't.
It means you should treat people the same way you would like to be treated.
Women are people
If a man treats women with the same respect, dignity, love, and caring with which he would in turn like to be treated, then he will find an abundance of women who will do so.
On the flipside - if you treat women with utter disdain and disrespect, then you will surely be treated the same way by them.
Which would you rather have?
Genesis 2.1 (18-23)
Then God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner."
"...but for the man there was not found a helper for his partner. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that made the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. "
True, there is no way to stop people from making mistakes all the time.Why don't just allow people to find happines in any way they fell like finding it?
There's no biggest lie than an absolute truth
I've know a couple people who have beeen happy for decades for being in love with their partners, but I won't go around proclaming that love is all around and everyone is destined to be happy forever after.