The way I see it, there is no point in being "normal". I'd prefer to be unique, and different from most people.
Those who assume the single virgins to be homosexual are what I consider to be the true evil creatures in the universe. Being single doesn't make anyone a freak, you can't force anyone to love you.
In my situation, I don't need anyone to love me. I have friends just so I can have fun and talk to people. Although having seizures has stripped me of the freedoms that you lose from being in a relationship, I still like my life the way it is.
If people don't like me for being single, than they can go flush their heads down their toilets filled with s@#&.
Oh yes, and by the way...Being single can possibly add to somebody being unique.
And this should explain why single people are loathed by certain societies around the planet:
YouTube - Why Haters Hate
Amazing how many of these people exist, but they do.
This is the true reason why singles are hated.
So please listen/read (whatever) my advice, don't act like it's the worst thing in the world to be single. It's not.
Be grateful for what you have, don't think about it, and don't get lonely. Getting over loneliness is extremely difficult, but if you pray to your god (or do the equivilant of whatever you believe in), the depression will end.
I post in this thread to try to help people get over this depression. I know that I've said grim things and tried to discourage romantic love in harsh ways, but I only want to break the sources of negative energy in this area of human culture.
I don't like seeing and reading about good people being punished because they don't get to have fun in their beds or kiss some girl/guy every few minutes.
Yes, I never had a girlfriend before, but I've seen many of my friends and family gain unbelievible amounts of sadness in this area of life. I've seen it occur right in front of me.
For twenty years, I've gone throughout life and watched the ones I care about pay for the mistakes of cultures and civilizations across the world (in the area of love), and I want it to stop.
I understand that my friends and I can't stop everyone from being sad because they don't have love lives, but I know that I can save some people from the mistakes of the media.
Don't be sad because you're single, there is much more to life than kissing some pretty girl you met at a random bar in some town or something like that.
Love is NOT the greatest thing in life (it's actually far from being anything like that in the slightest). I can't say that I'm absolutely sure of this (I never had a girlfriend/wife), but I have seen so many people hate their lives because they went through marriage and things of that nature.
One day, we will all be freed from the curse we call love.
So, be grateful for your freedom, and be happy.