hehe yeah it was supposed to be kinda funny

glad you don't expect miracles from girls!!
You mean you wouldn't expect your gf/partner/wife to solve all your problems?
Well, that's a good attitude.
Yes, yes indeed.
Coming late to catch up with the argument about love that was running over here so I'll just address "A friend in need" (wow, I didn't know spaces could be part of nicknames!) who I think was the most enthusiastic here though around the other side of the fence.
I seek positivity where it's easiest to find.
I kind of scanned the thread in a hurry and couldn't read it all,

but I think I was able to grasp the main point behind the fight against love as an acknowledged value by human beings.
A friend in need: the main problem in such discussions is that people sometimes lack understanding of important concepts of life so that they easily mistake drastically when disputing about them.
I can't prove my opinions to be facts, but I choose to believe in them despite all of this.
You may think of love as something fixed and constant and independent, that makes it difficult and confusing to have a clear judgment about its mysterious incidents in the human life.
Not to sound negative, but love can be a dangerous emotion that blinds people and ruins who they are and corrupts their personality and morality as well.
That's what I've observed in the past.
This is because love, like faith, like many other concepts, is a varying thing (and not fixed or constant or independent.)
In a more concise words: love is something you work on it yourself and build it up.
You're saying it can be controlled and modified at the will of people of experience it?
Naturally you wouldn't sweat on it because it grows by itself through the other part attributes you adore and feel that they make you complete. It could grow up or down though, and it could last long long time or die just away.
This is where you kind of confuse me, you said that it could be worked on and built up, but then you're saying right here that could grow up or down and then die instantly.
The key point here is that love is not the crush you have towards women, though that crush could build up to become a great love if you decided you would work on it.
In more other words, love is not something you find, it is something you create; in the right moment, and with the right person (and deciding who is the right person would be up to you.)
This is good information. If what you say here is true, then that proves that a possible source of depression can be subdued and restrained.
So you cannot argue that there is no true love out in the world; because it is true that there is no "fixed and constant and independent" true love out there!
Thank you for your words of wisdom, but my opinions on this topic will not be changed.
If being single is the key to happiness (for me), then I don't have to share my life with anyone (can't anyways). Sorry if I sound egotistical or self-centered right there.
Just remember that the difference between maturity and immaturity is none other than the ability to grasp what is "real" in life. You don't have to accept Disney's definition of human notions.. they call "real" life the "real life" because there has to be something real in there!
BTW, the most concise definition I came across for Love is that: it is when you put someone else' happiness prior to yours.
Although I can place things or people prior to myself, how do I put someone's happiness prior to mine if they reject my input? How can people give something to someone if they push that person (and/or their gifts) away from themselves?
Think it is both elegant and comprehensive.
I don't know if I want to abadon my views on love, but when you see what you see (constant negativity in this subject in my case), and that thing is multiplied outside of your living situation, well...
I saw only one thing in the dating world, negativity. I saw no potential for anything good coming out of there, and I saw no benefits.
The way I saw it, regardless of who was doing the work/giving/etc, it only ended in heartbreak or suicide.
So this is one of many reasons why I choose to promote singularity, and frown upon dating and marriage.
And here's a little bit of facts about me and other people as well:
For those who have stress-built seizures, marriage and dating can result in potential health threats due to the constant arguing, as seizures weaken the body, damage the immune system, and gradually cause brain damage.
So that is one of the reasons why I promoted the elimination of dating and marriage. 70% of marriages end in divorce, and there is a very high chance that they were nothing but constant arguments and things of that nature.
Yep. I have abadoned the idea of trying to get a girlfriend/wife for my own physical safety.