dear coyote


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

Can you please ask Mr Wayne to let me into the batcave?

I PROMISE i wont touch anything! i just want to be able to say i was there!

Help a brother out! :).

dear Mr. Gunman,

my assistant, Hubert, has contacted the Wayne estate and was fortunate to speak to Mr. Wayne's personal man-servant, Alfred

while the two of them seemed to hit it off quite well, Hubert was unable to sway Alfred with his considerable charm

so, i'm afraid the answer is "no."

apparently, Alfred went on to make some disparaging comments about canadians that i'd rather not care to repeat

he has been removed from our Boxing Day card list

A Many Splendored Thing

Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

What was your experience when landing your first job or any job? (Meaning applying/interviewing/etc., perhaps thoughts/feelings?)

Do you also have any tips to curtail anxiety or perhaps help think through it? My brain seems to freeze every time I get too anxious around a person.

I'm trying to gather some insight beforehand.



P.S. But that pie looked delicious.::(:
Dear Coyote,

What the crap is this 'fun-size' nonsense about. Tiny chocolate is distinctly unamusing. Please can you convey my consternation to the chocolate people and have them change the packaging so that the word "fun" corresponds with the size of chocolate contained.

Kind regards,
Dear Coyote,

Why did mother nature create Men and Women to be sooo completely different!? Why did nature form two incompatible types of human beings and then expect us to get along and cohabitate in the same space?:rolleyes:

Yours sincerely,


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

What the crap is this 'fun-size' nonsense about. Tiny chocolate is distinctly unamusing. Please can you convey my consternation to the chocolate people and have them change the packaging so that the word "fun" corresponds with the size of chocolate contained.

Kind regards,
I always wondered that too. What is so fun about a piece of chocolate you could devour in one or two bites?! That's not fun. That's a tease!:rolleyes:

Dear Coyote,

Why did mother nature create Men and Women to be sooo completely different!? Why did nature form two incompatible types of human beings and then expect us to get along and cohabitate in the same space?:rolleyes:

Yours sincerely,

A cruel joke?


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

What was your experience when landing your first job or any job? (Meaning applying/interviewing/etc., perhaps thoughts/feelings?)

Do you also have any tips to curtail anxiety or perhaps help think through it? My brain seems to freeze every time I get too anxious around a person.

I'm trying to gather some insight beforehand.



P.S. But that pie looked delicious.::(:

dear AMST,

i half-heartedly began looking for first job when i was in high school, but failed to secure employment anywhere - i was very shy and i procrastinated terribly. apparently my AvPD had already firmly established itself by that time.

as graduation neared and i had no prospects for the future, i decided to join the United States Marine Corps. the whole enlistment/induction process was a terrifying experience. the great thing, though, was that the Marine Corps does a thorough job of training people psychologically (as well as physically) to be pretty tough - boot camp and the training beyond that is much more about building strength of character, adaptive thinking, and leadership skills than most people realize.

one of the things they teach you is how to remain poised and level headed under stressful, anxiety-provoking conditions. regardless of how you might feel inside - how frightened or unsure of yourself you are - it is entirely possible to instill confidence, loyalty, and respect in others by maintaining the proper bearing in your outward appearance. the old addage, "never let them see you sweat," comes to mind. it is entirely possible for one to learn and display adequate social skills outwardly while still feeling scared and anxious inwardly.

anyway, after six years of active duty, i was 24 years old. i had several jobs while attending college. since then i've worked in a number of positions. all total about 10 different jobs in the last 24 years (although i worked in one career for 12 years). all of my my jobs have been in management or in a position of some responsibility - somehow i kinda got set on this path, maybe from my military training, being in charge of other people and operations at an early age. so i've been through a number of interviews, and in my capacity as a manager and administrator, i've interviewed a fair number of applicants myself.

the first thing to remember is that employers aren't judging you, personally. when a position is advertised, any number of people might apply. the job of the hiring manager is to pick the best person for the job out of the list of people who applied. very often, the decision to pass someone over is not because that person was lacking any desirable traits, but simply because someone else looked like a better candidate. sometimes the employer gets it wrong.

the second thing to remember is that the interview is not necessarily about proving that you are qualified for the job - that's what the application or resume is for. if the person doing the hiring didn't already think you were qulified for the position based on your resume or application, they wouldn't have called you in for an interview. the interview is designed entirely to get a feel for your personality.

just try to relax, smile, stay focused on the present, try not to think too much. smile. just answer the questions honestly and earnestly. smile. be sincere, be professional. keep your answers short and to the point. smile. be enthusiastic. oh yeah, and smile.

the employer wants to know if you are someome who wants the job, someone who wants to WORK. he doesn't just want to hire someone who is qualified to fill the position. he can train anyone to do what the job requires, but he can't give you the proper attitude and motivation to come to work every day and want to do a good job. you have to bring that to the table yourself. a bunch of credentials on a piece of paper mean very little. enthusiasm, attitude, and "spark" will make the difference.

be sure to dress appropriately. if you don't already have some, buy an inexpensive pair of khakis and a buttoned shirt with a collar - iron them. get your hair trimmed so it looks cared for. shave - if a beard is appropriate, at least shave your neck and stuff so that you look neat and groomed. shower, use deodorant. wear the best shoes you can. in short, try to look as sharp and professional as you can. this isn't the time to express your individuality. this isn't a date; you're not trying to look cool and sexy - you're trying to get a job so you can pay your bills. this isn't the time to mess around.

i'm starting to lose track of my thoughts, since i started writing this response a couple of days ago (i don't usually take this long, but a bunch of stuff came up). so i hope that i was able to help. if you have some more specific questions, i'll be happy to respond.

good luck, you'll do great!
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Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

What the crap is this 'fun-size' nonsense about. Tiny chocolate is distinctly unamusing. Please can you convey my consternation to the chocolate people and have them change the packaging so that the word "fun" corresponds with the size of chocolate contained.

Kind regards,

dear Jewel,

my assistant, Hubert, recently returned from a trip to the Toblerone factory in Switzerland where he was able to procure the 18kg milk chocolate bar. he asked me to inform you that he would willing to share it with you, provided you bring the strawberries. he also asked me to tell you that he loved your album, Pieces of You.

personally, I prefer dark chocolate

and Alanis Morrisette's Jagged Little Pill


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

Why did mother nature create Men and Women to be sooo completely different!? Why did nature form two incompatible types of human beings and then expect us to get along and cohabitate in the same space?:rolleyes:

Yours sincerely,

dear BlueDays,

i believe the differences were intended to balance each other out

imagine a world populated entirely by men - dirty dishes on the sofa, dirty underwear on top the fridge, dirty magazines on the coffee table. i shudder to think about it

imagine a world populated entirely by women - assuming it survives past 28 days, no one would ever be able to eat pickles, or get the light on the dashboard to go out

simply put, we need one another
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Well-known member
dear AMST,

i half-heartedly began looking for first job when i was in high school, but failed to secure employment anywhere - i was very shy and i procrastinated terribly. apparently my AvPD had already firmly established itself by that time.

as graduation neared and i had no prospects for the future, i decided to join the United States Marine Corps. the whole enlistment/induction process was a terrifying experience. the great thing, though, was that the Marine Corps does a thorough job of training people psychologically (as well as physically) to be pretty tough - boot camp and the training beyond that is much more about building strength of character, adaptive thinking, and leadership skills than most people realize.

one of the things they teach you is how to remain poised and level headed under stressful, anxiety-provoking conditions. regardless of how you might feel inside - how frightened or unsure of yourself you are - it is entirely possible to instill confidence, loyalty, and respect in others by maintaining the proper bearing in your outward appearance. the old addage, "never let them see you sweat," comes to mind. it is entirely possible for one to learn and display adequate social skills outwardly while still feeling scared and anxious inwardly.

anyway, after six years of active duty, i was 24 years old. i had several jobs while attending college. since then i've worked in a number of positions. all total about 10 different jobs in the last 24 years (although i worked in one career for 12 years). all of my my jobs have been in management or in a position of some responsibility - somehow i kinda got set on this path, maybe from my military training, being in charge of other people and operations at an early age. so i've been through a number of interviews, and in my capacity as a manager and administrator, i've interviewed a fair number of applicants myself.

the first thing to remember is that employers aren't judging you, personally. when a position is advertised, any number of people might apply. the job of the hiring manager is to pick the best person for the job out of the list of people who applied. very often, the decision to pass someone over is not because that person was lacking any desirable traits, but simply because someone else looked like a better candidate. sometimes the employer gets it wrong.

the second thing to remember is that the interview is not necessarily about proving that you are qualified for the job - that's what the application or resume is for. if the person doing the hiring didn't already think you were qulified for the position based on your resume or application, they wouldn't have called you in for an interview. the interview is designed entirely to get a feel for your personality.

just try to relax, smile, stay focused on the present, try not to think too much. smile. just answer the questions honestly and earnestly. smile. be sincere, be professional. keep your answers short and to the point. smile. be enthusiastic. oh yeah, and smile.

the employer wants to know if you are someome who wants the job, someone who wants to WORK. he doesn't just want to hire someone who is qualified to fill the position. he can train anyone to do what the job requires, but he can't give you the proper attitude and motivation to come to work every day and want to do a good job. you have to bring that to the table yourself. a bunch of credentials on a piece of paper mean very little. enthusiasm, attitude, and "spark" will make the difference.

be sure to dress appropriately. if you don't already have some, buy an inexpensive pair of khakis and a buttoned shirt with a collar - iron them. get your hair trimmed so it looks cared for. shave - if a beard is appropriate, at least shave your neck and stuff so that you look neat and groomed. shower, use deodorant. wear the best shoes you can. in short, try to look as sharp and professional as you can. this isn't the time to express your individuality. this isn't a date; you're not trying to look cool and sexy - you're trying to get a job so you can pay your bills. this isn't the time to mess around.

i'm starting to lose track of my thoughts, since i started writing this response a couple of days ago (i don't usually take this long, but a bunch of stuff came up). so i hope that i was able to help. if you have some more specific questions, i'll be happy to respond.

good luck, you'll do great!

Dear Coyote.

I couldnt help but notice you stated you were USMC. Im so jealous! in 99 when i turned 18 i had written to USMC, stating my desire to join, but was gracefully declined as i was not an american citizen *cry*. The funny thing is, the last few years ive been on some sort of mailing list regarding "career opportunities" within so confused lol. Anyway, your awsome rating just jumped crazily!. Everyone should feel safer with Coy around ;).

Anyways, my question, is it true the space marines in aliens are total pansies compared to the real thing??

Semper Fi!


Well-known member
Dear Coyote.

I couldnt help but notice you stated you were USMC. Im so jealous! in 99 when i turned 18 i had written to USMC, stating my desire to join, but was gracefully declined as i was not an american citizen *cry*. The funny thing is, the last few years ive been on some sort of mailing list regarding "career opportunities" within so confused lol. Anyway, your awsome rating just jumped crazily!. Everyone should feel safer with Coy around ;).

Anyways, my question, is it true the space marines in aliens are total pansies compared to the real thing??

Semper Fi!

dear The Lone Gunman,

i knew a number of Marines of foreign birth who received their US Citizenship through enlistment

the issue is probably more one of residency - you would have to immigrate to the US

my assistant, Hubert, agrees that the "Colonial Marines" in the movie Aliens came across as petulant children - he was much more enamored with Ripley. for a more accurate film portrayal of the Marine Corps, Hubert recommends Full Metal Jacket or Heartbreak Ridge


Well-known member
Dear Coyote

Were you a "Hollywood Marine" or were you one of the "Parris Island Pansies"?

(I think I'm going to be in trouble)


Well-known member
Dear Coyote

Were you a "Hollywood Marine" or were you one of the "Parris Island Pansies"?

(I think I'm going to be in trouble)

dear Hoppy,

i went to boot camp in San Diego

they issued us sunglasses and suntan lotion, and we mostly sat around sipping margaritas when we weren't at the pool or playing tennis


Well-known member

*heads for the choppa*

"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!"

- Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945
dear Jewel,

my assistant, Hubert, recently returned from a trip to the Toblerone factory in Switzerland where he was able to procure the 18kg milk chocolate bar. he asked me to inform you that he would willing to share it with you, provided you bring the strawberries. he also asked me to tell you that he loved your album, Pieces of You.

personally, I prefer dark chocolate

and Alanis Morrisette's Jagged Little Pill

Dear Coyote & Hubert

I am an entirely separate entity to 'Jewel-the musican' I have been known as Jewel or Jewels circa 1985 long before 'Jewel-the musican' climbed to fame. Many people share the same name, for instance you yourself share your name with Wile E. Coyote and your assistant Hubert shares his name with professor Hubert J Farnsworth. However you're different people

I will agree that 18 kg of chocolate is the appropriate size chocolate to be termed 'fun' size chocolate. However I have a moral objection to the addition of fruit. Fruit has no place in chocolate, that is chocolate blastphemy. These are my thoughts on this for now.

Kind regards,

Jewel (not the musician)


Staff member
Dear Coyote where did your self proclaimed wisdom come from ?



Well-known member
Dear Coyote & Hubert

I am an entirely separate entity to 'Jewel-the musican' I have been known as Jewel or Jewels circa 1985 long before 'Jewel-the musican' climbed to fame. Many people share the same name, for instance you yourself share your name with Wile E. Coyote and your assistant Hubert shares his name with professor Hubert J Farnsworth. However you're different people

I will agree that 18 kg of chocolate is the appropriate size chocolate to be termed 'fun' size chocolate. However I have a moral objection to the addition of fruit. Fruit has no place in chocolate, that is chocolate blastphemy. These are my thoughts on this for now.

Kind regards,

Jewel (not the musician)

no no no, Coyote, youve got it all wrong! Jewel is the irish lead singer of the cranberries!! seriously! you'll totally be able to tell its jewel! ;)