dear coyote


Well-known member
Polar bears aren't white though, right?

Their hair is clear - just reflective of the light/snow.

dear twiggle,

that's very cool to know - thanks for the information

i don't know that much about polar bears, except that they are supposedly the largest land predator (not including bigfoot)

the ones i saw at the zoo look white to me - and there was no ice or snow there - i have some photos somewhere i can show you


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
dear Remus

since your room would have to be located at the north pole in order for all the windows to face south, the bear would most probably be a polar bear - so the bear would be white

the window would most probably be clear
Unless all the windows are on one side. ;)


Well-known member
dear coyote

nobody said each window had to be in a different wall

you could have all the windows in the same wall, facing south

and the bear could be an electronic teddy bear... colour blue

or something



Edit: curse you Nathaniel for being faster than me! D:


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

I'm about halfway through a long, dark tunnel which I painted on the side of a large rock. Could you please tell me if the light I see up ahead is the other end of the tunnel? I need an answer fairly soon, as it appears to be coming closer, and I believe I can hear a faint chugging sound. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Tramping Through a Tunnel in Tucson

dear Tuscon Tunnel Tramper,

you should turn and run as fast as you can

from my experience with painted tunnels, the chugging sound is never good

do to the nature of cartoon physics, you are mostly likely tramping headlong into a corrida de toros

i hope you're not wearing anything red
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Well-known member
dear coyote,
why do people want others to be social?

dear Srijita,

that's a damned good question

unfortunately, neither myself nor my assistant, Hubert, have been able to arrive at a satisfactory answer

why do so many people want other people to be any certain way at all?

no amount of thinking, hoping, wishing, or dreaming that people ought to be a certain way will make them that way

people will be the way they are

that doesn't mean we have to like it, of course

the only way we can really hope to change things is to set an example and hope that others will follow

"be the change you want to see in the world"

Hubert saw that on a coffee mug somewhere
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Well-known member
Unless all the windows are on one side. ;)

dear coyote

nobody said each window had to be in a different wall

you could have all the windows in the same wall, facing south

and the bear could be an electronic teddy bear... colour blue

or something



Edit: curse you Nathaniel for being faster than me! D:

i find it inconceivable that Mr. Remus would resort to base trickery

i find it highly conceivable, however, that MrJones has in his possession a blue, electronic teddy bear


Well-known member
dear Srijita,

that's a damned good question

unfortunately, neither myself nor my assistant, Hubert, have been able to arrive at a satisfactory answer

why do so many people want other people to be any certain way at all?

no amount of thinking, hoping, wishing, or dreaming that people ought to be a certain way will make them that way

people will be the way they are

that doesn't mean we have to like it, of course

the only way we can really hope to change things is to set an example and hope that others will follow

"be the change you want to see in the world"

Hubert saw that on a coffee mug somewhere
Thanks coyote (and Hubert) I agree.


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

I made this cupcake especially for you. Please enjoy it and think of me.




Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

I recently came across a curious object which I hope you will be able to identify for me. It is a black sphere, about the size of a cantaloupe, and has a peculiar sort of string sticking out the top. Oddly enough, someone seems to have set the string on fire, as it is slowly burning down toward the sphere while emitting a profusion of sparks. What do you suppose this could be, and what should I do with it?

Three-Fingered Bob


Dear Coyote,

I don´t quite agree with the last quote in your signature. You also need other things to that, which are even more important than mere courage.


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

I recently came across a curious object which I hope you will be able to identify for me. It is a black sphere, about the size of a cantaloupe, and has a peculiar sort of string sticking out the top. Oddly enough, someone seems to have set the string on fire, as it is slowly burning down toward the sphere while emitting a profusion of sparks. What do you suppose this could be, and what should I do with it?

Three-Fingered Bob

dear Three-Fingered Bob,

not to worry

our sources confirm that the listeria-infected cantaloupe outbreak that killed 13 people nationwide earlier this year is now over

your fruit should be safe to eat

although the black skin sounds a bit suspicious

i usually sniff all the black food in my refrigerator before i eat it

good luck!


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

I don´t quite agree with the last quote in your signature. You also need other things to that, which are even more important than mere courage.

dear Lea,

i'm sorry that the quote has offended you

language is a tricky thing

you are correct in your assertion that there are other things besides courage that may impact the quality of your life, but there is no wording in this particular passage which excludes those other things - it does not say that courage is the only thing, or even the most important thing, merely that it has an influence

i tasked my assistant, Hubert, with researching Anais Nin's writings for a more appropriate quote with which to replace the offending passage

however, he wondered off some time ago with a copy of Delta of Venus, and i haven't seen him since

i hope he returns shortly - there are a number of things for him to do around here