Daily Adventures with Weirdy


Well-known member
Maybe your grandma is starting to realise things aren't always set in stone? You don't have to marry before living with someone. Who knows.

Hopefully you get the food from her. If I could I'd drive there myself to get it.


Well-known member

No, not really...
I just went to see a movie last night with my mummy. >D

I'd been spending so much time in my bed lately, due to fatigue mostly-- so I haven't really been on any adventures other than doing ye olde duck and cover as people set fireworks off outside my bedroom window in the middle of the day.

Why do people do that? It's such a waste of explosives that could otherwise be used in a poor attempt to blow open a bank vault or feed little by little to a loved one in order to collect life insurance...
Both terrible ideas, by the way-- not practical at all and probably wouldn't work either-- but still better ideas than wasting fireworks by lighting them in the middle of the day and not being able to SEE them.

Anyway... we went to see Dark Shadows. (which is not horror or thriller/suspense at all despite what the Cineplex Odeon website says-- it's pretty much hilarious all the way through. Especially if you've watched the original television series [with JGL, I might add])
Saturday night-- late show on May24 weekend.
When I worked at a movie theater, the most empty showtimes were:
-late at night on party weekends
-when the weather is really nice

And last night fit both of those criteria, so we sat in a 500-some seat room with 14 other people.
Yes, I counted them. In the dark.
I had to know how many zombies I would need to kill or run past in order to escape should there be a zombie apocalypse during the show.
It would have been silly not to count them!

That was my first time in... uhhhhhh...
awhile. At the movies. yep.
The last movie ticket I have saves was for An Education, but I'm sure that wasn't the last one I went to see... I was also at the premiere of Pontypool-- but was that before or after An Education?
I don't remember...
It was awhile ago, anyway.

We also wanted to go see 'What to expect when you're expecting' but I figured that one would be more full since it's a first weekend opening and pregnant people can't really drink, so they may skip out on the parties and go see a movie...
Anyway-- I poked my head in there and the theater was half full.
So, I made the right decision to go for Dark Shadows.
Mom was really excited to see it and we laughed pretty much the entire way through.
It was vaguely like the TV series- a less corny update, I suppose-- with Tim Burton style, which I love.
Everyone loves it, don't they?
Tim Burton.

Anyway, it was fun times.
I went back to bed after the show and slept for 17 hours.
The end.
Good effort preparing yourself for a zombie apocalypse. Nobody ever expects it to happen, but then, all of a sudden. Bam! Walking lasagna's trying to turn you into a lovely Italian dish also.

All you can just do is sit there, slowly turning undead to never ever again see the sun or eat a pizza again (just creating bipedal ones). Or ever again work a day in your li.. ... Actually, it doesn't sound so bad.
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Well-known member
Slept for 17 hours? :eek:

Anyway, I'm glad the movie was fun. If there's a small number of people in there, I like to count, as well. Besides, going when it's basically empty is so much better than when it's chockers. I'm glad you decided to go, Weirdy. :)


Well-known member
Awww... he sleeps with a Unicorn!! >D


bang, bang, bang!!
Max Payne 3 was awesome.

Yesterday I went for a walk. I intended to run but it was too hot and I was already feeling faint after the first kilometer, so I just took it as a brisk walk.
It was 5am-ish?
Everyone kept telling me to stop going so early-- to go in the day, but there are a few good reasons why I don't go out in the day; other than the obvious people phobia.
1) people, yes.
2) sun (allergy)
3) extreme heat (exhaustion and dehydration risk)
So, I go when it's not so hot or sunny out-- get some exercise and go home and drink 6 glasses of water.

The next town over-- where we lived 2 years ago, had a BUSY weekend. (for the police)
A stabbing, a shooting, 2 fires and 5 reported sexual assaults.
People really like to come from the city to go to the beach for the weekend-- get really drunk, harass people, vandalize, act like morons and then go back home with no consequences!
I feel bad for the people who have small children in that town.
Or teenagers... teenagers are probably the worst off; being exposed to all of that constantly.
I totally understand why my brother was coming home drunk at 15 years old-- at 2am; because alcohol is handed out in the streets to everyone. Not just people who 'look' old enough to be drinking.
I would go for walks and be offered drugs by people standing on their porches.
"come drink with us!"
...I don't know you and I don't drink NOR do I do drugs. Thanks.

To think we lived there when I was at my absolute worst and I'd go out at 2am and just wander the streets, trying to exercise so I could go back home and sleep for 20 hours and do it all over again.
Sleep, run, work out, pee, sleep...
no eating, really. haha
Where am I going with this? This isn't an adventure at all!!

Anyway... my point is: PEOPLE!
Was that my point? That's not an adventure either, though...

I saw a skunk on my brisk walk.
I didn't notice it until I spotted what I thought was a cat, running under a car in a yard that I was passing.
I saw it and thought; "oh... did it spray me?" and spent the next 2 walking minutes smelling myself to make sure it hadn't sprayed me and I just didn't notice over the sound of my mp3 player.
I was a bit smelly, yeah... just sweat though. Not nearly as bad as skunk.
Skunks are cute, aren't they?
I guess he didn't spray me because I didn't notice he was so close-- or there at all until he did the ol' duck and cover under a parked car; but I've heard of skunks spraying people and animals without warning-- without them even noticing their presence, so I don't know.
I guess I was just lucky? for once...
I'll count that as luck. Not getting sprayed by Pepe Lepieu.

incase it wasn't obvious:


Well-known member
I prefer to walk early too. Its peacful and nice, also I love that time of day. Too bad I don't go for a walk often, I'm too lazy to wake up so early.

Wow sounds like such an awful place. I'm sorry you had to live there.

You were indeed lucky! Love the picture. :)


Well-known member
It's unfortunate you lived in that town over, Weirdy. ::(: You still went out at 2am, though, which I must admit is something I would never do.


Well-known member

I woke up with a massive headache after having nightmares all night.

What am I going to talk about this time?
Sorry it's not really an adventure... I haven't been able to leave the house in awhile.
I want to take the time to say what I think I want in a partner.
And by partner, I mean-- the person I would marry and make babies with.
Although this is hard for me to think of-- seeming asexual; I was in love with a man before. And if it can happen once, I suppose it could happen again.

So, the first thing would be: love.
Does that sound stupid?

From my relationship experience, I know that there are alot of things I can put up with and be understanding about.
Things such as: drinking, smoking and drug use.
I do not do any of the above... but I did accept his use of alcohol, tobacco and one other thing and I kind of regret it.
As long as it's a weekend/social thing, I suppose I could accept it but I would like to actually KNOW one other person in my life who is also straight edge since I've never known anyone aside from myself who refuses to drink/smoke/do drugs/have casual sex.
So, perhaps my potential partner could be straight edge as well?
Or not.
Nothing is ever set in stone.

As for the 'confidence issue' that looms over this forum-- I would say confidence in US is the most important thing in a relationship.
Being with someone who accuses you of cheating on them and doubts your loyalty is painful and puts a wall between you.
I'm not confident in myself, but I was always confident in him- confident in our relationship.
But he wasn't and I think it ate away at him.
There was nothing more I could have done to make up for his lack of confidence in us.

Someone who is human. Who has made mistakes and learned from them. Who cries when they're sad and TALKS out their problems rather than holding them in.

As for looks, I can't think of any 'requirements'.
I've been attracted to someone once.
My friends said he was ugly. I thought he was the most beautiful person in the world and didn't give a **** what other people said.
He wasn't 6 feet tall.
He wasn't very smart.
He wasn't very popular.
He wasn't sporty.

He WAS funny. He had a good sense of humor. He could laugh at life's ironies.
He WAS kind-- to me and to strangers. Generous.
He WAS sensitive. He wrote poetry, he cried, he was empathetic.
That was the man I knew and despite his faults, I loved him.
Everything about him.
And that is important in any relationship, I think-- unconditional love.

Having standards is a good thing.
If someone is beating you or lying constantly-- you should not be so blinded by your love that you put up with it and suffer.
But many people are in that very situation or they stay in the relationship because of their own warped sense of what a relationship should be because of what they saw as a child, or were taught or manipulated into believing was okay.

Dreaming is also okay.
You know what makes a dream a dream?
Dream - An idea or hope that is impractical or unlikely ever to be realized;
Impractical or unlikely but it's okay to imagine it or to reach for it--- once you get to know a person, you may realize more and more how much they are like your 'dream person' and will change your definition so that it fits them better because NO ONE IS PERFECT. WE ARE ALL HUMAN.

... except for me. I'm a Unicorn.


Well-known member
Headaches suck. I hope you feel better soon.

I agree with you Weirdy, these people are not worthy of love. I hope you find the man you want or the unicorn ;)


Well-known member
Heh, I've been having a lot of talk about relationships the past couple of days myself.

The first thing being love isn't stupid at all. I've grappled with the concept of asexuality before myself, and I've kind of come to the conclusion that I can take it or leave it. Love is a helluva lot more important to me. I'm definitely not aromantic.

As for relationships, dreams, and perfection, I firmly believe love is not something you find. It's something you build. That's not to say there's not matters of compatibility, chemistry, whatever, but at its core love is still about shared experiences. Like most things in life, it's not terribly likely love will be handed to you on a silver platter.


Well-known member
Someone who is human.
A unicorn and a human? :eek:
That is.... bestiality? Of... some kind, or, well. A robot would be okay, maybe?

Sorry :rolleyes:

Seriously now, I do think this is really important and I'm glad you think about such things, and know what you want.

I don't have experiences in life related to love (or at all lol), but I do wish you can fall in love again. Whatever you want, I hope get it someday, just so you can have a true smile in your face, because you deserve it.

Plus, robot unicorns are awesome.


Well-known member
Hmm, interesting stuff, Weirdy. I think I may fit some of those requirements.

Would you like to date? ;)


Well-known member
Just call me the spider slayer.

I've been noticing an increase in the amount of spider activity in our house... all over the place.
17 spider sightings in my room in the last 2 days.
14 in the bathroom.
10 in the kitchen.
Today, I noticed a spider nest in the hallway up on the ceiling-- got a chair and stood on it for a better look. This one had some eggs in it. I crushed it... I'm SORRY!
I murdered those spider fetuses but I consider it more population control than mass murder, really!

I discovered 12 more nests in the kitchen-- all empty.

I think we need some sort of spider protection... what eats spiders?
Trolls? Golem? Should I invite Andy Serkis over for spider control?
"Motion capture me a troll who hunts spiders and eats them! Mush, mush!!"
That's probably a silly idea. (probably? haha. definitely.)


Well-known member
I cleaned out my aunt's back room yesterday and I must've killed over a dozen spiders, perhaps 2 dozen. Ugh, absolutely awful. XP Oh and I also found a spider in my room yesterday, it started to create a web right above my window. He's actually still there. I'm only leaving him there though to control the gnat problem I've been having. Several gnats have been inviting themselves to my room every night and I have yet to find the crack or hole they're coming in and out of. Need to find it and caulk it asap. I don't like sleeping with bugs, especially those that bite or suck your blood.


Well-known member
Just call me the spider slayer.

I've been noticing an increase in the amount of spider activity in our house... all over the place.
17 spider sightings in my room in the last 2 days.
14 in the bathroom.
10 in the kitchen.
Today, I noticed a spider nest in the hallway up on the ceiling-- got a chair and stood on it for a better look. This one had some eggs in it. I crushed it... I'm SORRY!
I murdered those spider fetuses but I consider it more population control than mass murder, really!

I discovered 12 more nests in the kitchen-- all empty.

I think we need some sort of spider protection... what eats spiders?
Trolls? Golem? Should I invite Andy Serkis over for spider control?
"Motion capture me a troll who hunts spiders and eats them! Mush, mush!!"
That's probably a silly idea. (probably? haha. definitely.)

haha,I think cats would kill them,or so I heard that they are good at controling pests:
The Death of a Spider (by Cats) - YouTube


Well-known member
I really enjoy reading Weirdy's adventures. I honestly think I would be disappointed if I didn't see a unicorn on every post. My fav would have to be the Darth Vader one.


Well-known member
haha,I think cats would kill them,or so I heard that they are good at controling pests:

We have 3 cats!
They're not the best exterminators, apparently... the spiders do keep high up on the walls where the cats can't get at them.

@shenmue: I'll try to keep up with the unicorns but I'm running out of ideas... haha