Daily Adventures with Weirdy


Well-known member
Our neighbor is crazy.


We moved in over a year ago and this young woman- possibly younger than me; with two children (one of whom was taken away by child protective services but they left the 3 year old with her for some reason) who is pretty obviously bipolar because we can hear her screaming and sobbing and laughing maniacally through the paper thin walls----- what was I trying to say?
She is not emotionally stable at all.
Which is to be expected, really; because we are living in low-income housing... but of all the years-- my entire life spent living in low income housing, we've never had such a terrible neighbor.

Excuse me for judging her but I call it as I HEAR and SEE it.
She has a new boyfriend move in with her every month and it always ends the same-- with her tossing his flatscreen tv out the second story window and screaming obscenities.
The cops come to her house almost every evening to 'visit' with her because someone will have reported her for yelling or playing music way too loud until 3am on a school night... or something along those lines.

at 4am, mom was awoken by the sound of smashing glass.
She said it sounded like it came from HER window, so she went downstairs and turned on the lights to check and make sure it wasn't our windows (since they are right next to hers) and they were fine.
9am, a police officer knocked on our door to ask if we'd heard or seen anything.

Mom heard voices of 2 males arguing quietly outside(which is actually what woke her up) and then heard smashing glass.
When she went downstairs and turned on the light, they must've run away because she didn't see or hear anyone outside anymore.

The neighbor was home.
Her bedroom is right beside mom's, which means the glass that was smashed was 4 feet away from her bedroom window- directly below her... and she didn't wake up or call the police until 9?
The sound of glass shattering was LOUD in this apartment complex with paper thin walls.
I heard it too and my room is on the back end of the building AND I had a fan blowing in my face.
Was she out cold, drunk or something?
You're a young mother... living with your precious 3 year old and you're not on high alert when you hear a LOUD NOISE like that, right by your head?!

One time, last Christmas I was singing a Christmas song obnoxiously and apparently it had woken her up... at 11am... and she SCREAMED through the walls for me to shut the **** up or she would kill me.
How do I know it was directed at me?
Because she said; 'stop your annoying singing and stfu or I will kill you.' just... alot louder. ALL CAPS.
That kinda loud.

...and that is the story of why I don't feel safe in my own house~!
I mean-- what?
Oh, right~!!
My detective work tells me that something is missing from this story... I will stay tuned and listen to find out! BWAHAHA!


Well-known member
Our neighbor is crazy.


We moved in over a year ago and this young woman- possibly younger than me; with two children (one of whom was taken away by child protective services but they left the 3 year old with her for some reason) who is pretty obviously bipolar because we can hear her screaming and sobbing and laughing maniacally through the paper thin walls----- what was I trying to say?
She is not emotionally stable at all.
Which is to be expected, really; because we are living in low-income housing... but of all the years-- my entire life spent living in low income housing, we've never had such a terrible neighbor.

Excuse me for judging her but I call it as I HEAR and SEE it.
She has a new boyfriend move in with her every month and it always ends the same-- with her tossing his flatscreen tv out the second story window and screaming obscenities.
The cops come to her house almost every evening to 'visit' with her because someone will have reported her for yelling or playing music way too loud until 3am on a school night... or something along those lines.

at 4am, mom was awoken by the sound of smashing glass.
She said it sounded like it came from HER window, so she went downstairs and turned on the lights to check and make sure it wasn't our windows (since they are right next to hers) and they were fine.
9am, a police officer knocked on our door to ask if we'd heard or seen anything.

Mom heard voices of 2 males arguing quietly outside(which is actually what woke her up) and then heard smashing glass.
When she went downstairs and turned on the light, they must've run away because she didn't see or hear anyone outside anymore.

The neighbor was home.
Her bedroom is right beside mom's, which means the glass that was smashed was 4 feet away from her bedroom window- directly below her... and she didn't wake up or call the police until 9?
The sound of glass shattering was LOUD in this apartment complex with paper thin walls.
I heard it too and my room is on the back end of the building AND I had a fan blowing in my face.
Was she out cold, drunk or something?
You're a young mother... living with your precious 3 year old and you're not on high alert when you hear a LOUD NOISE like that, right by your head?!

One time, last Christmas I was singing a Christmas song obnoxiously and apparently it had woken her up... at 11am... and she SCREAMED through the walls for me to shut the **** up or she would kill me.
How do I know it was directed at me?
Because she said; 'stop your annoying singing and stfu or I will kill you.' just... alot louder. ALL CAPS.
That kinda loud.

...and that is the story of why I don't feel safe in my own house~!
I mean-- what?
Oh, right~!!
My detective work tells me that something is missing from this story... I will stay tuned and listen to find out! BWAHAHA!

Wow that sounds so awful. I'm sorry you're dealing with such things. I'm worried about her children, it must be so hard for them.


Well-known member
There are some people out there that shouldn't have children, and your neighbour is one of them. Sorry you feel unsafe in your own home. ::(:


Well-known member
There are some people out there that shouldn't have children, and your neighbour is one of them. Sorry you feel unsafe in your own home. ::(:

Just overheard that she's pregnant again.
She had an abortion just before Christmas, too.
(I see all and hear all!!---- well... hear through the walls and see the gossipers on the front stoop)


Well-known member
Just overheard that she's pregnant again.
She had an abortion just before Christmas, too.
(I see all and hear all!!---- well... hear through the walls and see the gossipers on the front stoop)
It's like you have ringside seats to a sport you dislike. That crazy woman!


Well-known member
I still think too many people around you are insane or something. I don't know if coyote's right about the water, but there is something wrong around there :/


Well-known member
It's a soap opera, really.
My whole life is even when all I do is lay in bed and stare at the ceiling.
That's just how awesome I am, I guess.

...anyway-- this thread is for adventures, not 'look how ****ty my life is' stories.

So, I was walking home from therapy today and a boy was skateboarding past me.
Don't know if he was doing tricks just because I was behind him or just because he was in his own little world; but he wiped out a bit-- he was fine-- I tried not to smirk; although my schadenfreude was poking through a tiny bit.

I wondered if maybe he might be able to skateboard without wiping out as much if he wore pants that actually covered his butt and didn't hang down past his knees?
It must be terribly difficult to maneuver in clothes like that.


Well-known member
That is so great that you have decided to regularly step out. You have taken to it so well with such good humour and cheeky at that. It's wonderful to see someone who was so housebound go out, be so adventurous and letting her personality flourish. A whole packet of gold stars for Weirdy :)


Well-known member
A whole packet of gold stars for Weirdy :)

ohhh~ you're too kind!
I encourage everyone to just try their hardest.
So far, my fears and anxieties have not changed; they tend to be worse some days but that's just because I'm out there 'facing' them, I suppose.
Eventually it should help...
It's just scary.


Well-known member
Ha, yeah, someone else knows this word, too.

I wondered if maybe he might be able to skateboard without wiping out as much if he wore pants that actually covered his butt and didn't hang down past his knees?
It must be terribly difficult to maneuver in clothes like that.
The lower the pants, the cooler you are. I think that's how it works, right? Men?


Well-known member
I wondered if maybe he might be able to skateboard without wiping out as much if he wore pants that actually covered his butt and didn't hang down past his knees?
It must be terribly difficult to maneuver in clothes like that.
^ I've always wondered how they walk with their pants like that. :confused: A couple years ago, my brother started in a little bit on the "fad" (If you want to call it that. Eesh.) and started wearing his pants about mid-rear. I really don't like seeing it, so one day I pantsed him. (It was at home, not in public. I could never do that in public)
He doesn't wear his pants like that anymore. Totally worth it. ::p:


Well-known member
^ I've always wondered how they walk with their pants like that. :confused: A couple years ago, my brother started in a little bit on the "fad" (If you want to call it that. Eesh.) and started wearing his pants about mid-rear. I really don't like seeing it, so one day I pantsed him. (It was at home, not in public. I could never do that in public)
He doesn't wear his pants like that anymore. Totally worth it. ::p:

My brother walks around in boxers whenever he's home, so I don't think he'd care.
Although his pants aren't *that* low or baggy... most of the time
I guess for teenager's standards today he wears relaxed fit - wider leg than 'skinny' but hangs off the hips... which is... good?
Still annoying when he's standing somewhere with me in public and 3 inches of his boxers are showing.

Green shorts and red boxers?
C'mon, man-- haven't I taught you better than that?! And quit it with the socks and sandals!! AHH!


Well-known member
My brother walks around in boxers whenever he's home, so I don't think he'd care.
Although his pants aren't *that* low or baggy... most of the time
I guess for teenager's standards today he wears relaxed fit - wider leg than 'skinny' but hangs off the hips... which is... good?
Still annoying when he's standing somewhere with me in public and 3 inches of his boxers are showing.

Green shorts and red boxers?
C'mon, man-- haven't I taught you better than that?! And quit it with the socks and sandals!! AHH!
^ Socks and sandals? You gotta break that habit! ::p:
Thankfully my brother does not wear socks and sandals. Actually his outfits don't exactly bother me anymore. I just don't really like the fact he thinks he can't leave the house without a hat on. Hm... He must be insecure about his hair. Not sure why, he has the "pretty" genes of the family. :p


Well-known member
This thread needs far more unicorns.


I did go out today.
I couldn't think of anything positive to say about it, though.
I wore my big dark sunglasses- (that my therapist confirmed you cannot see my eyes through them) and started to panic within 30 seconds of leaving the house.
I was crying.
I went back inside to throw up in the toilet and sat on the bathroom floor for about an hour.

Mom came out of her room and asked if I'd gone to get toilet paper yet.
I said no and continued to cradle the toilet.
It's a very clean toilet, by the way.
I scrub it myself on a bi/tri-weekly basis since my illness tends to make me sick quite often.
There is also a nice bath mat on the floor that I can sit on.
It's fluffy.

...is that positive? All that ^ up there?

So-- we needed toilet paper and I decided I had to go out and ****ing do it.

Left the house again-- cried again.
Wondered why I was crying.
Figured it was because there was traffic on the road today.
Very bright out as well-- lots of people were out riding their bikes and walking.
I was afraid that someone was staring at me-- which I'm sure people were-- and afraid that someone would run me down with their car or walk up to me and stab me in the stomach... but much more vague images than that.
Just afraid.
I continued to the store- a grand total of 3 minutes walk, went inside, grabbed my ****, went to the cash, paid and left.
Did not feel any sense of relief until about 10 minutes ago when I managed to eat something at dinner without feeling my stomach turn and having to run to the bathroom.

So, if you ever think:

Don't. It sucks.
People stare as if they've never seen a unicorn before and then you want to die.
And when a Unicorn cries, it causes all sorts of problems...
Like; all of the Jehovah's witnesses turn into Nazis and all the Nazis turn into Mormons and all the Mormons turn into elves and then the world EXPLODES!!
Unexpected, yes?
And totally untrue.


If I had midichlorians, I would blind people with my mind so I knew they couldn't see me.
It would be like being invisible-- but not at all.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry you had a tough time, Weirdy, but you went and did it anyway. Be proud of yourself.


Active member
I was afraid that someone was staring at me-- which I'm sure people were.

This is the spotlight effect that all SPs seem to feel. This would be hard but I find it helps if you look at and observe the people around you. I have found that if people look at you at all it is usually merely a glance. However that may be because I am looking at them. Anyway not only did I realise that my fears were silly in my mind I could see that it wasn't the case and felt more confident that people were not looking at me. But most people are to absorbed in their own world to pay much attention to anyone else much less a loser.

What I don't understand is how people can be so confident when interacting with other people. Even with complete strangers. Sure part of it can be bravado and putting on a brave face, but I think really they have to be confident in themselves and lack self criticism and have little bit of self-delusion and arrogance.


Well-known member
I do observe everything around me at all times. I am extremely open and sensitive to the world around me.
That is my problem.
I see people staring at me. I've caused traffic accidents and bicycle accidents and injuries to people who were too busy staring to mind what they were doing.

So, I try to convince myself that they aren't staring at me-- but past me or near me or are just zoned out.
People are busy with their own lives. they glance about on a regular basis; but I do get stared at alot and I'm very affected by the stares, believing they must be judging me negatively because of where I live, how I'm dressed, how I look, who I am related to.

These are all things I've directly had problems with in the past-- more than just once or twice but hundreds of times.
I need a thicker skin.
I need a degree of self confidence that I'm yet to figure out how to train myself into.


Well-known member
(Unicorns are exempt from being 'strangers', btw)

Today, mom decided she NEEDED the yard work done.
We have a small yard; as we're in a row of town houses.
The back yard is about 10x4feet and the front is just the dirt patch around the stoop.
We thought when we had moved in, that there would be yard maintenance 2 times a year. Once before summer for greenery and once before winter for leaf pickup.
Not the case.
They do apartment maintenance exactly... 0 times per year.
So; although out neighbors don't seem to care about how crappy their house looks, we had taken it upon ourselves to pack up the leaves in the front and back-- throw out the garbage that had been tossed over our fence in the back yard, sweep, clean windows, wipe down the exterior and mom is still outside now, painting the railing on our stoop.

She bought that paint the day after we moved in and is STILL waiting for permission from the board to paint the railing and the front door (which is dented all to hell from who knows WHAT attacking it) - but, like her attitude when waiting for 'permission' for painting rooms... she doesn't really care.
So, off she paints!

I was in the back yard, picking up leaves and a little girl stopped by our fence (which is only about waist height- not privacy) and smiled.
I smiled back and said 'hello' and she said NOTHING.
Was she practising her stranger danger rules and not talking to me?!
I HOPE so!
Kids need to be aware, these days-- especially in our neighborhood.
It made me feel a bit happy that she hadn't said anything.
She smiled, she waved and watched me for awhile to see what I was doing-- then when she had gotten bored by my crouching over and picking up leaves, she skipped away!

...I'm amazed she watched me for so long, though.
Don't know what she could have been doing before that made watching someone pick up leaves be more interesting... but perhaps it was because I was a new person?
I don't go outside and I certainly don't socialize with people if I can help it.
Often, when we move somewhere new-- no one even knows I live there because they never see me.
Then again, I am pretty much a ninja.
Would take a very special person to notice me sneaking around.... a fellow ninja perhaps, or a Shaolin monk? Or maybe just someone who is observant?
Probably the last thing...

(or a monk)
