Daily Adventures with Weirdy


Well-known member
So you are...



PS: I'm shocked at how many pics of ninja unicorns appear on google o_O


Well-known member
I'm thinking the little girl was just curious, and maybe she liked watching you. Who knows. At least she made you happy, even by saying nothing. :)


Well-known member
I've been having difficulties walking... so I tried to walk it off.


Mom said that if the pain were a blood clot in my leg, I'd probably have a big blue vein or something...
I checked-- nothing there.
If the pain is still there on monday (and I'm not dead) I'll go to the hospital to see what's wrong with me.

I figured, maybe I have to stretch my legs?
So mom and I went for a walk.
Nothing interesting happened.
Then midnight came and I suggested to mom that we go out and 'borrow' some flowers... in the dark.

We walked past this house with one of those electric bug zapper lamps in the back yard and the sound of bugs being zapped sounds an awful lot like twigs snapping- so each time it zapped a bug, I was prepared to fight a zombie who was about to leap out of a bush to murder my face.
Nothing exciting, though...
Just... limping around on my gimp leg... in the dark... with scissors, picking flowers to put in pretty vases at home...

in the dark.


Well-known member

When I was 16, I had a job at a restaraunt/catering company (and a video store and a cottage cleaning service and at a movie theater) and the day before mother's day, we had a BIG wedding event to cater.
I was working for literally 30 hours straight-- I mean... washroom breaks and breaks to eat and several naps included in those 30 hours, but they were all on site.

One story that has nothing to do with the one I intended to tell...
The site we were catering was a bit community center in one of the native reserves 3 hours away from town.
They had tall cathedral glass ceilings and new fixtures everywhere; all money they got by selling off their land so the municipality could build a highway through their reserve.
I was taking a nap in the utility room (yes, the janitor's closet) when an older woman opened the door and woke me up.
She was speaking French and I am not fluent in French by ANY means, so I kept saying: je ne parle pas français
And she kept saying something about... potatos? or apples? The Earth?
For all I could tell, it was nonsense.
So finally, one of my co-workers approached, having heard the woman YELLING at me in French and me being totally clueless-- he came to my rescue and told the woman some jibberish and she left.
I asked what she was yelling about and he told me in his usual sassy manner:
"You dun sleepin' in her bed!"




I'm pretty sure he was messing with me since he never said anything about it again but I- as confused as I was- went back to work.

I finally got home at 2am, mother's day morning.
My boss has taken a bunch of the flowers from the venue for me to give to her as a gift and I was too over-tired to bother waiting until the morning, so I opened up her door ever do quietly... tiptoed into her room... very quietly!
And jumped on her bed, screaming; "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! MOMMY-MOM!!"

She rarely wakes up grumpy-- and I guess she was trying to stay awake to make sure I came home in one piece and was already partially awake... but she woke up groggily and said; 'thanks'.
I dropped the flowers on her bed and she grinned sleepily, not quite able to register if she was dreaming this annoyance or not-- but having raised me for 16 years, she probably knew...

...I'm awesome.
And quite possibly retarded.


Well-known member
Buyer Beware!


^ It's mostly dark meat and almost no magicalness...

Or, like... zero magicalness!


Well-known member
this is my favorite thread



I could go on for days about negative things, honestly-- but talking about negative things hasn't done much good for me in the past.
After wallowing in my pit of despair for 3 years, I'm trying to be a happier person.
I'm not, really happier yet but I'm trying to be more positive.
This thread was one thing I figured I could try, even though I hate talking and I am terrible at writing and I really have to pee.

1) smiling/grinning constantly can bring your mood up even if you feel like crap. Think of something ridiculous, like a hippo in a wedding dress, getting married to Kanye West. ...did I just go there? oops.

2) go out of your way to leave your comfort zone at least once a day. It gets easier... kinda... not at all, no. It's not any easier but it's supposedly supposed to get easier over time... -__-

3) always keep your horn sharp AND polished. You never know when you'll need a sharp, reflective surface.

Thanks for reading, anyways.
I hope you can see your own daily routine as an adventure in some way because we're all alive and living- even if we're not really doing anything especially exciting.
2) go out of your way to leave your comfort zone at least once a day. It gets easier... kinda... not at all, no. It's not any easier but it's supposedly supposed to get easier over time... -__-

...Thanks for reading, anyways.
I hope you can see your own daily routine as an adventure in some way because we're all alive and living- even if we're not really doing anything especially exciting.

Gah, I always forget how to do multiple quotes. I just wanted those two pieces up there^

The first one - made me laugh. It's so true. I remember trying to apply that thinking in high school when I lived with a bunch of girls and from time to time there would be situations where I would have to confront someone about something, and it never got any easier no matter how many times I did it. My therapist insisted it would, but I always thought it was BS and still do. Some things just don't get easier, you can still have the same nervous system reaction and it won't change. Why does it have to change? I don't think it does, at all.

Second part - true!!! Lately I have felt so disassociated from the world around me, so when I remember that I am a living, breathing human being (despite all my dislikes about myself), it kind of floors me. I'm ALIVE. I have an adventure to live, a story to write. Might as well make it the best I can while I have it, whether I'm completely happy with it or not.

Gosh, I talk way too much. Sorry, I don't know how to organize my thoughts into more succinct sentences sometimes ::eek::