Choose Your Poison


Well-known member
I would pick the last one. The golden one is not right for me because what would be the point of living all the eras of history, knows everything about the Earth but not being able to share it with the world ? And the problem of the silver one is that I would stress every day, living while you know the date of your death ? Impossible


Well-known member
I would pick the last one. The golden one is not right for me because what would be the point of living all the eras of history, knows everything about the Earth but not being able to share it with the world ? And the problem of the silver one is that I would stress every day, living while you know the date of your death ? Impossible

But with the second one if you would be stressing every day about the date of your death then it wouldn't be the best days of your if its the best days of your life like it says then there surely can be no stress involved, its supposed to be magical is it not?

If its bliss every day for 5 years then I want the silver one....if there's a chance I can still stress out then I'd prefer the third option as well.


Well-known member
the lead one actually means you will die but will live a life all over again with a 20% chance of not working hmm i will choose lead


Well-known member
I will walk away. This dilemma is too tough for me. I am very wishy washy so if I pick one choice, I will regret not picking the others.


Well-known member
This is an interesting question. I suppose I would pick the silver apple; although, it is a very difficult choice.
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Well-known member
Golden apple. My greed overrides this decision. I'd want to explore the entire world, do crazy stunts and think I could grow use to being alone forever/being hated. It wouldn't be much different of a life except without all the dangers.

The lead apple seems like a waste.


Well-known member
The silver, five years of happiness is something im not guaranteed anyway, we could all die any day now. Five years of happiness is a very short time and yet worth it, to feel no pain or misery for five years. You wouldnt even be miserable or afraid of death at the end, just have inner peace i assume. Thats more than i could ask for.


Well-known member
I would try to get a gold and silver apple. I'd then cross germinate the seeds and wait until I have a nice shiny hybrid apple. Then I should have eternal happiness and immortality.
I would try to get a gold and silver apple. I'd then cross germinate the seeds and wait until I have a nice shiny hybrid apple. Then I should have eternal happiness and immortality.

But would you be able to cope with happiness forever!? I am sure I read somewhere that experiencing happiness for an unnatural amount of time will make a humans mind explode! :thinking:


Well-known member
But would you be able to cope with happiness forever!? I am sure I read somewhere that experiencing happiness for an unnatural amount of time will make a humans mind explode! :thinking:

Good point, Blue. I guess you can have too much of a good thing. I found that out the other night when I ate too much chocolate.
I choose the lead apple. That one sounds similar to playing Russian Roulette with 4 bullets in the pistol instead of the usual only 1 :sarcastic:. I'm down!


Well-known member
Golden apple, I can enjoy existance forever without the need to be around people. I can find happiness without worrying what people think of me.

I've already enjoyed happiness, I want more than 5 years to continue that.


Well-known member
I really don't know, probably the lead apple. If I die, then I won't really care because I'm dead. And if I live, then I'll just see what life throws my way. For some reason, the silver apple doesn't sound appealing to me.

How do I eat an apple made of lead though?


Well-known member
silver for sure. i never really wanted to live a long life. and to live 5 years, having the best time of my life and having a painless death seems like the best thing ever.
i would never want to live forever. especially alone. i may be a loner for the most part, but i cant stand being alone alll the time. i get really lonely.
and i dont see the point of the lead one. silver gives you short life, but a really good one. lead just ends it or leaves you exactly the same.