No I cant read minds - but like everyone else I have the capability of picking up on body language, behavior, tone of voice and other non verbal clues - likened to mind reading. Surely you must know when someone is showing contempt toward you?
I don't like it when people tell me I imagine this stuff - because I dont. But it is obvious that it has something to do with how I come across to others or how I am perceived - why I place so much importance on it is more of an issue than the fact itseldf Its something that I need to deal with somehow.
But no I dont like it when people look at me like I am the biggest piece of trash that they have ever seen, it happens a little too often - it hurts my feelings and makes me feel like there is something wrong with me.
Well sorry if you don't like hearing it, but it is most likely what is going on. If you have a negative attitude or having a bad day or you are feeling bad about yourself you will see the negative in EVERYTHING. I know when someone is being a jerk to me, yeah, I know when someone isn't interested in chatting. But to know what someone is thinking when they simply
look at me? Not likely. Whatever I think they are thinking when they look at me is in my head. Plain and simple.
Also, Tally you are OBSESSED with that physical trait and you are absolutely 150% convinced that other people think there is something wrong with it, even though absolutely no one thinks there is anything wrong with it. I can guarantee you imagined that tone of voice, you took what she said and warped it to fit your beliefs.
If someone is looking at you like there is something wrong with you. fck them. They don't know you and they don't deserve to know you. And you are better off without knowing them or giving a sht what they think about you. I know that I don't want anything to do with anyone who would simply hate me by looking at me in a public place. Like I said before, if someone does that... THEY have the problem. Not you.