I don't really think the world wants perfection at all - maybe in some quarters, for some purposes, in places where shallowness prevails, such as profit-chasing corporations. I don't think the media helps either - advertisements portraying these perfect homes and livelihoods that try and affiliate to the masses but really, are way off from the reality.
There will always be superficial people out there fixated on attaining what they consider 'perfection', if they haven't already 'got' it, and those are the kind of people who make the rest of us feel bad. The snobs. Those who like to, 'Keep up with the Joneses'. But I don't think their presentation of what life or the world is truly or accurately reflects the diverse, muddled, and quite often mundane, nature of reality. Either that, or they just feel as though they are too good for reality and select their circles carefully.
I'm not sure if this is on-topic to your thread, so I'm sorry if it isn't, I'm just going from the above comment and wanted to post.
Don't worry - I dont think there is any real theme here - mostly its a tirade of inner confusion, impracticable idealism and bewilderment that I cant get my own way.
I do wonder how superficial I really am - which may in part be part of the reason I cant attain the "standard" that I am seeking. I dont think I am shallow though - It just feels - that in order to be an acceptable part of society - you have to be the best. I mean - you see representations of the importance of status....everywhere.
Perhaps perfection isnt the right word - but lets face it we *are* pretty judgmental - we do tend to make quick snap judgements and think we know all there is to know about someone. If you come across like a complete tool on the forum - how quickly are they jumped on? Who knows what person they are *really* like.... I dont know maybe its just me. I always feel like I get judged to quickly - and I feel l do the same to others sometimes (although I try to remain vigilant) - I dont know... I would be hard to become convinced that good attributes in people outweigh the bad - or at least are more noticed.