I've used what you're calling the Friendzone Fiona (hahaha) line, the truth is it a little cliched but I've never said it without meaning every word of it. I've only used it a couple of times but on both occasions it was because I felt the guys involved were way too decent to have to put up with my weird moods and things. I didn't feel that I could treat them as well as they treated me. Maybe it was a mistake in hindsight, perhaps I let go of what could have been something special, all I'm saying is that: it's not always a phrase people use just to make a guy look elsewhere.
...if a guy thinks a girl is really great then why wouldn't he want to be in a relationship with her himself?
sexual freedom just makes everyone more miserable. it has increased everyones dissatisfaction, and heartbreak. there is no reason to stick in a relationship once the limerance wears off, or to try to make a marriage work when you have disagreements. actually there is now no reason to get married at all, since i is just a meaningless institution when it can be ended so easily. but instead you have the freedom "date" a thousand peoplein one lifetime... a thousand empty experiences with strangers who will never love you.
sexual freedom just makes everyone more miserable. it has increased everyones dissatisfaction, and heartbreak. there is no reason to stick in a relationship once the limerance wears off, or to try to make a marriage work when you have disagreements. actually there is now no reason to get married at all, since i is just a meaningless institution when it can be ended so easily. but instead you have the freedom "date" a thousand peoplein one lifetime... a thousand empty experiences with strangers who will never love you.
oh yeah, i'd much rather be stuck in a relationship with someone who was only there because she was forced to be there by an unbreakable legal contract rather than because she wakes up every morning making the choice to be with me when she could just as easily leave if she wanted
i remember reading some article about 'scienctific research on evolution' says we are better off havin 10 year relationships then move on to another spouse. the kids would be old enough by that time. something like that. There are also 10-year marriage contracts being proposed now
maybe the upside of marriage is theres no easy way out. its easier to give up w/o marriage.
This reminds me of: "You will find a great girl one day." Said by girls who want me to find other girls who are not them. Meaning: "You deserve a great girlfriend, but I won't date you."
in my experience, it can be very easy for a married couple to give up on their relationship - thinking that the marriage will save it
the relationship dies, but the marriage continues stumbling on like a zombie
meanwhile, people in non-traditional relationships continually breath life into their partnership each day they choose to be with one another - and if it dies, it dies a quick, painless death
What matters is whether someone else feels we're right (I don't really like the term 'good enough') for them.