Are you good enough? For the opposite sex?


Well-known member
Sometimes people ask me if i have any plans on getting a GF and i just say that i have too many problems and i cant even take care of myself, how more can i take care of someone else..

I also feel that i have nothing to offer and if i did get one, she would be really unlucky to be with me.

I feel the same way, except I have Bf's not GF's (;


Is this a serious question...? Am I good enough for the opposite sex. Apparently not. About a month is the most I can manage until the realization that they can do 'better' sets in.

Yeah...thats right...I'm bitter. Crappy attitude eh?


Well-known member
At the beginning of the relationship I had a lot of insecurities but I think in some respects we both are insecure my insecurities sort of reassured some of his insecurities.

overtime we have improved and learned better ways to cope with things

I think it's largely to our compatibility that it's work out so well. I believe most people deserve to have some one if they want unless their like what twiggle said abusive and basically scum of the earth.


Active member
People have different needs and expectations, some people look for funny exciting people, prehaps some of you will not be good enough for them. Other people are just looking for someone who is pleasent and harmless. I am sure most of the members on this forum are good enough for the last category.


Well-known member
I have a lot of failings that I have learnt to accept in myself. However, I don't think I should inflict these on a partner. Also I don't think I need to have these failing and others pointed out if I was to enter a relationship. I've come to a stage of self acceptance and I am comfortable with that.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
It doesn't really matter whether we feel we are good enough for someone else. What matters is whether someone else feels we're right (I don't really like the term 'good enough') for them. There are billions of people in the world. All of them are looking for different qualities in a partner. I doubt any two of are looking for exactly the same thing. And most of them are realistic enough to see that they aren't going to find someone who matches every single attribute they're looking for, and so they place different levels of importance on different qualities.

Taking all that into account, it's highly unlikely that there is no one out there that you are right or 'good enough' for.


Well-known member
I have a boyfriend right now, and every now and then I will get this bad feeling, because he is with me. Like, he could be with someone better. Someone skinner, prettier, younger...without so many issues and problems.
As coyote said, he has chosen you, though. I've seen your pictures and I can gauge your personality. If anything, he's lucky to have you. You're also thinking of a stereotypical hot girl, which every guy will have a different opinion of.

I never think I'm good enough, for the opposite sex or anything else.

I'm working on it.
I would date you. I think I recall telling you that in person one time. You are definitely good enough.


The only reason I say what I say is not because of conjecture or insecurity - its because I see it. People often think I do well with women because I have been out with so many - but I am not. I last about six weeks max and then its rejection...its almost like 'you're a great guy, but you're not great enough for me to keep you' - does the problem lie with me being the only common denominator...? dont be ridiculous. That is absurd.

I have conclusions based on what I observe. I think people (including guys) just want to have their cake and eat it too. Once you have outlived your function - you can be thrown away - like a car, a better model.


Well-known member
'you're a great guy, but you're not great enough for me to keep you'
This reminds me of: "You will find a great girl one day." Said by girls who want me to find other girls who are not them. Meaning: "You deserve a great girlfriend, but I won't date you."


The only reason I say what I say is not because of conjecture or insecurity - its because I see it. People often think I do well with women because I have been out with so many - but I am not. I last about six weeks max and then its rejection...its almost like 'you're a great guy, but you're not great enough for me to keep you' - does the problem lie with me being the only common denominator...? dont be ridiculous. That is absurd.

I have conclusions based on what I observe. I think people (including guys) just want to have their cake and eat it too. Once you have outlived your function - you can be thrown away - like a car, a better model.

sexual freedom just makes everyone more miserable. it has increased everyones dissatisfaction, and heartbreak. there is no reason to stick in a relationship once the limerance wears off, or to try to make a marriage work when you have disagreements. actually there is now no reason to get married at all, since i is just a meaningless institution when it can be ended so easily. but instead you have the freedom "date" a thousand peoplein one lifetime... a thousand empty experiences with strangers who will never love you.


Well-known member
Thanks Mikey but no one around me seems to care that I exist plus I'm too shy and boring to be liked by anyone.
Unfortunately I think the same about myself. Maybe you and I need to work out what we're doing wrong. Although I hope you never change.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
This reminds me of: "You will find a great girl one day." Said by girls who want me to find other girls who are not them. Meaning: "You deserve a great girlfriend, but I won't date you."

You mean like Friendzone Fiona...


It does seem a rather mealy-mouthed thing to say.


Well-known member
This reminds me of: "You will find a great girl one day." Said by girls who want me to find other girls who are not them. Meaning: "You deserve a great girlfriend, but I won't date you."
I got that too a couple of times, when I'm lucky. Sometimes not even that, just a "ewww go away you freak" :rolleyes: