Animal Friends!


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I love this picture. Their proximity and positioning in this photo has taken on a kind of yin yang formation. Does anyone else see it?

Based on that, I'd call them Yin and Yang. :)
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Well-known member
I love this picture. Their proximity and positioning in this photo has taken on a kind of yin yang formation. Does anyone else see it?

Based on that, I'd call them Yin and Yang. :)

Oooooooh i really like that, it's really clever! i've name them already though the white one is Lulabelle and the brown one is Millie, maybe ying and yang can be their nicknames


Well we have/had 3 cats......I posted my one cat a few weeks ago that we had to put down (she was 13-15 said the vet....we had her for 10yrs)......and now one of our other cats is super sick. Shes almost 17......she been around for more than half of my life....hell even before my panic disorder!!! Ive played with her more than any animal Ive ever had and shes struggling right now and should have died years ago says the vet....shes a trooper!!!....but we will likely have to put her down tomorrow (if she makes it through the night).....I just spent 30min giving her a nice massage all whimpering like a baby!....Ive known a lot of cats and she is by far the smartest cat Ive ever seen.....she is pretty awesome.

We lost 2 dogs in 2006 within weeks and now it looks like were losing two cats within weeks....this really sucks!! :(

Heres a couple pics of her....Im on my new comp so I dont have many just the ones already in my photobucket


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well since some are talking about pets that have passed that we miss.. is my sweet angel girl :) her name is annie, she's a golden retriever, she passed in december of 2005 ..she was the absolute best and sweetest animal i have ever known! everyone who knew her was so in love with her! and she loved everyone! she was a big girl, lol, too big to bury, so we cremated her.. it may seem weird, but every year around december 28th (the day she passed), something always reminds me of her! a few years ago i saw a 'petuary' van for the place where we got her cremated and i had never ever seen one before until that day! she's also still in my dreams sometimes, i always wake up smiling, lol

i look a hot mess in that one, but i love how she's smiling, haha

and this is my sweet bailey jane!! she's a cocker spaniel, she turned 1 year old on feb. 7th.. she is so clumsy and so funny! she's helped to keep a smile on my face for the past year when things have been kinda rough.. i love hersss : D

okay i'm done now! sorry! lol!


we put down my cat a couple hours ago and Im pretty bummed......but it was 17years of great memories! RIP Priss and Precious :(
we put down my cat a couple hours ago and Im pretty bummed......but it was 17years of great memories! RIP Priss and Precious :(

Aw I'm so sorry ::(: That's so awesome that she lived so long and you have so many great memories, but it hurts even more to say goodbye then aswell I guess. Feel better soon X


will be a weird summer.....every summer Priss and Precious would roam the front come home and there would always be someone there to greet me as I walk up the sidewalk!.....will be strange not having that now.


Well-known member
will be a weird summer.....every summer Priss and Precious would roam the front come home and there would always be someone there to greet me as I walk up the sidewalk!.....will be strange not having that now.

I know how you feel i lost so many pets last year the most recent one was in January and it seems weird without them, i still think of them everyday and miss them so much. I hope in time you will feel better and just be able to remember the good times without feeling sad.


Well-known member
we put down my cat a couple hours ago and Im pretty bummed......but it was 17years of great memories! RIP Priss and Precious :(

i can't imagine how hard that would be =/ it would break my heart, i sorry ::(:
people always say "it was the right thing to do, you ended her suffering" but it's still really difficult..
if im honest im not really an animal lover (dont start throwing stones at me pls ::p:)
but i do love my dog we had her like 10 years lol
she is boooooootiful


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My evil one, Ivy <3
taken today, 3-5-10. She's about 9 months, I'm not 100% sure because she was a stray:



My Timmy <3, on my desk where he knows he's not allowed to be lol
taken 2-27-10:




Well-known member
Weee.. I like this thread :D I have only 1 dog left now.. when my life went to hell a couple years ago because of my SA I lost my house and my job and everything... when my husband left me he took one of the dogs and all of the cats.. But anyway.. these are my baby's.. I miss them so, so, so much =/

This is Simba.. I actually lost him too but only for a year or so when I was homeless. He went to live with my Aunt, but now as I am living with her, I get to have him again ^^ Thank God for small miracles...


Simba again. He is a Leonberger ^^


And this is him and his "sister", my other dog, Daisy. Caught in the act of rough housing on the couch.. which they knew they weren't supposed to...



Well-known member
And now the cats... since it limits pics in one post xD

This is my baby Himitsu. I miss her the most...


And this is Sasha.. She wouldn't open her eyes for the life of her lol I think she was sleeping sitting up..


And last but not least... This is my evil demon cat Kitten. And no the photo wasn't touched up or anything.. it just came out that way. She actually has beautiful blue eyes... normally...



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My grandads cat, she loves that shoebox, she prefers it over her own cat bed! lmao! :D


Pretty cat!


And my grandads dog lily!
