Hello there
So i'm a 21 year old girl living in the Netherlands. I think i have SAD which is not stated yet.
My SAD past:At the age of 10 i noticed some difference in my behaviour compared to other class mates. at the age of 14 i became super shy. The switch was huge which happend in a month. Going from super happy/outgoing to super shy. I still don't know why.. I also started to act, the way i sit, walk, stand etc. Like a robot. I was afraid people wouldn't like me.
Years later i started to act the way i talk. Always thinking about what to say. So frustating lolz. Untill now i still do that. Focusing more on my way of talking than how i move my body though.
About me:
When i am truly myself i'm happy, cheerful, optimistic, active etc. I lack intelligence but don't want to give up. My passions are adventure, traveling, action, movies, anime, animals, freedom, art, material arts, fantasy, music etc.
Living with SAD currently:
It makes me sick. People now see me as a shy little girl. Because i look young, am small, and act shy people don't treat me the way i want to. It is hard living a lie. To act most of the time. At work, around family etc. And it makes me think ALOT! sometimes i wish i could become mindless. So i lost all my friends. It is hard to keep them, easier to make them. I have lots of feeling switches all the time, super happy to very depressive every hour.
My goals/dreams:
I have some role models, even thought they are anime characters they do make me very happy inside! Keeping me alive lol. I want to have some properties of those characters. So i have to know myself better first and find out how i will try to achieve having those properties. I'm working on one of them: optimism. Even when i am not myself i'm still trying to be it. And it is really working which i can see at work. A few colleagues said they saw a positive difference in me.
Second thing i want to work on is overwin as many fears as possible. I already overwon the fear of hights. Now i'm focusing more on speaking to new people. My job gives me the opportunities to do that.
Another thing i want to work is my body, i want to lose weight even though i have normal weight now. It won't hurt to get in shape. Then there is some stuff i want to do with plastic surgery. I have been thinking about this for years. I'm working hard to make this true.
My main goal is totally feel free so i figured out i have to start to feel free in my body.
While working on my body and behaviour (which maybe won't go the way i want) i want to move out house within a year. I want to take material arts in different forms and become strong hehehe.
After that i want to traivel the world in the next few years to meet new people, to see how they life, to see the nature in other places etc.
After that i don't know what i want yet

We will see. But i'm still looking for another goal other then being free.
Well, there are two other goals i have in mind^_^ based on my abilities. To become a great artist in drawing and to learn foreign languages. But depression is getting in the way, atm.
So this is what i have in mind for now. I have thinking about it for a half year about what i need to do in order to live life to the fullest. Ofcourse my plan can change so i won't force this plan. I kinda have fun too
I will reach my dreams, i will give the fully 100% ^_^ if i fail i still find another way to be happy!!! hehehe.
What i like about this forum:
This forum let me know that i'm not the only one with SAD. I also love to share experience here and to learn from others.
PS: we all are strong human beings