A Place to Introduce Yourself


Greetings To You All!

I've been visiting this site for a few months now and I must say that it's been a beacon of light for me. I'm a 26 year old shy guy who is socially awkward. I'm not quite sure how I got to this point. As a child I was quiet, maybe a bit shy, yet I had all the confidence in the world. I was comfortable in my own skin and didn't mind facing the world. That all would change once I hit my teen years. I morphed into a shy, timid, and socially awkward kid who did all I could to avoid social situations at ALL costs. I never grew out of it, in fact, it's gotten worse these last coupe of years.

I thought I could cope, but now my shyness and social phobia has become too unbearable. I need help, I need to find a way to come through this. I've missed out on too many job opportunities and dating opportunities. I watched my friends drift away, but I'm terrible with making or keeping connections. I lose so much sleep at night feeling hopeless.

I used to feel alone, thinking no one else knew how I felt, but this site has opened my eyes and has given me a sense of safety in numbers. It took a lot for me to write this, but I figure nothing changes if nothing changes and I might as well start my new life with a small step. Thank You for bearing with me, and thank you for your time. ::eek::

Hello there:)

So i'm a 21 year old girl living in the Netherlands. I think i have SAD which is not stated yet.

My SAD past:At the age of 10 i noticed some difference in my behaviour compared to other class mates. at the age of 14 i became super shy. The switch was huge which happend in a month. Going from super happy/outgoing to super shy. I still don't know why.. I also started to act, the way i sit, walk, stand etc. Like a robot. I was afraid people wouldn't like me.
Years later i started to act the way i talk. Always thinking about what to say. So frustating lolz. Untill now i still do that. Focusing more on my way of talking than how i move my body though.

About me:
When i am truly myself i'm happy, cheerful, optimistic, active etc. I lack intelligence but don't want to give up. My passions are adventure, traveling, action, movies, anime, animals, freedom, art, material arts, fantasy, music etc.

Living with SAD currently:
It makes me sick. People now see me as a shy little girl. Because i look young, am small, and act shy people don't treat me the way i want to. It is hard living a lie. To act most of the time. At work, around family etc. And it makes me think ALOT! sometimes i wish i could become mindless. So i lost all my friends. It is hard to keep them, easier to make them. I have lots of feeling switches all the time, super happy to very depressive every hour.

My goals/dreams:
I have some role models, even thought they are anime characters they do make me very happy inside! Keeping me alive lol. I want to have some properties of those characters. So i have to know myself better first and find out how i will try to achieve having those properties. I'm working on one of them: optimism. Even when i am not myself i'm still trying to be it. And it is really working which i can see at work. A few colleagues said they saw a positive difference in me.

Second thing i want to work on is overwin as many fears as possible. I already overwon the fear of hights. Now i'm focusing more on speaking to new people. My job gives me the opportunities to do that.

Another thing i want to work is my body, i want to lose weight even though i have normal weight now. It won't hurt to get in shape. Then there is some stuff i want to do with plastic surgery. I have been thinking about this for years. I'm working hard to make this true.
My main goal is totally feel free so i figured out i have to start to feel free in my body.

While working on my body and behaviour (which maybe won't go the way i want) i want to move out house within a year. I want to take material arts in different forms and become strong hehehe.

After that i want to traivel the world in the next few years to meet new people, to see how they life, to see the nature in other places etc.

After that i don't know what i want yet:rolleyes: We will see. But i'm still looking for another goal other then being free.

Well, there are two other goals i have in mind^_^ based on my abilities. To become a great artist in drawing and to learn foreign languages. But depression is getting in the way, atm.

So this is what i have in mind for now. I have thinking about it for a half year about what i need to do in order to live life to the fullest. Ofcourse my plan can change so i won't force this plan. I kinda have fun too :D

I will reach my dreams, i will give the fully 100% ^_^ if i fail i still find another way to be happy!!! hehehe.

What i like about this forum:
This forum let me know that i'm not the only one with SAD. I also love to share experience here and to learn from others.

PS: we all are strong human beings;)


Well-known member
Hi all ^^
I'm Melanie. I'm from Wisconsin and I just turned 19. I saw this site when I was searching for ideas to help with my anxiety on the internet, lol. I'm a very awkward person and at the moment I'm kind of a shut in.
Noodles are yummy o:


New member
Heyo. Whippy here! I'm a 30 year old dude, originally from a small southern town in the US, but have moved all over the place in the last 5 years. I've been anxious around people for as long as I can remember. It seems to change a lot though, depending on my living circumstances and environment. In my teens, I'd ride my bike all the time and get out every day and was generally healthy. In my 20's upon giving up my bike and going to college things got a lot worse and I found that taking a speech class was impossible and I did try. Also have a plethora of anxiety disorders during this decade, including one time when I finally saw a doctor for extreme panic and was put on paxil for it (which helped a lot at the time). Well, anyway :rolleyes: it's nice to be here! I'll be posting more soon.


Well-known member
Heyo. Whippy here! I'm a 30 year old dude, originally from a small southern town in the US, but have moved all over the place in the last 5 years. I've been anxious around people for as long as I can remember. It seems to change a lot though, depending on my living circumstances and environment. In my teens, I'd ride my bike all the time and get out every day and was generally healthy. In my 20's upon giving up my bike and going to college things got a lot worse and I found that taking a speech class was impossible and I did try. Also have a plethora of anxiety disorders during this decade, including one time when I finally saw a doctor for extreme panic and was put on paxil for it (which helped a lot at the time). Well, anyway :rolleyes: it's nice to be here! I'll be posting more soon.

Welcome mate. Nice story. Many can relate. Hopefully you find this place helpful, I have as have many.


Well-known member
Yeah, but you have lots of cheese and beer, right? I'd think that would more than make up for it. I'm from Illinois, and we have cold, corn, and soy beans. Yuck. ;)

Lol xD
Yep cheese and beer is what we're known for. Along with the whole big Scott Walker thing going on right now >.>
Lol xD
Yep cheese and beer is what we're known for. Along with the whole big Scott Walker thing going on right now >.>

We had Rod Blagojevich the last couple of years and George Ryan before him. I think our states are very similar. :D (I can go on and on about bad politics and Illinois.) Except you have the Super Bowl winners and we have the Stanley Cup winners and....the Cubs. :cool:

I went to the Dells several years ago. It was amazing. Slightly tacky, but lots of fun.
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Well-known member
Lol I have to say, I really like this forum a lot so far, everyone's really nice ^^
The Dells is veryyy tacky xD
It's our tourist trap! Haha


HI, me Abner and happy to join this forum with all those who are contributers and participants to this forum.
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