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  1. Englishman

    Anyone suffer from Hyperhidrosis in the North East of England?

    I've never met anyone in my life who suffers from this disorder?
  2. Englishman

    Botox for their underarms

    Has anybody had botox for their underarms? And is there a likleyhood of sweating being increased in other areas?
  3. Englishman

    Hyperhidrosis and excercise

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anybody has noticed a correlation between how tired HH sufferers get when excercising... I've been training in boxing for a few month and I seem to get WAY more tired than anybody else around me, even tho I've been training a lot longer than many people who...
  4. Englishman

    Does anybody else get red face? + A little theory

    I've noticed that in correlation to my HH I tend to get a red/flushed face very often. Most of the time my face is red when I'm in room temperature but I tend to be dry when my face is flushed. Does anybody else suffer from this? No one in my family has HH except me. My dad apparantly was a big...
  5. Englishman

    Hyperhidrosis and mental health

    How has suffering from hyperhidrosis affected your mindset/mental health? I sometimes feel I'm going a little bit insane having wet palms all the time, it's such a abnormal thing to suffer from.
  6. Englishman

    Recreational drug use

    Hi, I was wondering how many members in this forum participate in drug use as an escape from reality. It wasn't until recently that I evaluated my life and realised that these past 3 years have just been a haze of drug use and partying as a way to get rid of my problems. Sure they might help in...
  7. Englishman

    Something I found on another board "Read this, it may change your life'"

    Hyperhidrosis does not receive much interest in the medical field. We've all been to doctors hoping they have some cure for us or could tell us what is wrong with us, but to no avail. It may be because very few people suffer from it, or to others, they don't see it as much of a concern/problem...
  8. Englishman

    An update on me (for anyone who's interested)

    So for the last year and a bit I've been majorly depressed about my HH, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and to put it lighty have been pretty much suicidal all year... My sweating is getting worse, I used to just have palmer/plantar but now I get really bad axillary sweating and...
  9. Englishman

    Any UK HH sufferers who've managed to get perscribed Robinol?

    I went to my GP today and she said it isn't licensed in tablet form... anyone managed to get it? I'm unemployed and I doubt I'd be able to order it online from that Canadian pharmacy website... even then, would it not get intercepted at customs? Thanks
  10. Englishman

    Iontopheresis broke?

    I've got an Idrostar. I've been doing sessions all week (today is my 6th) and suddenly, when I went to start my session the current isn't buding from 0 even though I'm moving it all the way up? I've changed the batteries and everything... Any suggestions?
  11. Englishman

    Feeling like I'm going mental?

    I'd say the last 9 month I've been massively depressed. I haven't been on any anti-depressents, however, I have smoked cannabis to calm my anxiety and improve my moods. Recently though, I've felt a massive sense of detatchment from reality, I feel scared and axious constantly. I don't know what...
  12. Englishman

    How to deal with the depression which comes with hyperhidrosis (long post)

    Hi guys, I know I seemed to annoy a few of the members by posting my off loads in relation to my depression and HH but I'm here to ask for some advice. Over the past few month I've been MASSIVELY depressed and I frequently spend my nights crying to myself at my current predicament. I know...
  13. Englishman

    A question for the gents?

    Sorry if this is a little off topic.. But I was wondering if any of you guys have suffered from erectile dysfunction... I'm only 19 and I can't get it up and I'm scared out my mind! I'm really hoping that it's because I'm depressed and smoke but I've had the symptoms for months now and they...
  14. Englishman

    Erectile dysfunction?

    Hi everyone... Pretty embarrassing topic but I'm only 19 and I'm scared out of my head, I think I've got ED. I used to be really sexually active and have been having sex since I was 15 years old. Anyways, over the past 5-6 month I've noticed I can't get a full erection not even when trying to...
  15. Englishman

    Underarm sweat

    Hey, as a lot of you know I suffer primarily from palmer/plantar HH. However, over the last 3-4 month I've unfortuneatly devolped underarm HH. I don't think my underarm sweat is as extreme as most people's however it is still very visble... Whatever I wear. Has anybdoy had any success with any...
  16. Englishman

    A little something I've found...

    Not very credible... but has anybody else tried going for similar allergy tests? Sweaty hands and feet - YouTube
  17. Englishman

    Hyperhidrosis and relationships

    Hi again, I'm just wondering how many of you guys are in or have been in relationships, and how your HH has affected them? I personally haven't been in a relationship for almost 2 years and I don't think I'll personally ever feel comfortable enough again with myself to be in one. Sad I know...
  18. Englishman

    My goals in the next coming months

    Hi, just a bit of an offload here.. sorry if I bore you guys but whatever :) I've suffered heavy depression due to my excessive sweating problem all my life.. but over the past year it's started to really, really hit me. I'm still a teenager, and these years should be the best of my life, but...
  19. Englishman

    Hyperhidrosis and self esteem/confidence?

    Does anybody else have issues with this? My confidence has been shattered due to putting up with this condition.. Borderline self loathing. How do you guys cope? Any tips on how to live a more enjoyable life?
  20. Englishman

    Robinul in the UK?

    Hi guys, I've read that a lot of people have had some degree of success with taking Robinul. Just wondering, does anybody know how I'd go about getting these tablets? I've been perscribed Oxybutynin on the NHS at a cost of about £7 but I wasn't really satisfied with results.. Could I go down a...