My goals in the next coming months


Well-known member
Hi, just a bit of an offload here.. sorry if I bore you guys but whatever :)

I've suffered heavy depression due to my excessive sweating problem all my life.. but over the past year it's started to really, really hit me. I'm still a teenager, and these years should be the best of my life, but as I'm sure many of you guys know the aniexty and depression dictates me life more than I'd like it to.

Anyways, I've set myself a few targets in order to try and live a more fulfilling life and try and get a little bit more enjoyment out of it than I am at the moment. I'm not trying to sound like a tough guy or anything like that by some of my targets, obviously I'm annoymous here so these issues are real life.

1. Exhaust absolutly everything to reduce my sweating - Through the use of iontopheresis, medication, organic diet and anything I else I can do to prevent it. This one is key to my happiness I'd say.
2. Quit smoking - Horrible addiction, bad for me and my wallet.
3. Quit drugs - Need I say much more? This may involve my social life failing a bit, but it's like a vicious cycle.. I take them because I get depressed but they don't change anything.
4. GET FIT - Join a gym, participate in boxing. Supposed to be great for your mental health too.
5. Complete all college work to 100% level
6. Be a better person - Self explanitory.. help those in need, volunteer and generally be a nice guy..

Sorry for boring you lot. Thanks for letting me vent. :)


Well-known member
I'd love too... but the whole process of me meeting people and shaking their hands (I have really bad hand sweating) just screams NO in my head... maybe if I can get it sorted though. :(


Well-known member
Update, I'm currently on my 6th day of using iontopheresis.. no real change as of yet.
Haven't smoked cigarettes or cannabis in 2 weeks, sounds like nothing to you guys but after 4 years of abuse it's a big step for me... once I hit the one month mark I'm going to join a boxing gym.

Currently completing all college work. Need a change of lifestyle if I'm ever going to be happy.


Great goals!

However, you might want to start small. Start with one thing on that list, and practice it for atleast a month or more untill you are sure that its really stuck in your brain.

Usually when people try to change too much in a short period of time it goes well the first few days or weeks but as the motivation tampers of it gets overwhelming and you are back to square one.

edit: oh and btw, im also a very sweaty guy and it has affected me a great deal over the years. I sweat all over the body but i found my hands to have the biggest impact of my life. I then read about a treatment for hyperhydrosis where you inject a small amount of botox in the areas that you want to stop sweating from. I got this treatment on my hands a month ago and its improved my anxiety a huge deal. Might be something to look into.
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Well-known member
That's a lot to change, but I think it can really turn things around for you. Be steady but not greedy with progress.