A little something I've found...


Well-known member
I've been tested for gluten allergy (coeliac disease) and wasn't found to have gluten allergy.

That said I've got a bunch of other allergies, including a food allergy for eggs. It's also immediately noticeable for me when I eat cooked (if the yellow bit is still soft) or raw eggs (when someone makes a homemade cake for instance) I get an uncomfortable sensation in my mouth like it feels itchy and swollen, though it's not very visible, and the same thing happens with raw apples (particularly green apples, the ones I like :( ) and cherries...When the eggs are well baked or the apples/cherries processed (cooked, juiced, made into jam) this sensation isn't there. I've also been doing a desensitization regimen for dust mites allergy over the last two years (monthly injections). So far it hasn't cleared up my HH, although a test last year showed that the wheal response on my skin had greatly improved from the year before...

Personally I think allergies are linked to auto-immune disease, and I think HH could be an auto-immune disease of some sort...

Of course everyone can try to go on a gluten free diet and see how it goes but personally I'd be more interested to know what they mean with 'we gave your adrenals some support'.
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