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  1. Bustn Justin

    Decided to get a Tattoo by mid 2013

    I have beeen thinking about getting something tattooed on my body for a long period of time and have decided to just make plans to get it done. The reason for me wanting this becuase I have been having these dreams where I am more confident in myself and am able to have fun. I am by no means...
  2. Bustn Justin

    My Experience taking Week off from the Internet

    I am back from my week off from being online. It was a good experience, however, it did not make any major changes in my life. I did help me make small ones though. Such as: Going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Making time to get things done around the house. Make more free time by doing...
  3. Bustn Justin

    Taking a week off from the Internet

    I have decided I should try not going online for a week (except for work purposes). I find that I spend a lot of time online looking for people to talk to instead of getting things done or make progress treating my SA and depression. I want to try using my free time to do other things like...
  4. Bustn Justin

    Does your sexuality contribute to your SA?

    When I was in my teens I thought I was a straight male since I only wanted to be with women. I never had success with dating women since they would lie to me and use me. When I was 20 I would go out and I had men come up to me to flirt and politely told them I am not into guys. I always and...
  5. Bustn Justin

    Clueless on how to have Some Fun

    I know that this is going to sound wierd to the group but I admit that I am clueless to have fun or have a hobby. For me I only do things that I have to such as go to work, clean the house, and pay the bills. When it comes to doing other things they are optional to me. Becuase of it being an...
  6. Bustn Justin

    Things on My Mind

    Hey everyone, I thhought I share with the group some things about myself and what I have been thinking for sometime. I just want to know if I am too fearful or have some deep rooted issues to deal with. I see myself as someone who is easy going and wants to get along with people. The problem...
  7. Bustn Justin

    Feeling that everyone secretly hates me

    When I interact wth people, they seem friendly, however I feel that they really hate me. In the past I was an outcast in school and alot of the friends I have would be nice to me then use me or screw me over. Now when I am around people I feel that they are not around me they will think I am...
  8. Bustn Justin

    Hiding in my shell

    Recently I just been feeling like staying at home when I am not at work. When I am at home I like to watch a sitcom, movies. Or box sets and stretch out on the couch. As well I like to eat and have quite a few drinks to help me chill more. When I am not doing that I go put my heading hones on...
  9. Bustn Justin

    Do you prefer to go to the chat room or PM

    I am wondering how many people here rather PM or go to the chatroom.
  10. Bustn Justin


    YouTube - ‪Weakness‬‏
  11. Bustn Justin

    Saskatchewan SA Support Group

    Hey I was wondering if there is anyone here fron Sasktachewan who would like to participant in a SA group where we can help each other out.
  12. Bustn Justin

    Music and my Anxiety

    For the past while I have made some amazing progress with my anxiety. One thing that puts my anxiety off for awhile is listening to music that I enjoy. For me techno music makes me chill out and want to dance. I am in the moment and don't think of the past or the future. I like to check out...
  13. Bustn Justin

    Social Anxiety makes me feel Worthless

    I have been suffering from SA and depression for many years and now that I am 30 I look at how it has held me back. When I was younger I would try different things like drama, radio, and even put in effort into sports in gym class but have been made fun of it for it so I just gave up on extra...
  14. Bustn Justin

    Working in retail and having SA

    I have been working retail for over 12 years working directly with customers. At first I was afraid to approach customers, however, over time it did get eaiser. I have worked in a clothing store, box store ( electronics/photo lab), and now a commissioned sales job selling cell phones. Although...
  15. Bustn Justin

    Hey Group

    Hi group, I am 30/male and have SA for over 12 years. I am able to work in retail and go out to get groceries, however, I don't leave the house. I live on my own and like to watch TV, listen to music, and surf the internet. My SA makes me afraid to form close relationships with others since...