Taking a week off from the Internet

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I have decided I should try not going online for a week (except for work purposes).

I find that I spend a lot of time online looking for people to talk to instead of getting things done or make progress treating my SA and depression.

I want to try using my free time to do other things like going out for coffee, playing video games, pay attention to movies, and exercise.

I am not planning on leaving the group. Just want to experience life without the internet.


Well-known member
I understand what you mean, man. Sometimes you need to take a break and explore other options in your life. It happens and it's cool. I hope your week is going to be great. :)


Well-known member
the internet had big influence in how i developed. for nearly everyone with SA internet can completely isolate you.

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
The internet allows me to connect to people from different places in the world and to find people who have similar interests as me.

When I was in high school I had no friends so I started going into chat rooms to find people to chat with.

the downside is that I do not go out and spend time with people and that it keeps me from doing things off of the computer.

I haven't been able to find another hobby for myself so by taking this time off it will help give me some ideas.

user deleted

Good luck Justin! Let me know what life on the other side is like.