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  1. DespairSoul

    "disillusioned of first appointment with psychiatrist "

    Hey Everyone, Today i was having first appointment with psychiatrist. If i saw him already i felt uncomfortable coz he wasn't making on me good "first impression" but i don't give on first impression. SO i said to myself "Ok girl give him chance maybe he look only like that but he is different...
  2. DespairSoul

    We aren't alone...interesting video:)

    Hey guys, I found those video and i was thinking if u wasn't seeing yet can be interesting for ya. Well i don't know if all in is true but is kind of surprising how much famous people also was suffering with some similar issues what we are going trough. I'm not trying say that famous people are...
  3. DespairSoul

    "Few days ago i start celexa(citalopram)"

    Hello everyone, Well today have been 5 day what i started celexa (citalopram) I'm already having side effects like withdrawal, dry mouth, heavy chest, stomach floating, first day i had also headache and second day now not anymore, but the worse for me is accept headache which i don't have...
  4. DespairSoul

    Do you worry too about this?And how u cope with it?

    Hello, Well, i have those issues long term and i worry to much chronic. It is really so bad if i see neighborous and dont greet them,just pass them and pretend i dont see? I feel very guilty about it that i look like egoistic ignorant or terrific feared of them. 1. terrific feared thats the...
  5. DespairSoul

    Help me figure out how to add pic?

    I already know how:D:D:D
  6. DespairSoul

    Reasons wich cases Avoidant personality disorder?

    Hello all, What do you think about reasons wich can case Avoidant personality disorder? Sugest me some reasons and write me little about your self how was starting. When u was seeing first problems, did have it someone in your family those issues? THANK U::p:
  7. DespairSoul

    What do you think personaly about diplomats?

    Hey guys:rolleyes: Im curious what do you think about people what they go trought live easily because they act like diplomats. I take them little like people what cover the truth with smile and fakeness sometimes. I cant stand fakeness and i dont know if is because of my disorder or my real...
  8. DespairSoul

    Honesty,do you are more depressed at summer or winter?=o/

    Hey ::o: I wanna ask u guys do you feel better at summer or winter with your SA,Avpd,depression? I feel worse at summer. Before i was loving summer. Somehow turned this to like more winter time or autumn. Anxiety change me in someone who im not. I was loving summer so much. Usually people are...
  9. DespairSoul

    Poem Unfulfill dreams

    Red slices of roses falling on my palms, In my eyes tears and fears, My heart is broken on milion unfulfiil dreams, I miss you cruel i miss your smiles, I love you to infinity of infinities, Last kiss on my lips taste like bitterness, Last touch smell after hate, Last look at you hurt...
  10. DespairSoul

    What if your anxiety dissapear and some else will have it u will support ?

    Hello guys, I get Idea imagine that u dont have anxiety anymore and you are in some relationship. Your Gf or Bf have it and you must deal with that. DO you will support him/her or you will after time broke relation if u will see isnt helping your support and he/she dont change? Please be...
  11. DespairSoul

    How u feel i relationship with SA if u had any?

    Helllo, [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I have boyfrend 1 year and couple months and i love him more then anything on the world. Here is this problem i actually love him to much and im dependence on him im afrraid every day that he will leave me alone. Im only afrraid if he go work and im alone.But now im...
  12. DespairSoul

    Poem I cant anymore..

    Any time if i go out hurt me whole body and brain I dont want feel no more this heartbreaking pain Im longing to out like every one else with out be worry Im longing not alive nothing scary Im longing show my light of myself show how i really im I close me in myself i dont have good mood...
  13. DespairSoul

    Poem Who im?

    Feelings on Sa if i dont want admit to myself that im the one what have it and for other side im admiting in the poem specialy on the begin. Who IM? Im longing be born one more time Im longing be just fine I never will give up live if i wouldnt be me I dont know who im and why my eyes...
  14. DespairSoul

    How long were you stuck in the house?

    HELLO;) Im curious, what was the longest time you were stuck in the house without going out? My record is 4 months. Who beat me?
  15. DespairSoul

    How do you feel people after medicaments,its helping?

    I want to ask how do you feel after medicaments if is big diffrence as with out with Social Phobia? And it is some one here who go therapy and is helping him a lot or just little i know is individual but still i need to ask coz im prepared go to therapy but with staying there some months and i...