Poem Unfulfill dreams


Well-known member
Red slices of roses falling on my palms,

In my eyes tears and fears,

My heart is broken on milion unfulfiil dreams,

I miss you cruel i miss your smiles,

I love you to infinity of infinities,

Last kiss on my lips taste like bitterness,

Last touch smell after hate,

Last look at you hurt like knifes rip my heart,

I never will love again,

What i done to you and you to me is endless pain.

Your live will go on,

My is at the end,

I have broken wings and i couldnt fly,

Only with u i could now i fall down again,

I cant stand up anymore and see sunshine,

I desperate longing be with you.

Something cruel hold me back,

Biest what create my panick attack,

Biest what efface my soul and turned me on wrong direction,

Biest what kill beuatiful feelings between us,

Biest what served me dark of darkness,

My live is pointless.

Im dying with you and with out you,

I will soon end this story,

Story of one frustrated live,

I cant be with my thoughts they are dangerous,

Dangre of my mind is ridiculous.

Red slices of roses are no more falling on my palms,

My heart burst on million red bloody pieces,

I see blurred vision and soon i will come by closer to stars.
Hey... sorry to see you're feeling down. Try not to let it get to you. Sometimes couples just don't work out at the present. They can get together again next time... or they can each find happiness in their own ways if it really isn't meant to be.


Well-known member
Hello Drone,

Thank you for support, is very much hard dont let it go closer to me. Every day i feel worse and worse because i feel huge pain psychic long time because i cant live normal with out fear(i know im not only one) + i lose because of my fears person wich i love the most on the world. Im self'destructive my own hapiness. No one will want be in my skin. I know if i would be healthy my relation will work lon long time.::(:::(: