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  1. anxiousnut


    I've recently had to deal with a very condescending person who, in every conversation, has to prove he's smarter than you and that you are just not enlightened enough to "get it" if you disagree with him. Example: when i said i didn't like my meal at a restaurant that he LOVES, he says "you just...
  2. anxiousnut

    Interview went HORRIBLE, feel so stupid

    My anxiety bites again...Today I had a SIMPLE phone interview for a piddly little bank job and everyone has told me they hire anyone at this place. (which makes me feel even worse because I'll feel like a TOTAL loser if I, a college grad, can't get hired). I had been worrying about this all...
  3. anxiousnut

    German,European perspective of Third Reich, Holocaust

    Okay, I know this is a dark and random topic, and I don't mean to offend anyone.... I'm a history buff currently researching the rise and fall of Hitler's Third Reich and the Holocaust for an assignment. I am interested in learning about the lasting psychological and cultural effects. I would...
  4. anxiousnut

    When others minimize your "small victories" over SA

    My family really gets me down. They don't understand how much i'm held back by my anxiety. It takes so much effort for me to do anything, especially when it comes to getting and keeping a job. So they don't understand why I have been unemployed for two years after college. I made the...
  5. anxiousnut

    Know-it-all syndrome RANT

    I hate people who think they know everything in the world and talk down to you at every opportunity when in all actuallity, they are completely WRONG and full of **** about 90% of the time. Have you ever argued with one of these jackasses? Isn't it just infuriating?!?!? My brother is one of...
  6. anxiousnut

    Movie title game

    Okay, just saw this game on a TV show. You say a scenario using the plots of two movies whose titles create a "before-and-after" mash up. Ex: Brooke Shields finally makes it off the Island she's been stranded on since childhood and joins forces with a group of kids going on a treasure hunt...
  7. anxiousnut

    I don't act like the person I feel like inside

    Inside I am thoughtful, open, sensitive, caring. I care about the earth, I worry about things, I get so easily hurt by what others say to me. But the way I act and the things I say make me come across completely differently to other people--like a harsh, overly-opinionated b**** sometimes. I...
  8. anxiousnut

    Favorite meal.

    Okay, if you could only have one more meal...what would your favorite, perfect meal consist of?? And dessert. It's a tough decision for me, but I think I would have to choose: Roasted chicken, stuffed with my dad's sage dressing, homemade mashed potatoes, gravy, corn or carrots, yummy And for...
  9. anxiousnut

    Common Sense Obituary

    Thought this was great and if you're sick of the BS in this world you should like it too :D Obituary printed in the London Times - Interesting and sadly rather true. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure...
  10. anxiousnut

    Biggest pet peeves

    What are some of your biggest pet peeves in life? Little things, big things, or personality traits in others that make your blood boil. Just a few of mine: Know-it-alls who think they have everything figured out, rude people, morons who fill reality TV, any food with Mayo in it (yuck), Lady...
  11. anxiousnut

    So many stereotypes, country hate

    Okay, this will probably be a rant, sorry. I've noticed, while reading comments on Youtube and other sites, how SO many people have such ignorant, generalizing beliefs about others based on what country they're from. They truly believe these stereotypes and lump everyone from one area of the...
  12. anxiousnut

    I never make it to the "friend zone"

    I don't know why people never seem to want to be friends with me. I can have a good time with someone, hang out and get drunk and crazy with them, have a good conversation...but when that's over, people are indifferent to me. I am never called or texted, asked to hang out, nobody writes on my...
  13. anxiousnut

    Sexual inexperience makes me feel so bad

    I am a virgin at 23, and don't forsee getting intimate with anyone in the near future. The most I've done is made out with a guy. It makes me feel so bad and abnormal, like I'm just totally out of the loop. I can't even imagine being comfortable enough to ever have sex or be romantic with...
  14. anxiousnut

    When you were a kid

    Do you ever get sad when you look at pictures or watch home movies of when you were a happy, carefree kid who wasn't afraid of others or the world yet? I watched a home video today, and I was amazed at the little girl on the tape. I was laughing, smiling and being crazy and uninhibited. It...
  15. anxiousnut

    I feel guilty

    We visited my dad's cousin who has MS (or at least I think that's what it is, not sure). He is totally confined to a wheelchair, his limbs are all atrophied and twisted. He has one of those breathing tubes in his neck. He can't do anything or barely even talk. I bet he would give anything to...
  16. anxiousnut

    Do you think this is unhealthy

    Okay, I think my brother is a controlling ******* toward his fiance, even though he is NOT abusive. It's very bizarre to me. But I'm so close to the situation, I don't know if I might be overreacting, what do you think? 1) He and his fiance (and they were engaged after only 5 months), have...
  17. anxiousnut

    Social Contradiction

    I am lonely without a lot of friends and dream of a life with friends and a soul mate, and yet whenever a social opportunity presents itself I dread it and would rather be by myself. As much as I want to be social, I find that I usually don't enjoy the company of others at all. Anyone else do...
  18. anxiousnut

    My mind races uncontrollably

    It's like my brain is constantly on speed. It just races, races, races...It's like I think about every single depressing and anxiety-filled aspect of my life in a crazy, incoherent cycle all day, everyday. I don't even know how to explain it. All the things I hate about myself are always...
  19. anxiousnut

    People aggravate me

    I get really aggravated at people who are WAY more functional, have friends, a booming social life and yet they claim to have SERIOUS anxiety/depression issues that "holds them back" and compare themselves to me. I understand that some people don't show their problems, but some of my friends...
  20. anxiousnut

    Anyone from KY, OH, IN area??

    I'm from northern KY, and am wondering if there's anyone from the tristate region or beyond on here? Someday, I'd like to think we could have a meeting or something.