When you were a kid

Do you ever get sad when you look at pictures or watch home movies of when you were a happy, carefree kid who wasn't afraid of others or the world yet? I watched a home video today, and I was amazed at the little girl on the tape. I was laughing, smiling and being crazy and uninhibited. It just made me so sad. I was so innocent and had no idea how mean people and cruel words would begin to ruin me in the years to come.


Well-known member
Seriously, I think we all should skip more often and do other carefree, childish things! Swing, jump rope, play hide and seek, sing at the top of our lungs without caring who hears us, run around with our arms spread out and act like we're flying ...Oh to be 5 again

Let's do it!

Who's gonna tell us to stop?

We're grown-ups - we can be as childish as we want!

Nyah! :]


Well-known member
that's why i love seeing little kids acting crazy.. it's like they are all so much more brilliant than adults. they don't care what others think and they have an easy solution to any problem. they're generally happy and kind hearted.. it's very sweet :) that's part of the reason why i used to want to be an elementary school teacher or something... hanging out with little kids all day would be badass..


Well-known member
I don't wish I was a kid again...But I definitely wish I had the same attitude I had as a kid. I was awesome. I was friends with everyone. I was friendly. I didn't care what people thought about me. I did whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I would love to be like that again. :(

When I look through old pictures and home videos, I see someone completely different. I was so loved back then (I still am) by my family and I always think about how much I've changed to them. Do they wonder how their outgoing baby cousin/niece turned into a shy, nervous wreck?

It makes me feel bad sometimes that I'm not that little girl anymore. I feel like I'm disappointing so many people. When I meet people I haven't seen since I was younger, I try to be that little girl they once knew. ::(:
I used to think that constantly looking at photos of me as a carefree under 8 year old child might help me to recapture those thoughts.
Unfortunately it did not work. I just feel very grateful to have had that carefree 8 years anyway, as some have not even had that.:)
it's like they are all so much more brilliant than adults. they don't care what others think and they have an easy solution to any problem. they're generally happy and kind hearted....

It's so true, I swear kids are smarter than adults. Maybe not academically or skill-wise, but certainly common sense wise. They see the simple truths in people and the world and don't care about political correctness, philosophy, or other BS. Their sense of reason isn't clouded by all the bull**** yet.
I remember thinking as a kid, "man I can't wait to grow up when people will be less judgemental."

Ahh the silly ignorance.

Yes, I do miss being a kid very much. I miss all of the past really.
I look back, and then see what I've become and it just makes me more depressed.
Being a kid, I lived in a fantasy world. I didn't know or care what the real world was like.


Well-known member
Apart from my First Holy Communion (yes, I come from a Catholic family, however I'm personally agnostic) we don't really have that many home videos of me when I was a kid, maybe 2-3 others, but they + many old pictures do bring the strongest, yet painful sense of nostalgia that actually makes me cry.

I was so happy and sociable as a child, I had lots of friends in my neighbourhood and a fair amount at primary school, although I won't lie, I did have some bullying moments as a kid too, but it was the kind everyone went through. I was such a stronger person as a child too, I wasn't the leader of my friends, but I was sort of the leader ("Big" Chloe) best friend as I was the second oldest and we used to organise adventures and all that childish crap. I then had my best friend-almost boyfriend from when I was about 10-12 and two good friends when I started secondary school. But I stopped being happy before I turned 14, everything turned to hell then.

If I were about 8-12, and I met my 14-17 year old self, I'd be absolutely disgusted at how I turned out! Being socially anxious, gaining all that weight from comfort eating and being depressed.


Well-known member
Ah this thread has made me really upset :(
Every day i look at old pictures of myself, i think about my past like when i was a kid or even just 2 years ago and think about how happy i was and how i had no issues.
How i wasn't scared to do anything, and i could just go out every day and be free in a way. I get so scared thinking about my future, i wish i could go back so much :(


Well-known member
yes, anxiousnut, I see photos of myself, and see a happy child.

I was happy until I was twelve years old, and then I went to high school, and that all changed.

The last few year I have had days where I've smiled more, but I do long for those carefree days.
If I were about 8-12, and I met my 14-17 year old self, I'd be absolutely disgusted at how I turned out! Being socially anxious, gaining all that weight from comfort eating and being depressed.

Oh, I can really identify with this. I am the champion comfort eater and weight-gainer. Three years ago I was relatively skinny, could fit into cute clothes, was hit on by guys, but now I am so fat it's ridiculous. I see pictures of myself now and just cry, I never would have imagined I would let myself get so bad. I hate how SA and Depression has ruined me.


Well-known member
See, I was utterly miserable growing up... I'm the happiest now that I'm all growed up lol maybe because my life is now on my terms, not my parents or some other "adult" put in charge of me...

Although I am a little sad I have no videos of me as a kid, no matter all the choir concerts or plays I was in... that is the really sad part. The few times I actually was happy, losing myself in my role, singing or acting or painting a set, there is no proof but my own memory...


Well-known member
wish i was a kid again , when i was 6 i had an action man tank , i loved that tank , but my sister stamped on it ::eek:: just cos i ripped her dollys head off ::eek:: its was only a barbie doll ::eek:: she had loads of barbie dolls , but i only had 1 action man tank ::eek::.......
I didn't do much as a kid, never really went out and when I did it was boring because there was absolutely nothing to do in my town. So I stayed in, played video games and watched movies, was great. I look back now and realize how lucky I really was considering I didn't have a care in the world. Now it's always treading on egg shells and worrying about problems that shouldn't mean anything. Would trade it all to be a kid again.

No movies of me as a kid, but all you would of seen me doing would be me watching a sci-fi flick or something :D


Well-known member
I look back at times when i was a kid, up until the age of 11 i was the happiest kid ever and i really miss being like that..

I have 3 girls, 9yrs, 2yrs and a 1yr old.. i love to see them play and laugh and be happy and i think that because my childhood after the age of about 11 was pants im more determined to make sure my kids will be able to look back and always have great memories :)