Biggest pet peeves

What are some of your biggest pet peeves in life? Little things, big things, or personality traits in others that make your blood boil.

Just a few of mine: Know-it-alls who think they have everything figured out, rude people, morons who fill reality TV, any food with Mayo in it (yuck), Lady Gaga, the way cotton balls "squeak" (ugh, makes me shudder), litter on the side of the road, graffiti, the sound of loud engines, stereotypes, obnoxious, yappy little dogs, grammar nazis...okay, i could go on forever.


Well-known member
It's funny that you mentioned grammar nazis as one of your pet peeves, because people that can't speak/spell properly piss me off to no end. It's one thing if someone just doesn't know how to spell. I can't do math very well, so some people may have that same problem with language (it does still irritate the hell out of me, though). However, people that can't SPEAK with proper grammar just annoy me so much. People that say words like: gots, anywayS, "I seen" instead of "I saw" or "I've seen". Stuff like that. UGH!

Anyway. I also hate ignorant people, bigots, rude and obnoxious idiots, religious fundamentalists, people that are cruel to animals, arrogance, the list could go on forever. I should stop here, lol.

Hed Ake

I don't understand how graffiti is a pet peeve. maybe the gang stuff, but graffiti sub culture is a lot more complex than one might think. whatever, it's your opinion.

Flickriver: Hahn Conkers's most interesting photos

my pet peeves are: that ringing in your ears when it's too quiet, food that has too much of one ingredient, and overly positive people. Those people just seem so fake and pretentious.
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Being Canadian, Zed not zee. Okay in US, and if US touring the North. Otherwise, zed. As in Zed Zed top.

Hands getting sticky and stuff sticking to them. I don't cook.

Workouts are meant for workouts. Quit talking and work. Not social time.


Well-known member
People who tend to correct you on the smallest thing/spelling, people who like to question and laugh at me for being a vegetarian, the smell of petrol, quick judgemental people without knowing the full story, permanently negative moody people, and ermmm ... can't think of anything else at the mo. :)
I don't understand how graffiti is a pet peeve. maybe the gang stuff, but graffiti sub culture is a lot more complex than one might think. whatever, it's your opinion.


I have no problem with graffiti itself and some of it looks extremely cool...the thing I have a problem with is that people think they have a right to put it on other people's property when it's unwanted and uninvited and give no thought to the expensive paint job that is necessary to clean it up.


Well-known member
my pet peeves

humming, whistling
loud sneezers
people who stand to close to you in line
the neo nazis who hang around outside the post office
loud chewing
people who make big deals out of stupid things but get pissed if you say anthing back
stupid people
mean people
this is more than a pet peeve- but people who don't care of their animals are disgusting to me (especially the ones who say they "love" their pet, but it's obviously not being taken care of)
waiters/waitresses who ask too many questions
customers who ask me 3 goddamn times what my name is and how to spell it
the remake of the omen
whip cream on beverages
when restuarants/bard don't have coasters, and everytime you try to take a drihnk of water, it drips everywhere
other people
when neoghborhood kids play in the culdesac
people who litter
dogs that wont shut up
people who get mad at me when i don't eat the last couple bites of something- **** you-
people who make comments about my body
men when they have wandering eyes (and dont seem to think that its obvious what theyre doing)
the world
lots of things- thats why i am alone
my pet peeves

humming, whistling
loud sneezers
people who stand to close to you in line
the neo nazis who hang around outside the post office
loud chewing
people who make big deals out of stupid things but get pissed if you say anthing back
stupid people
mean people
this is more than a pet peeve- but people who don't care of their animals are disgusting to me (especially the ones who say they "love" their pet, but it's obviously not being taken care of)
waiters/waitresses who ask too many questions
customers who ask me 3 goddamn times what my name is and how to spell it
the remake of the omen
whip cream on beverages
when restuarants/bard don't have coasters, and everytime you try to take a drihnk of water, it drips everywhere
other people
when neoghborhood kids play in the culdesac
people who litter
dogs that wont shut up
people who get mad at me when i don't eat the last couple bites of something- **** you-
people who make comments about my body
men when they have wandering eyes (and dont seem to think that its obvious what theyre doing)
the world
lots of things- thats why i am alone

Quite the list. Some there I never thought of but do irritate me as well.

This one - men when they have wandering eyes -
Some of us are slightly paranoid about our surroundings.
Try to keep head down but that clank and clink, someone walking, have to see what's going on. We may try to hide what we feel compelled to know.

Now where's that drink?


Well-known member
It's funny that you mentioned grammar nazis as one of your pet peeves, because people that can't speak/spell properly piss me off to no end... However, people that can't SPEAK with proper grammar just annoy me so much. People that say words like: gots, anywayS, "I seen" instead of "I saw" or "I've seen". Stuff like that. UGH!

You should visit Philadelphia sometime. And if you lose it and kill someone, you'll fit right in. Just use a handgun and hit at least one innocent bystander.

Besides bad grammar from those who should know better, I'm particularly nasty towards litterbugs, animal abusers, and most pop music. Oh, and bad drivers. There are probably more peeves I could mention, but all of my pets are sleeping right now.