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  1. FriendlyShadow

    Awkward laughs

    I know I've been guilty for this many times, but whenever someone tells a joke and they laugh, I tend to force out my laughing and then people give me awkward looks or exchange awkward glances at me. It happened a lot today when I was at my speech therapist group and these kids were making...
  2. FriendlyShadow

    Why do people believe relationships will make you happy?

    I know a lot of people on this particular thread will disagree with me but what makes most people believe they'll be happy if they were in a relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend. In fact, I'm not sure if it really does make others happy but then to just hide their problems/issues they have...
  3. FriendlyShadow

    People looking at you when you talk

    Has anyone else had this problem where you're talking say a group or even a few people around you and you feel like you get this type of anxiety feeling that you don't like being looked at. I always have to avoid eye contact from others and even in the corner of my eyes I can feel them staring...
  4. FriendlyShadow

    How to be less emotionally unstable

    Does anyone have advice on how I can control my instability better? I am very tired of breaking out in emotions all of the time and I wanted to know if there was some way to stop myself from doing it. Thank you.
  5. FriendlyShadow

    People laugh when I get angry

    Do you hate it when you are really upset or angered by something and others tend to smile or laugh at you being like that? I know whenever I get annoyed or ready to burst into anger, people always look in astonishment and smile at me and giggle/laugh purposely. I hate that so much! That causes...
  6. FriendlyShadow

    Does anyone else's parents do this?

    My Mom had me for a scare a couple of seconds ago. I heard her shouting Help me over and over and she was running downstairs frantically holding her chest. She just screamed help me over and over. I could hear her gasping for air and I think I heard maybe cry a little, like whimper. My dad...
  7. FriendlyShadow

    My dog just died today :(

    I've had her ever since 2005. I can't believe it happened today. She was getting so old for her age(16) and her kidney weren't working right. It feels like nothing is the same without my dog. I've been crying all day about it. I wish she would've lived longer:crying:
  8. FriendlyShadow

    Laugh in inappropriate situations

    I feel guilty for sharing this. I was at a hair salon a couple of months ago to get a trim hair cut. The lady wanted to shampoo me first and we made in conversations with each other. Now, I said something about how I celebrated Christmas and my sister was making this delicious food...
  9. FriendlyShadow

    Do you wear sunglasses at all?

    I'm specifically speaking towards people who shield their eyes from talking to other people with their sunglasses on. I was just wondering if anybody in this forum were uncomfortable with talking to people and making eye contact and if they feel more comfortable talking to people with...
  10. FriendlyShadow

    Intimidation from certain people

    Intimidation as in your fear of being around specific types of people (confident, tall, beautiful looking, shy, ect) I'm mostly intimidated by the loud, confident, attractive, impatient, outspoken, and rebellious types. I'm especially intimidated by beautiful looking women with high self esteem...
  11. FriendlyShadow

    Do some of you find yourselves acting the other gender?

    I know this is a stupid question, but I post because most of the time I don't act like my own gender(most find it weird but), I speak like I'm a guy and I kind of act as if I'm ome as wel. Does anyone find that weird? I know I'm not not girly and all wear dresses and gossip and such. I just...
  12. FriendlyShadow

    Impatient People

    Have you met other people or families have been impateient with you(like waiting for you to get ready, taking a long time to answer a question ect.) To me, it always makes me feel unintelligible and feel bad about myself. I feel I always have the worst in family, always having to feel like I'm...
  13. FriendlyShadow

    Sleeping problems

    Hi, so I've been having trouble at nights where it would take until hours or so to get me to fall asleep. I try closing my eyes, make my mind wander off and trying not to get so anxious with me trying to sleep. Most of the time, I can't sleep fine, but then others when i try to relax and I...
  14. FriendlyShadow

    Scared of growing up

    I feel like I'm going to lose my inner childhood spirit because I'm going to outgrow a lot of things that my family/or people consider babyish. Thing is though, I still want to feel like I am a child. Not immature, but I want to still play games like Pokemon, Hamtaro, Kirby, I still want to...
  15. FriendlyShadow

    Is it weird I converse with adults than kids?

    I'm 16 years old, but is it okay if I like sharing most of my time talking to adults or old people instead of actually being around with people my age. I just think most adults(some I have met), to me, have very intellectual and well thought out minds more than I do when having conversations...
  16. FriendlyShadow

    Sister just had her baby and now I'm worried :(

    My sister recently just had her baby a couple of weeks ago. First of all, I want to just say I'm absolutely happy for her and for the baby and I bet she would make a great mother, me otherwise defined as the baby's aunt, I'm worried about babysitting the baby as it gets older. Not so much now...
  17. FriendlyShadow

    Breaking out in breast area

    Hello, I have had a problem with i guess maybe their are acne spots on my breast areas, i know I sound embarassing for posting this thread. Is this a normal thing. Do most women experience this? Is there anyway i could get rid of these red blotches.
  18. FriendlyShadow

    Some youtube videos play while others don't

    Hello, I'm having a problem with using mozillafirefox's google with youtube videos. Some have been loading faster than others while others will either load at a slow pace and stop/freeze like maybe 5-10 seconds or when I go on to play a video it'll take a few minutes just for it to start to...
  19. FriendlyShadow

    Punishing myself for a lot of things

    I feel that I have done no good in this world. No matter what people tell me all I do is take it the other way around by simply dwell myself in punishment after punishment. I can't stop it. I've physcoligically harmed by most, yet they will never understand my problems or my life. There's...
  20. FriendlyShadow

    Not smiling=Depressed

    I remember one time I was at a restaurant with a blank expression on my face, and then this waitress came over, apparently my face hinted to her I was in sad mode. But I was minding my own buisness, then when she would always come to my table she would ask "Oh, hun cheer up. Don't be sad."...