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  1. FriendlyShadow

    How do you make up names?

    This is kind of followed by the baby making name idea, I'm wondering though how you come up with creative names? I only got those baby name ideas from others which I thought would've been good, but I want to make up my own names. Also would be good for characters I'm using for a fantasy...
  2. FriendlyShadow

    Laughing too much?

    I laugh everything, weird things usually people wouldn't understand to make out of. But somehow, my father and mother have a problem with this. My mom would always hear me laughing privately to myself and ask "Jame, what are you laughing about, what's so funny?" I usually just say i thought of...
  3. FriendlyShadow

    Opinions Unnacepted?

    Any time I am willing to speak out opinions, others refusingly accept them and try to tell me I'm wrong of what I say. If it's a tv shpw, movie, anything I get disrespected in a way that they judge me and making this unnecessary controversal war to prove that they are right as they think they...
  4. FriendlyShadow


    Do you ever feel like you want to be in relationships. I basically, don't see the point in them(for me otherwise) I think they are just another way so that younger people feel like if they own a spouse that are confirmed as the other "normal" people. I don't know if I want a relationship(of...
  5. FriendlyShadow

    If you had a kid what would you name him/her

    To be honest, I want my children(well if i wanted to have them) to have a "special" kind of name I want to present them with. I know most people will say "Do you want your kids made fun of?" I don't want to hear that on this thread. I don't care what anyone else thinks of the names but I...
  6. FriendlyShadow

    What characters do you feel you are?

    If I had to pick any two characters from a movie/show, I'd have to say I am peter parker and quasimodo wrapped in one. I think it makes sense for me seeing I have a resemblance to my perosonality matched with theirs.
  7. FriendlyShadow

    I'm starting to have guilty thoughts about someone

    My sister used to have a boyfriend(who she had now broken up with for the last maybe eight years now, 2005 it was.) I treated him horribly. I was probably eight or seven when she introduced me to him. Though, he didn't seem like the type of guy who was comfortable around people like me. I...
  8. FriendlyShadow

    Songs that make you cry

    This one does it for me: Enya-Water Shows the Hidden Heart (Gilbert Williams) - YouTube Enya has a beautiful voice.
  9. FriendlyShadow

    Made up food/drink name/ideas

    If you had to create a new invention of a drink or food what would it be?
  10. FriendlyShadow

    How do you feel about zoos?

    Do you believe animals should be held in capacity from their wild lives, or should stick to being in their natural social habitats. Do you think a zoo is a good or a bad place to keep animals. I just want to hear you opinions.
  11. FriendlyShadow

    Do you hate or love people?

    Do you hate or love people in general.
  12. FriendlyShadow

    Are cats really evil?

    Most of the time, in movies cats are always shown typically as villains. But why? Why is it always the dogs who are the heroes and the cats are mean(probably because of some negative tendencies they do in their behavior like aggresivness. At least that's probably what some people have said)...
  13. FriendlyShadow

    Do names matter what culture your're in?

    Like if an american has an irish sounding name or a mexican having a chinese sounding name. Does it really matter. I was thinking of naming my characters in a story called Mairead, but when i looked up the origin it said irish and my character is american. Will it make a difference? Or should...
  14. FriendlyShadow

    Is astrology effective in a person and is it 100% true?

    Does astrology really count for who you are and how you go on about your daily lives. What about compatibility. Some say Aquarius might match a Leo for example(since opposites attract I hear from others.) Now I'm an Aquarius, Most things about me are pretty accurate scarily(creative, shy...
  15. FriendlyShadow

    How come quietness is diregarded from being a personality aspect.

    How come being quiet defines your personality as you have none. Being quiet is a personality, at least part of your personality aspect as you behave that way. Do most extroverts realize that not all people are social butterflies and o not like to talk incessantly. I was watching this one...
  16. FriendlyShadow

    Can someone please tell me how is this is possible.

    I was watching a movie called perks of being a wallflower and i think it was about some guy who was a social outcast, unpopular, getting r*ped by his aunt, his friend dying, and his aunt dying as well. Of course, at school the the usual *******s there beat on him and I guess call him names I...
  17. FriendlyShadow

    What's Your favorite gum?

    Mine choice would have to be Winter fresh.
  18. FriendlyShadow

    what do you think of horror movies now?

    Has anyone noticed they tend to get a bit too much on the gore effects. I mean in older movies, they were more suspenseful and were more in fore subtle creepiness/scares than focusing on how much ounce of blood a person's skin sheds on the floor. Is this to get more viewers and own money. I...
  19. FriendlyShadow

    How come people use words as sexy hot to describe someone?

    Why not just use regular compliments instead of using less respectful and childish comments. How did these words exist? I mean why are people using like sentences like hot as hell, so fine, you're so fit, ect. Damn, even I wouldn't be pleased to be call such nonsense. Even strangers start...
  20. FriendlyShadow

    Can anyone help me with these two math problems

    there were five questions on my math homework and I was a little lucky to get 3/5. But my math teacher always gives us a second try to submit it. what i'm learning is Gcfs and prime factorizations. now I have two problems i got wrong which were 15x^2 - 18x and 8x^2 - 16x + 12 they are...