Search results

  1. FriendlyShadow

    A person who doesn't speak ever?

    I'm not talking about a person who seems to be quiet(for whatever reasons.) But what's a person who never talks at all. Like uses sign language, responds questions by nodding or shaking their heads and writes things out on a paper instead. will their voices grow weak after they finally want to...
  2. FriendlyShadow

    "Don't cry"

    How do people expect you to stop crying if you can't help it yourself. They say things like don't cry, but yet it wouldn't make a difference because it's already happening. Why would you try and make someone feel better by saying don't cry when that can't be possible and the victim knows it...
  3. FriendlyShadow

    Do all siblings fight?

    I am quite well aware most siblings pull pranks on each other, fight, and possibly abuse either gender. But I'm wondering if there's any siblings who have a calm relationship. Meaning helping one another, no name calling, no fighting, no pranks, or anything. Just a nice and peaceful bond or...
  4. FriendlyShadow

    Made up Sonnett/poem to share?

    Here's mine. I know it sounds terrible and cheesy but: The winds that blew around us like a spinning tornado. We will never know what direction it will take us in. My legs feeling weak as if they were made of jell-o. I could barely feel my own skin. Such a beautiful, but sad moment I...
  5. FriendlyShadow

    I feel that people need to see this video.

    Crystal Meth Before & After and its Devastating Effects - YouTube I had to do this because I feel very sorry for the sake of the lives people go through with these drugs. There are more videos about these crystal meth addictions, but this one seems to be the scariest due to how much of a...
  6. FriendlyShadow

    What makes a scene memorable in a movie/book?

    How do you write a scene that's memorable so that people won't stop thinking about it. It could be anything like a fight scene, important speech, romance, like anything but how do you make it so that people won't laugh at it.
  7. FriendlyShadow

    People who tend to mock others

    Not just mimic what you say and how you say it, but also your facial expressions. Even when you are being polite they tend to imitate you in some retarded way to make you feel bad about saying it. I don't get why would people mock others and tell jokes that they don't know will hurt you?
  8. FriendlyShadow

    Why do people usually act surprised when

    a quiet person talks. They say things like "Wow (insert name), I didn't know you could talk like that!" or "Yeah you tell em' (insert name)" I just don't understand it. When a quiet person is shy over a length of time and finally has something to say, the others come up with pretty much...
  9. FriendlyShadow

    Did I eat bad?

    I know this may seem like a random question, but I don't know if I ate good or ate too little on my diet. I normally eat healthy foods. Today I had organic honey nut o's, banana, and water. Lunch- I had a peanut butter sandwhich on whole grain health nut bread, an apple, green grapes, a...
  10. FriendlyShadow

    Is the statement opposites attract true?

    Is this statement true or not? For example, brunttes attracted to blondes, tiny girls attracted to tall guys, ect
  11. FriendlyShadow

    What Area of Adventure Would You Like To Lead in?

    If you were in your fantasy world, what place would you be in and what would you be wearing there? (Places such as forests, islands, woods, castles, ect.)
  12. FriendlyShadow

    Is it the slightest bit possible

    I have been meaning to ask this question for some time and I know a majority of you would think it's weird or it couldn't be possible. Can two people be in a relationship with no sex at all. I mean AT ALL? Is this a form of celibate relationship. Can very few couples make it through the rest...
  13. FriendlyShadow

    Chat Box Dissapeared?

    Why can I not see the chat box on this website. It happened since last night and I guess it automatically disappeared when i tried to reload it when I was talking with this person. How can I bring it back up again?
  14. FriendlyShadow

    Are Genetics always true?

    Say if two couple were over weight, like always ate unhealthy and didn't execise much, maybe having health conditions. If they had a baby, after it grows up, would the genes affect the kid. How about if the kid improves on healthier foods and exercise. I mean, I know you can't change genes...
  15. FriendlyShadow

    Do very few people stay single for eternity?

    I know the expression about girls being apples and boys picking the rotten apples until they climb a tree and pick the good ones. I think I want to be an apple that can be far out of reach so I won't have to deal with anybody. I don't think I do want a boyfriend(when I'm older). I think I'd...
  16. FriendlyShadow

    A repugnant feeling towards my mother

    I really don't understand why my mom acts the way she does with me. I'm starting to be trapped in a prison home where I'm her slave and she can treat me however she wants to. Sometimes I want to smack her in the face(note I never would do that and if I did I would never be able to forgive...
  17. FriendlyShadow

    This is starting to annoy me

    People make me wonder sometimes. They make me feel guilty because I have a quite aspect of me I cannot and probably will not be able to get rid of. People think they're is something wrong with my quiet aura and they somehow can't accept it. Question: Why? No, I want an answer why some of you...
  18. FriendlyShadow

    Keep having uncanny dreams...

    Some interesting aspects of my dreams include dragon attacking my school, being a superhero, and just fantasy like illogical sense of my dreams if that makes sense. I've noticed that some of my dreams I'm having are quite repetitive from time to time however. For instance, I have dreams about...
  19. FriendlyShadow

    Online Dating vs Old Fashioned Dating

    I want to know what you guys think? Do you prefer online dating or the "real world dating." Personally, I'm going to use the online dating website(not now) but when I'm eighteen or older. I don't want to get tied down again and rejected by other people from the outside world. Too much stress...
  20. FriendlyShadow

    Am I Bipolar or just depressed?

    One minute I'm happy and laughing by myself in my room, and then later on I'll start to cry and think of negative feelings/memories inside my head. It happens from time to time. I'm wondering if this is a bipolar condition and if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Probably because...