Is it weird I converse with adults than kids?


Well-known member
I'm 16 years old, but is it okay if I like sharing most of my time talking to adults or old people instead of actually being around with people my age. I just think most adults(some I have met), to me, have very intellectual and well thought out minds more than I do when having conversations with kids. Is it weird though? I mean for me to hang out with the older group. Or do I need people my age to hang out with?


Well-known member
I have the same problem, first off, I can't stand most people my/your age (we are same age group) but also adults never really take me seriously... cuz i'm just a kid(technically i'm an adult :/), so obviously I have nothing worth saying.

But if I could I'd much rather hang out with more mature adults, rather than these infuriatingly stupid kids who are otherwise known as adolescence.


Well-known member
I have the same problem, first off, I can't stand most people my/your age (we are same age group) but also adults never really take me seriously... cuz i'm just a kid(technically i'm an adult :/), so obviously I have nothing worth saying.

But if I could I'd much rather hang out with more mature adults, rather than these infuriatingly stupid kids who are otherwise known as adolescence.

Yeah, I understand what you mean. I think I should've though been more specific I liked mature adults also. I hate most kids nowadays because their either bossy, loud, obnoxious, egotistical, or immature brats. I'm not saying every kid is like that, I'm saying kids who I've met so far are. When I'm around adults who can actually be polite and ask me questions and listen/not judge me, I think they are better for me to get along with. I just wish if it was acceptable in society to hang out with adults than kids.


Well-known member
No it's not weird. I can converse well with very old folks (ages 50+), but not with younger adults. Adults from age 30-50 usually see me as weird and some can be very gossipy. I am afraid to approach adolescents and people my age because they could be very judgmental, hormonal, and aggressive, but I find little kids very approachable. So for me, I get along better with little kids and very old people, opposite ends of the age spectrum.


Well-known member
When I was younger I used to feel more comfortable around adults (for example, in school trips). I don't know how it is now that I can be considered an adult since I haven't been around adults (except family). I'll likely get that experience soon though.

In terms of conversation... I don't really talk much to anyone, I feel like I'm not cool enough for people my age, but a few of my friends can talk about really interesting stuff (though in those conversations I tend to just listen since I'm not comfortable around the subject). Adults seem to take me for one of today's braindead teenagers, but they can't really think outside their little box so I don't try to show them otherwise.


Well-known member
Yeah, I understand what you mean. I think I should've though been more specific I liked mature adults also. I hate most kids nowadays because their either bossy, loud, obnoxious, egotistical, or immature brats. I'm not saying every kid is like that, I'm saying kids who I've met so far are. When I'm around adults who can actually be polite and ask me questions and listen/not judge me, I think they are better for me to get along with. I just wish if it was acceptable in society to hang out with adults than kids.

Damn society!


Well-known member
I don't think it's weird, Having conversations with adults seems better than talking to people your own age (In my opinion).


Well-known member
I'm 16 years old, but is it okay if I like sharing most of my time talking to adults or old people instead of actually being around with people my age. I just think most adults(some I have met), to me, have very intellectual and well thought out minds more than I do when having conversations with kids. Is it weird though? I mean for me to hang out with the older group. Or do I need people my age to hang out with?

I've been that way too ever since I can remember. It's definitely ok. You're probably more mature and insightful than most teenagers are at 16. I do think it's necessary to strike a balance and try to acquire some friendships around your age range though. You may regret it in the future, feel like you missed out on doing certain things or sharing and creating those youthful teenage moments.


Well-known member
From what I've seen of your generation I like it a little better than my own (Gen Y), but I also prefer people at least a few years older than me, if not a decade or two. If it's not video games and anime it's sex, partying, and drinking, the values are bizarre, and it's hard to find people who both share some common ground or interests and are serious enough to have a real conversation about it.


I would guess you just like the fact that they have probably more patience for you than people your own age have for each other... sometimes because they have that 'parent' instinct with you and sometimes because they want to reconnect with their own youth.

But I highly doubt that you would enjoy being in an adult situation where they talk about their daily lives and responsibilities.. there's nothing 'intellectual' about that.


Well-known member
I talk with major persons too, basically they dont make the crazy, but when they ask about when I get married or have children, it makes me so anxiety :(
Personally i don't think you're weird at all. I do the best conversing with old people or little children, the old people are generally friendly and the kids keep it simple and don't judge me because I'm rough looking, they just like me because I take the time to play with them and make them feel special by showing interest in whatever they like.


Active member
No, I don't think so. When I was in high school, I disliked people my own age - I thought they were too immature, loud, brash and abrasive, and I didn't trust them as far as I could throw them. I felt more comfortable around adults, and quite frankly, I have very few if any positive memories of high school, and if I do, they're certainly not easy to remember. It's a period of my life that I am happy to leave behind and never experience again.
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