Search results

  1. FriendlyShadow

    Scared of being interested in

    Do you get scared or nervous when others find you interesting (male/female.) I always feel... anxious whenever I meet a stranger or someone I knew from school or being introduced to somebody, that they find me interesting because I'm so different, yet most tried to change me and have not yet...
  2. FriendlyShadow

    Does your family understand you?

    As much as I would've liked, I really do wish my family were different from how they are. I seem to be the only miscast child who doesn't belong in my family, rather I wish surround myself with a family who is more respectful and more nice to my needs. I've been living with being manipulated...
  3. FriendlyShadow

    Are there any made up diseases?

    Like entirely made up diseases people would think of? If you could make up any disease how would you describe it and what would it be called. Just curious...
  4. FriendlyShadow

    Would this scene be too cheesy/cliche

    This isn't from a story, but a kind of love like scene I made up myself. I would call it more emotional type of love scene. I know it sounds like a typical cheesy romantic scene. This is kind of an excerpt of the scene(it's also scripted as well): Drake: Listen, I'm... scared...
  5. FriendlyShadow

    Is this bad for me to do this?

    Everyday when I'm alone in my room I always tend to listen to music while walking/jumping/running around in my room for a while, usually thinking about things like movies or other thoughts, and this goes on for maybe an hour or more than that. After that I stop for a while, at night I will...
  6. FriendlyShadow

    I have a feeling "true friends" are non existant

    As I assume, many believe friends have plentiful benefits in regards of helping you and encouraging you. But inside some of those "friends" they easily mask their deceitfulness, honesty, and kindness. I have been burdened with the same type of damn friends no matter how I try and be a part of...
  7. FriendlyShadow

    Refreshing Chat Box?

    Hey, maybe some of you will get annoyed I'm making another thread about the mini chat box, to be more specific since I wasn't in my last thread where I couldn't get it to come back. Well, I try reloading/refreshing it, last time it happened and I refreshed the page and worked, but now nothing...
  8. FriendlyShadow

    What kind of people are you attracted to?

    How they look like, what clothes their wearing, personality wise, ect. I have to admit, besides having crushes on chubby/skinny kind of guys, I also always had a thing for a guy dresses in a very casual relaxed way, wearing clothes like gray clothes or very neutral colored clothing, very...
  9. FriendlyShadow

    Unforgettable Quotes from Movies

    I got a few good ones: Spider Man (2002): The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually, they will hate you. Eternal Sunshine(2004): Random thoughts for Valentine's Day, 2004. Today is a holiday...
  10. FriendlyShadow

    Would these scenes be too cliche romantic

    Like I'm not going to go into detail of my scenes descriptions. But I'm tired of the overused fire works, kissing in the rain, smoothie with two straws, that kind of stuff. I'm trying to think of new ideas such as(random creative kind of scens):A guy hanging upside down a tree and a girl leans...
  11. FriendlyShadow

    Voice is too low

    I have such a monotone voice that whenever I try to speak for an extended amount of time, I run out of breath/or I have to keep breathing to be able to get my words across. Do most people with monotone voices have this problem. Is it normal. I've noticed when I'm speaking like in English class...
  12. FriendlyShadow

    Guys who cry?

    How come guys crying is highly unacceptable for society to handle. Yeah, I know that it's rarely seen of guys crying (In fact, I have yet to see a guy crying in front of me) What I also get confused is that guys are allowed to cry when a death occurs in the family , emotional movie, but when he...
  13. FriendlyShadow

    I am a creep and others can sense it

    I am a creep for particular reasons. I give others that awkward vibe when I speak to them, but whatever comes out of my mouth gives the response of an awkward smiled facial expression. My body language doesn't help me either and sends another awkward rush down other people's spines. I feel...
  14. FriendlyShadow

    Lucid Dreaming?

    Does anyone know how exactly you can lucid dream and control your dreams? I've read sites about lucid dreaming, but is it something where you make up in a dream journal before dreaming or is it recalling events after you dream and write it on the dream journal? I would like to experience this...
  15. FriendlyShadow

    I speak differently than most people

    I'm not sure if anyone else finds this odd, but I have a very distinctive choice of vocabulary and sentences I form directed to others. Online mostly. Example of fantasy movies. How people talk in war kind of fantasy movies using speaking different language of what people "normally" speak of...
  16. FriendlyShadow

    My therapist gives me phony advice

    I'm not the least shocked that my speech therapist sends me amateurish advice on how to meet people. I keep explaining to her that kids have been mean to me(in gym where all the people were shouting at me to do something so that I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing.) She said "Well that's...
  17. FriendlyShadow

    Is it ok if I don't enjoy reading?

    Everytime I read a book, during the first few pages my brain zones out and thinks of other things off topic from the book. To be honest, I don't enjoy reading, maybe if I read a thesarus or an encyclopedia it's okay I like to learn new words, but books don't interest me as much. Is it a bad...
  18. FriendlyShadow

    What's your favorite candy?

    I love to eat all sorts of candy(in moderation) my favorites in mind are hot cheetos, oreos, air heads(sour ones as well), kit kats, nerds, twizzlers, quakers, gummy bears, sugar sanded valentine hearts, dark chocolate, reeces, pretzels, sour gummy worms, cabbage patch kids, doritos, Mnms, and...
  19. FriendlyShadow

    Do you like to hear your heart beat?

    Personally, I hate the feeling my heart beating out of my chest and the sound it makes. I have no idea why, every time like when i work out or get excited and anxious easily my heart pounds and pounds and i have to pound and hold my chest to make it stop. I hate that feeling, the noise it...
  20. FriendlyShadow

    I want a sensitive guy in a relationship future(possibly)

    I have more of a caring figure to want to be able to help[CODE] my boyfriend. Personally, I'd want my boyfriend to be sensitive, emotional, and caring of my feelings and emotions. Is it bad I feel this way. Many people I've come across who are the opposite aren't matching very well(My family...