Sister just had her baby and now I'm worried :(


Well-known member
My sister recently just had her baby a couple of weeks ago. First of all, I want to just say I'm absolutely happy for her and for the baby and I bet she would make a great mother, me otherwise defined as the baby's aunt, I'm worried about babysitting the baby as it gets older. Not so much now, since of course it's still a baby because it doesn't know how to talk to me yet. I'm actually worried when it grows up to be a kid and even in adult years, it will grow to be bored of me and probably be awkward of my shyness. I know the kid will be asking Why are you always quiet, Just because my sister always asks me, I'm sure she and her husband will raise the child like any other child. I really act unnatural around children because like I said, I don't know what to say around them or can't say thing in a goofy child like tone to them. It just feels weird to me. I'd make a terrible aunt, and that kid won't be excited to visit me if I grow up alone in my house and he starts asking me why don't I have any friends or why I live alone. I'm really scared about this whole process, I'm really scared...
It's ok to be scared! You might be coming down too hard on yourself though, I mean kids ask questions, but they're so open minded and accepting I doubt you being quiet and not having many friends will even enter the child's mind.

You have loads of time to get to know each other, and babies love anyone that smiles at them, lets be honest! Allow yourself time to bond with your sisters baby before you start judging yourself for not doing it well enough!
And congratulations on becoming an Aunty!


Well-known member
No pressure. I am sure your authenticity will show some way and the kid will treasure it. I have had many aunts who complimented me as a five year old where the uncles were more reserved. As I grew up, I started talking more to my uncles as they were more level-headed.


You definitely should not worry. I have sa and 4 nieces and 1 nephew who all adore me. The thing is kids are so easy to please and they are a product of their environment. If you spend enough time with the kid you'll end up loving them so much and being extremely comfortable around them much like the way we are comfortable around our parents and family. Plus you'll be a huge influence on them. The kid will most likely just become so used to you the way you are that they don't notice anything abnormal about you.


Well-known member
The kid will love you for who you are. I'm very close to my nephews. But, they did ask their mother why I leave the house when people come over. My sister told them that I was a hermit. That didn't make me feel good.......but, they still love me and your nephews/nieces will love you too.


Well-known member
my roommate just had a baby, and his girlfriend's sisters and mother and their kids are all over at the house all the time now all a sudden xD. one of them has a five year old boy who just walks in my room asking millions of questions and I just pull up random stuff on my comp (on my 42" screen xD) like pictures of spiderman and stuff and he's like wowcoolawesome...

then I give him paper and colored pencils and tell him to draw stuff and he shows me what he's drawing and then I add stuff to the drawing etc. all the while i'm like shaving and getting my work gear together and eating breakfast.

his mom's Honduran and doesn't speak English for crap, so I think of these little windows of interaction as an opportunity to culturize him a little. and his dad is like virtually non-existent so I think that makes him seek me out a little more when he's over.

but yeah, when your nephew reaches thinking/functioning age, he'll naturally come to you for entertainment and knowledge since you're a family member. it'll be fun, just do tons of arts and crafts with him and inject as much fuel into his imagination as you can. it's fun and rewarding... you can be his mentor ;)
I had much of the same worries when my sister gave birth to her first daughter. I don't really like kids at all, but somehow it's different when you get to see the kid grow up and develop little.

If you spend enough time with the kid, he/she will have almost no reason to question your quirks or eccentricities. The wonderful thing about kids is that they adjust to their environment rapidly, and if you're part of that environment, you will simply blend in as just another grown up.


Well-known member
you have the internet to provide you talking points to children and to keep you updated on pop culture if you have very little to talk about
just remember you don't owe anybody on this planet anything other then your true and honest self. If they aren't happy with that then bad luck.


Well-known member
My sister recently just had her baby a couple of weeks ago. First of all, I want to just say I'm absolutely happy for her and for the baby and I bet she would make a great mother, me otherwise defined as the baby's aunt, I'm worried about babysitting the baby as it gets older. Not so much now, since of course it's still a baby because it doesn't know how to talk to me yet. I'm actually worried when it grows up to be a kid and even in adult years, it will grow to be bored of me and probably be awkward of my shyness. I know the kid will be asking Why are you always quiet, Just because my sister always asks me, I'm sure she and her husband will raise the child like any other child. I really act unnatural around children because like I said, I don't know what to say around them or can't say thing in a goofy child like tone to them. It just feels weird to me. I'd make a terrible aunt, and that kid won't be excited to visit me if I grow up alone in my house and he starts asking me why don't I have any friends or why I live alone. I'm really scared about this whole process, I'm really scared...

This is what's great about kids,they will accept you for who you are:) You'll be a great aunt!! You don't have to use goofy kid voices or be someone you're not.I was never able to do that with my son and he survived just fine;)

I bet your little nephew will be very curious about you and interested in your lifestyle.You're there to help him understand there are all types of people who make up this world. He won't shun you unless you shun him. Embrace your inner auntliness!! You'll do fabulous!