Okay, how's this for individual then? (I admit I ran out of ideas the other day, and actually thought that wish was kinda neat and universally applicable more than some 'individual' wishes!

Or do you want to switch with Coyote??

Wishing you lots of HEALTH and happy walking about, wishing you to axe away the bad things (chop into firewood) like heroes from old stories, and bring wonderful times in your life.. May there be many smiles upon your face, life always full of Amazing Grace.. Wishing you to breathe freely and stand proudly underneath the stars... knowing you have friends all over the Universe... (or at least on most major continents..

) and may there always be sunshine in your heart.. even if it's raining outside.. Lots of Yoda zen moments!! Happiness and FUN times...
Hmm, I still think the previous wish was better?

choose which one/s you wish... and maybe 'compost' the other ones... and maybe something new and wonderful will grow in the Spring..?