I like how everything you type is concise and efficient.
The advice is good advice... if I interpreted it right... but I'm still not sure if it applies to me or not. From experience I could almost say I don't mind when ppl mention disheartening things to me, but then I'm not sure if it makes me uncomfortable or more comfortable. In the least I try to say something helpful rather than 'that's rough'. .. Sometimes it doesn't work.
Hah I liked your first interests

But your real interests are just as good.. how did you get into axes, swords and daggers? Do you do Kendo?
Being physically active is supposed to be mentally healthy too so kudos!

Now movies is something I can relate with!

Any recommendations or favourites? I'd love to hear them.
And I'm terrified of getting into an accident when I drive so I don't like speeding lol...
I don't know if I should've PM'd you or not. I decided this was ohk.