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  • But, milady Twiggle, I only live in the South (of the US)! I don't think that you'll find it very interesting. But, if you want to come down here, then, by all means:). I don't know the area much, so I won't be able to take you anywhere special (and I can't take you to clubs either because I'm not of age::p:), but we can always watch a movie:).
    Well, we could go to Paris and wine and dine each other then go see the Eiffel Tower and Louvre;). Then, we can go to Italy and go see the Adriatic Sea and Leaning Tower of Pisa:) Anywhere you would like to go?
    Well, we can have Dutch cuisine if you want (even though I've never tasted it::p:), but that's not what "going Dutch" means. To "go Dutch" is to split the bill up between the members of the party (in our case, just the two of us;)) and have each member pay a specified amount (usually half-and-half).
    yeah, :D I missed that show and only in the recent years they released it on dvd. I was a fan of the Daria show as well:)

    You have good taste if I do say so myself :)
    I never thanked you for your kind words on my journal. Thank you...not only for responding....but for listening.
    Oh yeah, I don't really do anything about it, I forgot too, sorry XD
    Happy Easter!! :D
    Oh it's whiskey, sorry to burst your bubble. :D But to be fair, you need something as strong as that when pondering life's really big questions - like what Zippy actually is (hamburger, alien etc).
    I'm doing well and hope you are too, I've always loved your posts. So my avatar makes you thirsty? Well, that makes two of us. It is my poison of choice after all. I promise to share with you, provided you tell me all your secrets when drunk. :D
    yeah I like Spring it can feel like new beginnings and such-lighter is a good word :) You take care now Twiggles! *Hugs*
    Hi Twiggle! :) Some ups and downs, like always... Life goes on tho!! :)
    Hope all is well where you live too? :)
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