Recent content by Tomasso

  1. T

    I never thought this day would come?

    My girlfriend dumped me today after 4 years of friendship and 2.5 years together. For the first time in my 22 years, I can say that I am completely isolated from the world and fellow humans. For years I always felt like an outsider looking in, but I was thankful there was at least one person...
  2. T

    How Often Do You Cry About Your SA?

    For me it comes in waves. Weeks at a time will go by where I won't give it a second thought. Then suddenly I'll be hit with depression for a week or two and cry every night before bed. It's almost like I enjoy being depressed and crying. It's kind of messed up. How often do you cry?
  3. T

    What Made You Realize That You Had Hit Rock Bottom Socially?

    I think about this a lot. I only have one friend, who is also my girlfriend. She lives 500 miles away and I see her once a month. She is my entire support system. If we break up - I will consider myself to have hit rock bottom socially. The first time in my entire life where I can say that I...
  4. T

    Why Does Our Society Demonize Adults Living With Their Parents?

    I'm working hard in school to increase my chances of getting a job like everybody else. It's expected that when I get the said job at the end of college, I will move out, get my own place and live my life. But I love my family. I have 3 siblings all younger and my 2 parents. We are all close in...
  5. T

    Looking at Old Photo Albums?

    What emotions do you feel when you look at them? For me it just makes me feel depressed and I rarely do it, but I couldn't resist tonight. Nothing deflates my mood more than seeing my smiling childhood photos with friends. Looking at those photos you'd never have guessed what a failure that kid...
  6. T

    I'm Addicted to Trolling?

    This is the only forum I'm the real me on. So don't worry, you're not being trolled. I only realized it today, but I spent around 5 hours trolling on two different forums just today, and this has been a staple in my lifestyle for the past 2 years. It came to my attention when I noticed that my...
  7. T

    I don't want to spend most of my life working?

    Work for 5 days, only get 2 off. Only 4 weeks of vacation a year. I should have become a teacher instead of doing finance. What is the point. I want to move to Italy or Spain and just be a bum, lie on the beach, collect a welfare check and be lazy. I have worked hard to get myself a job...
  8. T

    Do you have a Fantasy World that you wish you lived in?

    I wish I lived in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Universe. lol. Or even the Lord of the Rings universe... that would be cool. Anything is better than real life. Right now I'm listening to elf music.
  9. T

    Do you have problems with the opposite gender?

    I do. I feel like this is the root of my insecurity in life. I don't feel like a man because I don't talk to any girls. Sometimes I feel like if I was good looking all these problems would go away. What about you?
  10. T

    I am terrified of caterpillars, what is your biggest fear?

    The only thing that scares me more than being forced to socialize is caterpillars. I live in New Orleans and stinging caterpillar season starts today. That means millions of caterpillars are crawling down the trees and falling from the branches onto people and stinging them. This season lasts...
  11. T

    Do you ever wish you could die?

    I would never do it by my own hand because it would cause too much pain to my family. But if I could give myself a terminal disease I probably would. The truth is that my life gets worse by the day. I used to think that I could change it if I worked hard in school, got a job, made good...
  12. T

    Does your family know you have SA?

    My family hasn't got a clue. They actually think I'm popular. (LOL) I have a girlfriend now who I met by complete luck. If I don't marry her, I doubt I'll find anyone else, considering I haven't talked to a woman outside of class for 3 years. But anyway. It kind of makes me wonder if my...
  13. T

    SA folks with Girlfriends/Boyfriends/Wives/Husbands?

    How does it make you feel knowing that your partner is with you even though you have social anxiety? You don't have to read what I wrote below if you don't want, just my story relating to the question. Maybe my isolation has caused me to start seeing all people as stereotypes, but I have felt...
  14. T

    Do you ever feel like your daily routine is meaningless?

    Apart from school and studying, the majority of my day is spent on internet forums. Pretty much all my leisure time is. On these forums I get into arguments pretty often and I try and prove the other person wrong. Then yesterday I realized just how pointless it was. Who cares how many thumbs up...
  15. T

    I just like being Alone?

    Nobody shares my interests, and as a result I tend to be alone. My biggest interest is European club soccer but I live in the USA, so If I want to interact with others, I have to go on soccer forums on the internet as I don't know anybody in my area who likes the same thing. Everybody just...