SA folks with Girlfriends/Boyfriends/Wives/Husbands?


Well-known member
How does it make you feel knowing that your partner is with you even though you have social anxiety?

You don't have to read what I wrote below if you don't want, just my story relating to the question.

Maybe my isolation has caused me to start seeing all people as stereotypes, but I have felt like most people try to "date up". As in date somebody more popular, more attractive, richer, any combination of superficial traits.

I don't know why my girlfriend even dates me. She was in a popular sorority and dated guys who were much more attractive and popular than I was. I joined a fraternity at the start of college to fight my SA and that's how we met. (I later ended up dropping out of the fraternity because of my SA.)

After 1.5 years of fraternity life I quit, and she was the only lasting friend I made. I was at my lowest social point after I quit my fraternity, I had no friends and I never left my apartment except for class, but she would come over everyday between her classes (which was around a 3 hour break) and we bonded and started dating.

We dated for 8 months then I transfered to a school 500 miles away. We didn't break up. We have been long distance for a year; longer than our actual relationship.


But yeah, it makes me feel so good that this attractive girl who I get along with so well is still with me despite the fact that I am pretty much a hermit and I live so far away. I feel like I've found something rare and got incredibly lucky.