How Often Do You Cry About Your SA?


Well-known member
For me it comes in waves.

Weeks at a time will go by where I won't give it a second thought. Then suddenly I'll be hit with depression for a week or two and cry every night before bed.

It's almost like I enjoy being depressed and crying. It's kind of messed up.

How often do you cry?


Well-known member
Specifically for my SA whenever a situation goes wrong I do cry because I don't know what to do. I also cry when my anxiety is so high that I have no other emotions and I sometimes get the feeling that it could push it away by becoming sad.
But crying in general about whatever; everyday.


Well-known member
Specifically for my SA whenever a situation goes wrong I do cry because I don't know what to do. I also cry when my anxiety is so high that I have no other emotions and I sometimes get the feeling that it could push it away by becoming sad.
But crying in general about whatever; everyday.
This is exactly what I do. I don't have an easy time crying though and I've to conciously try to make myself cry otherwise I end up being seriously depressed.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I very seldom do, I guess I feel there is no use in doing so, it won't relieve you (or doesn't for me) I close my eyes, cover my face and pretend I am elsewhere. I remember when I felt like it in the late 90's in school, I used to hide in my long sleeve shirt or jacket and close my eyes and think about being home or anywhere not there. I haven't done that since I discovered sunglasses and headphones.. I mean I had a casette player (Still have it and works) but it would have been confiscated in class as would the sunglasses. I did cry in the late 90's and 2000, but I either excused myself for the bathroom or went under the table in class, which got me in trouble quite often.. Amazingly, nobody picked up on that as an idicator there might be something wrong.


Well-known member
well I've been crying for the past 2 hours about it...and when I get really anxious I cry and pace about it, the worst is when I have therapy appointments for my anxiety and I start to cry and shake.... I just wish it would go away, I miss NOT having anxiety and being outgoing...I use to be really outgoing...and I just got anxiety about public and cried all the yeah I'd say I cry a lot about it :/


Well-known member
About my SA, i usually cry when I get a panic attack, which luckily is pretty rare.

I do cry a lot about loneliness, though. Usually comes at night, when I cry until I fall asleep. I haven't done that in quite a while, yesterday it came again, and I was crying just before logging in here...


Well-known member
About my SA, i usually cry when I get a panic attack, which luckily is pretty rare.

I do cry a lot about loneliness, though. Usually comes at night, when I cry until I fall asleep. I haven't done that in quite a while, yesterday it came again, and I was crying just before logging in here...

yeah that's what I've been doing all's not almost 5 in the morning and I can't sleep because of it, crying off and on but people are here to lend support! so that's one positive that comes from all this :)


Well-known member
I do cry a lot about loneliness, though. Usually comes at night, when I cry until I fall asleep. I haven't done that in quite a while, yesterday it came again, and I was crying just before logging in here...

I'm sorry you feel that way MrJones ::(: Sadly I can totally relate, I tend to cry a lot when I'm in bed, about different reasons aswell but loneliness is the most important one I guess.


Well-known member
Not very often,most of the time I try to avoid thinking about my SA or just hold the sadness in me but from time to time I do cry and when that happen it means I'm pretty ****ed up emotionally speaking.


I shed a tear every now and then, but crying seems to be the relieving part of it. It really sucks when you have all them thoughts just destroying you, to an extent that you feel unreal and going into numbness. And you don't know how to vent, because you never learned to, and there's nobody to talk to. Damn it. :)