Recent content by Quiet Angel

  1. Quiet Angel

    Ever try EMDR?

    Well, I'm failing my college classes due to poor academic performance. *Attention Deficit Disorder totally sucks!* I lived in a college dorm and have made no friends whatsoever throughout all the years I've attended college. Moved out a few days ago because I couldn't bear the loneliness. Cried...
  2. Quiet Angel comfort?

    There have been threads about drinking and social phobia before, I know, but I'm posting this because I'm feeling desperate for advice. Lately, I've been drinking a lot more because I desire to feel more comfortable in social settings. It's very effective, because I'm more extroverted, joke...
  3. Quiet Angel

    Post what you cannot say

    What a fun idea! I could go on & on but I won't. *haha* Let's see here: "I'm sorry, but I'm not attracted to you and we cannot work out romantically. Please change your facebook relationship status to 'single' because we just met each other and we never did anything romantic together. That's...
  4. Quiet Angel

    Too lonely?

    What cures your loneliness, you guys? I'm experiencing it to the extreme. ::(: I need ideas, please! it can be anything, like friends or music...
  5. Quiet Angel

    Growling stomach..ARGH!

    Have you guys ever had a growling stomach in a meeting, during class, or anywhere with several people around? And it's just loud and obvious? ::(: It rarely happens to me but each time I attend class, my stomach feels like it's going to growl at any moment. One time, my stomach growled loudly...
  6. Quiet Angel

    24/7 Social Phobia

    "There's no place like home". Isn't home a place of total and complete comfort? A place to unwind from stress? I desperately long for a place like that. ::(: I've moved out for the first time, a few months ago, to attend a University. I'm living with three female room-mates. They're wonderful...
  7. Quiet Angel

    Group interaction?

    Hi. I could use advice. Um... I feel like I've mastered one-on-one interaction. However, I struggle so much with groups. I don't know why but my anxiety is much stronger with groups, even if it's just 2 people. I'm quiet the entire time. Do you guys have any tips? :)
  8. Quiet Angel

    College girl who doesn't party

    I've been feeling insecure about something lately, but maybe it's nothing to worry about? ::o: I've never attended a party, except only once or twice, but it's a huge part of the college culture. I never drink or do drugs. I live a healthy lifestyle by interacting with my small circle of...
  9. Quiet Angel

    Make your SA less obvious?

    My question is: What do you do to make your SA look less obvious to other people? *I'm curious* Often times, I'm faced with uncomfortable situations & I don't want people to have false impressions of me. This is what I usually do: -Smile excessively -Nod as much as I can -Giggle a lot...
  10. Quiet Angel

    I can't think of a title

    It's 2Am and I don't have a creative, attention attracting title in mind. *yawns* Anyway...just out of curiousity, have you guys developed any friendships/close friendships from this site? Any people you interact with here regularly? Met anyone in person before? I'd consider myself to be a...
  11. Quiet Angel

    If this were a planet...

    If SocialPhobiaWorld were a real planet, and the citizens all had social phobia... would would this planet be like? Of course we might be frightened of each other & it may not be the most sociable planet in the galaxy, but what would the traditions/holidays be? Agriculture? Architecture...
  12. Quiet Angel

    Ever dislike a quote?

    "Live every day as though it were your last." Does anyone else hate this quote? Anyone without a social phobia would either appreciate it or be indifferent to it. :mad: Rawr. It makes sense & I try to follow that quote by engaging myself with relaxing activities, but socially, it's futile...
  13. Quiet Angel


    Is it tough to connect with any of your co-workers? When I began working at my job, I was immediately welcomed & faced with social opportunities. Generally, when I'm faced with people, I place in my best effort to smile and be friendly! I also try to laugh a bit to show that I'm not so aloof...
  14. Quiet Angel

    Anyone have ADD/ADHD?

    Yes. I've always had it. My entire life. However, I managed to overcome the majority of the challenges that I've endured. It's mostly manageable now. School was a tremendous struggle, work performance was a struggle too because I'd space out & co-workers would get mad. Infact, when I'd spend...
  15. Quiet Angel

    Extreme Fear to Work?

    I currently have a job, at a Pizza place, and every single day I experience intense fear about making mistakes and having my co-workers & boss angry with me. I often feel timid around the customers but make an effort to smile & be as sociable as I can. I believe this is partially due to my...